A strike CAO taking a new job tramn HIPORAVE on page 3 lo o m s fo r work on Destiny Miton, a comprehensive strate- gic plan to deal with Miltons expected population th e R e g io n N ayor Gord Kranti said the CAO lias beii an effective liaison between the Town's various tramn WIRE on page 1 deparfments and has been invaluable during deal- said M Deanings with the province. saidMr. ean."David has done an excellent job and been very "The MOE says we're certified and professional aIl the way," Mayor Krantz remarked. we've always been recognized," said Mr. "i oswl emse. Dean. -Now that theres wage increases Town counicil was scheduled to discuss plans for they won't recognize us!"rpaigM.Hprv ona ih.DvdHprv If these issues aren't resolved a legal rpaigM.Hprv odyngtDvdHprv strike deadline has been set f'or April 9. "We're hoping we dont go ouf but it has gotten to the point where police, man- agement and other areas have gotten rais- es," said Mr. Dean. "We're at the point where enough is enough." gu me P r Regional management's position is that the issue boils down to money and Halton just doesn't have it. iu t $ 9 a p "We understand the workers probably feel they need to have more money but as you know we've been heavily burdened from downloading," said Brent Marshall of Halton's Planning and Public Works Deparfment. "We're looking at the bigger picture and the impact on the taxpayer." Mr. Marshall refused f0 comment in detail about t he issues involved, saying he didn't want f0 negotiate through the media. In the case of a strike Mr. Marshall assured that ail public health and safety matters would be addressed. 'The impact would be a delayed level of service on our customers for smaller things, like a watermain break," said Mr. Marshall. "Anything from a health and safety standpoint would be taken care of on a pri- ority basîs." Mr. Dean has wamed that in a worst- case scenario improperly supervised wasfewater plants could result in an over- tlow of residential sewage systema. Awards night tramn GLEESON on page 3 seen through their work with the Ito u igteAiN wJ Nassagaweya Art Show and Sale and Arts I ,rd sn h I-* Milton - was deemed unparalleled. B igaTractor PN aturs At Low The biggest single group response of the night came from the Canadian Imperial There's a new John Deere power. Choose an'ec Bank of Commerce, whose employees compact tractor out ttiere and t 8x4 9Mw tam usk took Business of the Year honours. "We've got plenty of peanuf s and jeîîy brings you blg-traotor porfor the clutchless, h"ghpe beans for sale," joked acting manager Sue mance at surprisingly low of an irifinite-speea Harrison of her bank's never-ending monthly payments of just $199. statie. Bath trans fundraising efforts. Like its famaus "big brothers, brlflg you MW and ne Junior Achievement of Milton has been the new 4100 has oâ<cOold And the hydrostatic's investing in the communitys youth for bae.Adfeeta okta ul many years. Their intereat paid dividends as the winner of the Civic Organizafion of gets both rear wheels puiling in Thanks to Johnt the Year. slick conditions. And shlft-O hydrauficu, the 4100 Accepting the award was Junior the-go front-wheel drv. Yaulil effortless power se Acheveentpreidnt ikeSheher -neyer have to stop ta get the responsive 3-point hi who was also in fine f0 accept f'or fellowtrcinouee.fat yle tes nominee Halton Credif Union.fatcle ims "'m going to have a lot of explaining f0 The 4100 features a clean- attachments include do henI o itowor Moda," r.burning, fast-starting diesel mid-and rear-mount Shepherd quipped. Bergsma's Paint and Wallpaper was ean, kicking out 20 horse- decks, front blade acclaimed for th~e Civic Improvemient of' the Year in recognition of the work done on their new Main Street location. This year's Lifetime Achievement MILTON Award recipient was Mike Ledwilh, who atnGo dsCrEqim t recalled with great fondness the day inHatnGo dsCr Eqim t 1946 he decided to buy a little grocery 1589 Steeles Ave. E. store in downtown Milton. (0)8882 "The newspaper has a clever liffle (0)8882 phrase, 'Milton is a Champion Town', f couldn't agree more," he said. Former Citizen of the Year Mark Curtis once again acted as Master of Ceremonies for the Community Awards Gala. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April 7,1998 -23 Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan ~ t 1 -(905)- 631 -9072 ~ 1-(800) -481-4899 T