Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Apr 1998, p. 3

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-~ A ChEamber is going downtown, MCRC running tourist centre By KAREN SMITH rhe Champion Atongtime local information deliv- ery agency will take over the helm of the town's tourist centre after the Milton Chamber of Commerce moves to its new home next week. The Chamber will re-locate 10 the old îown hall building at Carniage Square Wednesday, effectively ending its operation of the Main Street and Steeles Avenue tourist centre, said the business organizations general manager Sandy Martin. "It bas a central location and its in a historie Milton building," she said. "We hope that that will bc our home for a lot of years to come." The newly-formed Milton Community Resource Centre (MCRC) - an amalgamation of Milton Community and Information Services (MCIS) and the Milton Children and Youth Centre (MCYC) - will move mbt the oid Chamber offices at Chris Hadlield Park and mun the centre. MCRC already operates Information Milton s0 tak- ing on the project was "a naturai extension of that," said Brad Clements, a member of the board of direc- tors and spokesperson for the group. Tourist iformation important MCRC members believe the tourist centre is an important service when it comes to providing informa- tion to the public, Mr. Clements said, and decided to get involved. "For travellers on Hwy. 401 especially, it's the last information spot before getting to the city (Toronto)," he said. Jennifer Reynolds, head of Miiton'8 leisure services depariment, said MCRC will pay rent to occupy the office space and the Town will help fund the operation of the tourist centre - the samne deal previously made wiîh the Chamlîer. (haixiher nseinbers decided to eisd iheir ,"rceienl with the Town last December aller tunding dimin- ished. The Town paid the Chamber $14,981 I b mn the centre in 1997, but a 1994 evaluation by the group conciuded operational costs annually totalled as much as $40000. Ms Martin bas said municipal funding gradually reduced since 1992 and the Town indicated ils 1998 contribution wasn'l likely 10 risc. But the Town believed the service could be provid- cd with the funding at hand and found a new group to take the lead. More than $ 14,000, which is subjecl to approval, bas been budgeted for the centre this year, Ms Reynolds said. Pooling resources MCRC will pooî ils resources, such as computer equipmcnt and information -delivery expertise, in run- ning the touriot centre, Intormation Milton and the Halton Child Care Registry from the same location, Mr. Clemenîs said. The scenario will likely include the addition of a part-lime staff member, summer students and volun- teers. The group is planning on moving mil s new home sometime within the next few weeks, s0 there may be a short lapse in operation of the tourisl centre. AIl in aIl il will only be a partial move for MCRC from its current Childs Drivc location in the Aliendale complex. The former MCIS-run CHERISH Parent-Child Centre will remain at the Childs Drive location and the Milton Children and Youth Centre on Nipissing Road wili stay put for the lime being, said Donna Danielli, chair of MCRC's transition board of direc- lors. see NEW on page 7 Photo by GRAH-AM PAINE The Milton Chamber of Commerce is on the move. 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