The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 27, 1998 -27 Grant will boost women 's centre, says spokesperson By HOWARD MOZEL Special to The Champion The $45,000)in provincialI Iundiîmg received Support Centre o>f Halton is a welcome shot in the arm. The centre, iocated in Oakvilie's Hopedale Mail, offers a wide range of services including information referrai, support groups, workshops, access to computer and fax, a weekiy network meeting for unemployed women, legai aid cer- tificates and a resource library. It caters to women ail across Haiton. 'The money will go to heip make ail this hap- pen," said Centre executive director Mary Koster. "It's wonderfui. We're deiighted." 'he tunding was part of $850,000 announced Crime Stoppers 0 F H A LTO0N Teen s hake n down outside variely store Police in Milton seek heip to track down a young man who scared a teen out of some money a couple of weeks ago. At 9 p.m., Thursday, Mar. 19, the 16- year-oid victim was at the Laurier Piaza on Laurier Avenue. As he waiked past the variety store, he was confronted by a maIe who asked for money. The victim compiied when the suspect made a comment that suggested il would be wise te, do so. After taking the victim's cash, the sus- pect was seen getting into a grey or silver compact car occupied by two other maIes. The car was last seen southbound on Ontario Street. The man sought by police was describcd as black and i18 10 20 years old. He was about six-foot-two with short hair and a trace of a mustache. Ltf you can put a name to the suspect, Crime Stoppers would be interested in your cail. If you have anv information that leatis 10 an arrest in t/is or any other case," vou nia y be eligible for a cash reward of UP 10 $1,000. You eeed flot give -tour eanie andi vour infiîrmation can be taken w/t/z conîpiete ation vmittv. crime Stoppers does izot subscribe to ca/id/isp/a v. Cai /-800-222- TIPS or 825- T/PS. ROYAL LEPAGE DORSET PARK SUNDAY MARCH 29 2:00 - 4:00 PM by Ontario Women's Issues Minister Dianne Cunningham for 19 of 30 such centres across the protvince. Vs ci ycrueel u te chose,eîî eîd M.ý Koster. "The centre provides an incredible ser- vice to the women of Halton." Those who reiy on the centre would undoubt- edly agree; in 1997, 93 volunteers tieided 9,255 contacts made by women, 5,104 of these for peer counseling and for information/referral. "(The centre) bas built a large team of volun- teers who assist in the deiivery of ils important services," said Ms Cunningham. 'Its wide range of services mean that women can receive assis- tance in becoming more financially seif-suffi- cient. t alto means that they have help in mak- ing the transition from victim 10 survivor." The centre started in October, 1989 from the basement of a United Church, where il provided imited services only one day and one evening a \seCk "We've come a long way since then," said Ms Koster. The centre is now iocated in Suite 210 and can be reached by caliing 847-5520. In general terms, the centre starts by building self-esteem then provides a "continuum of ser- vice" through a host of programs, activities and special events in which volunteers play a crucial roie. Offered are workshops in everything from stress reduction 10 money management, peer counseling and a network for new and would-be entrepreneurs. Programs range from services for abused women and job search assistance to money management. -There are gratifying moments each and every LIas'1-tn i u adidc'.îîl\Ul . I ('ùî.îcî Iic sun teers gel a tremendous amount of satisfaction helping the people who waik in that door." Groups within the centre also include the Take-A-Break Club for outings and the Mature Network for women 50-plus. On Tuesday, May 12 the centre wil nost the irst annuai Women of the Year Award at Gien Abbey Golf and Country Club from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The keynote speaker wiii be Saiiy Armstrong, editor of Homemakers magazine. Nominations wiii be accepted until Monday (Mar. 30) for those who have made significant contributions ta community life in Halton. I OnIy Until Marh 3lstI ONTARIO luMaiDEALERSI WlVUISIYRS READ THE LEGAL COPY: *New '98 Windstar GLi. ih P.E.P. 357B, moothly lease paymeot of $229 based on 24-month lease from Ford Creditto qualified retail lessees, on approved credit. tome conditions and a m leage restriction of 36,000 km over tmo years apply. $3.350 dlown payment or equivalent trade required. Frst month's payment and security deposit required. t24 montk tease aoailable toqualified retail essees on approved credit. Total cease paymeot due at ioception of the lease. Some conditioos aod a 36000 km ooer tmo years mileage restriction apply. Security deposit required. 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