16' -the Canadian Champion, Fncfay, fsarch 27, 19980 Build it an d they'11 corne, says regional chair It doesn't matter how timing of the project be includ- The highway wilI eventually Elizabeth Way. Toxic comments *D Highway 407 is buit, just that ed as part of the tender process. connect Highway 401 near the Some cornes from the Ms Savoline was outraged by Région uni it is buit quickly, according to Ms Savoline told members of Milton-Mississauga border expansion of the Burlington commenîs attributed to i-lton council. the planning and public works with Highway 403 near Ford and Oakville urban area., Minister ofthde Environnient - struction start yesterday,- said Halton Chair Joyce Savoline recentiy. She called a provin- cial announicement that Ontario is reviewing privatization sehemes for Highway 407 "good news" but suggested Elizabeth Way is "intolerable" and that volumes on Highway 5 and Highway 25 are far past acceptable. She said the solu- tion to these problems lies in the quick construction of Highway 407. link [rom there to the Hghway 403-Queen Elizabeth Way interchange in Burlington. Ms Savoline said much of the traffic flow on Highway 5 and other north Halton routes is overflow from the Queen lirlli aclli uffl<i Highway 5 in several locations. The QEW channels 10 lanes of traffic coming from both Mississauga and Hamilton through Halton Region on only six lanes of highway, WaturaffuB TrahentI Mltwn Weffiss cntre Workshops,& lCompute rlbn" eAromaifeay*therpeic Touch - Reflexology AEmm OTS*CNO PO Reii *AcuuncureLEXMARK *MICROSOFT W~orks/ioPs: e Authorized Service Depot - Network lnstalling Therapeutic Touch Loyl 1 April 4i1, 1998 Full Training Contracts - Sales & Service TIerapeufic Touch LeveI Il April 5ih, 1998* Software & Accessories - On Site Service 751 Main Street East, Suite 2, Milton 71 MCLAREN RD. N. 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Mr. Sterling said oil and other toxic substances are best poured loto sanilary sewers, where at least they will reach a municipal water treatment plant. Toxins which are simply dumned do not reach anv treat- ment fî MS shocke undersi ter. SI faciliti water f ins. -Iai when ment s to mee minist( ments,' Hait House collect landfi near B Hait probl( stoppi southi can toi The comner the k provin vide ai 5 feil plaza said.r been the Highv% Brer er of probi, enforc Ms can p( who i crookc southi additii wide i Suthler ,ouît Milton Councillor Barry L-cc concurred with the hazards of the situation. He said he had encountered a problem on bis way to tIhe Haiton administra- tion building for the public works meetino Nosal likes program - Healthy Babies, Health acilities. SavoinesaidshewasChildren is perhaps ithe most d by the apparent lack of important program deiivered by tanding from the minis- I-laton*s public health depart- rie said local treatment ment, according to Medical ies do not treat waste- Ofticer of Health Dr. Bob for oil or many other tox Nosal - The program, funded by the ým appalled, especiaîîy province, screens ail births in you consider the treat- Haiton, to determine which tandards we are required families might be "overbur- t are so high, and yet the dened or at risk" Information ter cao make these com- and services are provided to ,Ms Savoline said. those families identified. ton Region operates a 4"The 4,500 live births in hold Hazardous Waste Halton each year ail get a uni- lion depot at the Milton versai screening,- said Dr. .11 site on Highway 25 Nosai. -Kids in need wiii be rtannia Road. referred to appropriate ser- Plaz prolems vices" Plaz prolems In depth assessments are con- ton staff will look into ducted by a public health nurse lems with large trucks with the consent of families ing on Highway 25 just involved. The health depart- of Highway 5 so drivers ment bas had ail Halton hospi- ýp up their caffeine. tais sign on to an initial screen- -plaza on the southwest ing program and is trying to - bas its only entrance in enlist local physicians, pre- ocation. Pleas to the natal instn.ictors and midwives. ncial govemnment to pro- According to Dr. Nosals n entrance from Highway report the goal of the program 1on deaf cars when the is to suppiy services early to at- iwas built, counicillors risk chiidren or families in Now Haiton Region bas order to save on potential social given responsibility for costs later in life. former provincial "If there is a weak point it is vays 5 and 25. the funding for more intensive rt Marshall, commission- home visits is not available. public works, said the There is only enough money em was largely an for 15 home visits (for those emnent issue. mosi in need) and ihere should Savoline said the trucks be 150 home visils,- said Dr. )ose as hazard for drivers Nosal. must negotiate a slightly ýed intersection if' they are bound on Highway 25. tn ion the road is two lanes n the plaza area, but that Another health project Regional council gave its siamp of approvai to Choices 4 e see REPORT on page 26 Watch for the 1998 PATHFINDER e 3.3L V6 engine e 5 speed transmission ~arro ~aIr~'~ e Air conditioning ('Uc/ UaU â l c b kI *Security system _ ýh Ê)"w JDu tlÏcI ePower door locks, windows &mirrors e And much more See dealer for Meails. 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