The Canadian Champion, Tuesda, March 24, 1998-7 I ~011uR RFA DERS WRITE .-u -- Teachers are acting obstructîvely in gang-up on Tory government Dear Editor: Recent news items are 10 the effect Ibat teachers airu to oust Tories. If you were in charge of a powerful corporation with billions of dollars in assets, how would you use such resources? Would you use tbem constructively or obstructively? Would you use tbem t0 serve your customers or yourself? Faced witb clear evidence tbat Canadas students are nol cdu- cated as well as tbey need t0 be, wbat are Ontario teachers' orga- nizaions doing to address constructivcly tbese two critical prob- lems -- education quality and education costs? What we bear from theru is 100 per cent obstructive. Tbey oppose ail government efforts 10 improve. Tbey object to the establishment of the Teachers College, tbe Education Quality and Accountability Office and the Education Improvement Commission. They don'î want 10 put in a normal work year. They most bitîcrly oppose initiatives sucb as charter scbools, vebicles for better quaiity and lower cost education that are gatbering momentum worldwide. And now they want 10 oust the govemn- ment itself. The organizations have the professional resources to make Senate is in the process of raking away rus ary ni ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,ýscn nsiirîinfi hes iihut ill n' hxIr nisu- 'Ii', TW oh! Iinx is iai i r Tiuînpson j bas jont been the îng. Despite this implacable obstruction, there are teachers in Ontario who have banded together t0 raise standards, which seems not 10 be a prionity of their organizations. So there is evidence that we bave many excellent, innovative teachers. It is thus doubly unfortunate that their organizations show no constructive initiatives. Do they really represent their members? Taxpayers Coalition Halton mnc. Hugh Ooull, president Number of truant senators add up to a lot more than a few Dear Editor: Canadians are angry over Senator Andrew Thompson's absence froru work. Froru January to October of last year, this senator attended Parliament for only two days out of 99 Senate sittings. The Senate bas acted to punish Mr, Thorupson by stripping him of certain "perks' such as paid travel and having a secretary. The Last year 27 senators missed 40 percent or more of designated sittings. For example Senator John Buchanan (a Brian Mulroney appointee) showed up only hait the time last year. We ask readers: what would happen if we were absent haif the lime froru our place ni work? Unlike senators, who are appointed hy the Prime Minister and whose jobs are guaranteed for life, we would be ired. We at Watchdog Newsletter have a list of the 27 truant senators and their Senate mailing addresses. We are asking interested people to write t0 us for the list, and 10 write to some of the senators to ask them to attend ail Senate sit- tings. To receive our list of truant senators, please contact us at Watchdog Newsletter, 247 Leeds Dr., Fredericton, NB E3B 4S7 (or e-mail us at or fax us ai 506-454-8245). David Murrel, editor Watchdog Newsletter What's in name? Likely confusion People are sensitive to name changes, according to Milton Mayor Gord Krantz. He made is point at a municipal counicil meeting recently when Councillor Lieven Gevaert kicked off complaints about name changes 10 Higbway 25 and Higbway 5. "There is always a human outcry wben roads are renamed,' said Mr. Krantz, wbo cited several previous examples. Council beard the two provincial igbways have been handed over 10 regional control and can no longer maintain tbeir former names. In an effort 10 keep tings simple, Halton Region re- jigged ils regional road network and called former Higbway 25 Regional Road 25 and former Highway 5, Regional Road 5. The idea, according 10 John Matbews, Miltons director of p ublic works, is that the numbers on the igbways will nol change, only the symbol surrounding the number. Provincial highways are designated by a crown surrounding the igbway number, wile regional roads use a bexagon. Mr. Mattbews said it is possible 10 post the roads witb their new names while including tbeir old names in brackets. However, he said simply maintaining tbe current name is not allowed becausei only the province has access to the igbway designation. "Wbat needs 10 be understood, is that we bad no eboice,' said regional Councillor Barry Lee, wbo sat on the committee which made the name change recommendations. "The Region doesn't want the roads. They are not trying 10 exercise ownership." Councillor Wally Hunier said some business people have com- plained 10 him that truckers and those unfamiliar with the area will have difficulty finding their way around Milton. In addition 10, the regional road designations some roads will also have local naines. Highway 25 south of Highway 5 will pick up ils Oakville des- ignation and be called Bronte Road (Regional Road 25) while the same highway north of Highway 5 and north of Milton will pick up ils Milton name and be called simply Regional Road 25. Highway 5 will be called Dundas Street (Regional Road 5). tLlfheIE! 1, 1 w w - 1 à : 1