The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 24, 1998 - Da telin e Tuesdav Mar. 24 'l'le Nassagaweya Tennis Club hiolds annual eît îli i l clubhouse (Guelph Line and Regional Road 9) roin 7 to 9 p.m. The club features three floodlit courts, clubhouse, interclub and houselcague play, junior program and social events. For more information, cali Lori Hand at (519) 856-4069 or Jean Falls at 878-9220. The Halton Plowmen's Association Annual Euchre is held at Boyne Community Centre at 8 p.m. Admission costs $3. Refreshments are served. Everyone is welcome. The Trillium Photographic Club holds a slide clinic at 8 p.m. at East Plains United Church, 375 Plains Rd. E., in Burlington. Everyone is welcome. For more informnationî, caîl Marilyn Chayka at 634-7755. Tuesday Mar. 24 - Apr. 3 The Canadian Hearing Society holds registration for American Sign Language (ASL) classes at its Mississauga office, 3034 Paîstan Rd., Suite 20l1. Caîl (905) 896-7667 (voice) or (905) 896-1760 (ITY) for more information. Wednesday Mar. 25 The Dental Awareness Clinic takes place at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr, from 10 arn. to noon. Ellen Ross, dental hygenist with the Halton Regional Health Department, offers free information about teeth and dentures. Win Clark of the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbilds Dr., holds a meeting to start a kitchen band. The meeting starts at 1 p.m. A piano player is needed along witb people interested in baving fun, relaxing and socializing. Participants are asked to bring a kitchen gadget or other noisemaker. Parenting information is available from Brenda Samson start- ing today at the Milton Children and Youth Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. The Parenting Group meets every Wednesday from 1 to 3 p.m. until April 29. Ladies are invited to attend Neighbourhood Coffee Hour from 9:30 to Il a.m. at Allendale, 185 Ontario St. The special feature is 'Recreated Sweats' by Betty Davies. Ms Davies is also the guest speaker following an interlude of musical selections. The event is hosted by the Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour. Admission is free. Babysitting is provided. Thursday Mar. 26 Overeaters Anonymous meets Thursdays at 10 a.m. at Bethel Christian Reform Church on Hwy. 7 East in Acton. Cal 878- 1039 or 878-2545 for more information. The senior citizens' Diners Club meets at a local eatery. Participants meet at 5:30 p.m. in the parking lot of the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childa Dr., or at 6 p.m. at the restaurant. Caîl 875-1681 for the March location. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre hosts the Symphony in White bus excursion. The trip features a tour of St. iacobs for sight-seeing and dinner, then on to Kitchener auditorium for a performance of the Royal Lippizaner Stallions. Caîl the centre at Selection New & Used Equilpment We al»o oeny mnine skates, Golf, Soccer, Basebail, Hockey & Goalme Equilpment TRADE e IN YU SDEQPM (805) 85-2888 875-1681 lu sign up I i idaý lar ,27 New Life Pentecostal Church hosts the Festival of Fashion at 7:30 p.m. Fashions are donated by local merchants. Tickets cost $10. Proceeds go to the ministries of the church. Caîl Melodi at 878-3358 for ticket information. Saturday Mar. 28 The Nassagaweya Tennis Club holds annual registration at its clubhouse (Guelph Line and Regional Road 9) from 1 to 4 p.m. The club features three floodlit courts, clubhouse, interclub and houseleague play, junior program and social events. For more information, caîl Lori Hand at (519) 856-4069 or Jean Falls at 878-9220. The Halton Cross Country Ski Club holds ils annual dinner- da JF r 1 i i n Oi na il c r? iii '01 Sunday Mar. 29 The Milton Choristers presents Music of the Masters, the timeless music of the great classical composers, at Knox Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m. Tickets, which cost $10, or $8 for seniors and students, are available at Peggys, Delacourts, at the door or by calling 875-4588. Children aged 12 years and under are admitted free. Monday Mar. 30 A trustee community meeting takes place aI WW. Dick Middle School from 7 to 9 p.m. The guest speaker is Pat Dickinson, who discusses 'Early Literacy- What Now?' A question and answer period follows. Everyone is welcome. A imîssîon to Mohawk'k k lice. lîîstead of putting S4 clownî at the doot, Be part of the XIn, Place atnd Shows hiandicappittg cealliige. XVit prues of S2000, SI 000)Oand S500, it cotîld bce\ssorttli sour \\-hile. ,hr' oiiietliii ,tor the kids too: their \-cr\- o\\ niHarttess Stieker Book. s But chances are seu'il cave \\ith i a littie motre ini baud. - I-idas\, NIaî-ch 27tlh teel fi-ce te o il y'eer 1nîkets. I IV RA IC I N A ,TE*Y&T U SD Y-'IOJHS IUR)- YOU'RE FREE TrO FIND US: Mltont. i2 MOHAWKC INFO?GA 'i. 1-888-67.5-RACE. C. c . () n \VYSi-RF 1,I, Om,., ..'iloi, 1914 A,'olmn î'k Rnccîî'nv. Guel plh Lin c, North iof the' 401, (o oî;ipbelliilIc. AIMISSION. Th e Mohawk Handficapping Challenge. Post tinie: 7:30 pm