14-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 24, 1998' ý A1 A l 1 '. ) ) 'y ) A "L A l\. Go ahead, dive in. The Safari bas room for 8. And witb a 190 HP Vortec V6 engine and auto- matic transmission, it's got enough power to comfort- ably haut the whole team - and then some. This GMC can tow up to 5,500 lb. of your gear. As for 574el DEEP END GAR POOL comforts, this Safari is equipped with air conditioning and deep tinted glass. And you'll feel even more comfy knowing there's 4-wheel ABS and dlual air bags to cati on if you need theml. Su bring the whole team along. Synchro. Hockey. Ski. Whatever. A GET WHAT YOU (tXThe GM a( WANT [ROM YOUR CENTRAL ONTARIO GMC TRUC K DEALERS. PONTIAC You should know this: *Based on a 36 month leaýe forG(M( Safari IHA. Annual klointre hnit. 20,000 kmt, puOr 1I C ecss kilîmetre. A down payment or traie of $3,000 and $300,iecurîn decposît arc rcquired. Total obligation 1, $11 925 . MC h4TAuOtber lease options are available. Dealer may lease for Inns. Freight as în.lîcatcd, lîs:ence, taurs., an] insuraince arc ni t ncluded. Offer applies to 1998 new or demonstrator models equipped as drscrîlsed,ý and applile only to qualîtied retaîl cusr mers in Central Ontanio. Dealer order or trade may be necessary. Lmited time offer which may not c oiheiîmsncd 'r ~8O2 used wth orber offers. See your Dealer for condirions and details. www.gmncanada.com iSa trade mark of Grneral MotoW Corporation. @Registered trade mark of General Motors Corporation, TL) Bank licensed user of Mark. 7