Witb complefely upgraded ktchen wtb lots of built ns, man floor tamily room wlb fireplace, fnistred base- ment wilb rec room, office, enfetiseeent roman, bath wittv laczz, inground pool, central air and mudi more. Caf Joan Tathnie-Hollings for your viewing at878-9100or 876-1575. oan TattTe Holflngs 878-9100 or 876-1575 6 -lea Esét & lahlfidi- Thé Canadiàn'Cfipdton, Tuesday, March 24,1998 ICountrywldesu Town CentréeReaityIn S I a< 333-3222 Anderson' 3455 HARVESTER RD SUITE 37 $495000! The basf of both wolds. Ulfînale pnovacy wifh specfac- ular visai lu the souffi towards the ighf of Budington. Oniy 5Smin- utes ltuaisw ameniies. 2 Los. above grourd, finished for fsnily ensynent. reaf polenfiai for ground tr. in-lue spt. Separsie 3 car garage for the csr buff. Cati SUSAN RECOSKIE Sales Rep. et 333-3222 5an Recosie les Rep. * , MILTON Quiet Location $128,900 S 6 titr. No 1-te imPaymferts cr 6orcs. ail t1r àt irtat c3tr. Mult-Ievei townhouse, upgraded eat in ktchen: fuiiy fenced yard; backs onto, park-, quiet location. To vîew cati Betty af 845-1078. Sutton Group Quantum 905-822-5000 Befty Thompaon* Sales Representative wCOMMOQNWEALTH 13 CHALSST, SUITE 102 REAL ESTATE (905 e"4. SERVICES FA (905) 76-228 CORPORAYION g: g MiIton's DI¶IS