1lO-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 24, 1998 Unpleasant surprise Friday morning Correction t ram MURKY on page 1 rcceived trom the Region. tion done, flot so much on our water but on A March 13 story about a police chase contained incorrect Mr. Smith suggested that Milton may -How tan thty say it's a main break in our distribution system. information aliter two separate incidents were confused. expeniente more of these 'build ups' in the one hreath and thtn a sedimtnt huild up in StilI adamnantly oppostd is Pat Kelty of The story said a 34-year-old Highway 25 man taced numer- mîminI, mi<nths, bUt that puIblic sorks Ofi- the nexi? ti'5 ser istrbo shie aid. tlie Milton RuetpasC\csssîî i'liin "' loînectiol w tIi a hlieh sPeed chase oin i a îîîîg'.cîrî'.lio ' 111 >1 l iiiginn 't lon-îgilicî eppoeîîeîî te Ile said [lie Region ,,Àýain u l chl-11e Appteby LUne March 10). mue tIhe chance ut any reoccurrence. chlorination, is staruing to change ber tune kilts ail bacteria from contamination is xIn actual fact, the man was charged with driving with over Several bydrants in Town were being in light of recent tainting. Ilnonsense." the legal limit of alcohol in bis blood, obstructing police and run to flush the system Friday momning and Said the Main Street resident and com- "You see these public works officiais driving wble disqualîtied after he was stopped at Main and the discolouration was already starting to munity activist, It's well known that 1 was bring jugs of chiorine with themn whenever Bell streets at 8:30 p.m. March '7. disappear within three hours. against chlorînation, but in retrospect it there's a break, so you've got 10 wonder if Another maxi, 37, of Highway 25 was cbarged with engag- The scary thing about this latest tainting, rnight flot be a bad thing. This is happening there's been cases of super chlorination in ing in a pursuit, daxigerous operation of a motor vehicle axid Ms Oest said, wasn't so much the health just a littie too often. people's showers," Mr. Kelly suggested. 'Il driving while disqualified in connection with the Marcb 10 risk but the cbanging information she 'There needs to be an intense examina- have beard of cases of skin irritation." chase. The two men are brothers. W e apologize for the error. Trustee has three options e tram FRAUD on page 1 "At thîs point, he's only been tbarged. People are contemred for bis welfare." Just 199.per onthMr. Sweeney, who learned about the - traud tharge at noon yesterday and hadn't heard from Mr. Deoni at mid-afternoon, said the trustee bas tbree options. Notbîng in the Education Act calîs for bis resîgnation unless hie is convicted so, le can cîther resign on bis own, apply for a leave of absentt or tarry on as usual. "Mr. Deoni is a proud man. I'm sure be'll make the rîgbt detîsion about bis trusteeship, Mr. Sweeney said. Former fellow stbool trustee Mary Lou Lougblin, wbo started on the board witb Mr. Deoni nine years ago, said she's always known the husband, father and cburcb-goer to be of bigh principle, and basn't cbanged ber opinion in ligbt of the charge. "I've always tbougbt of Joe as a fabu- bous trustee - an invaluable person," she said. "t'mi bis good friend and 1 will always be bis good friend." Crime Stoppers 0 F H A LTO0N Rural heists All-ew j&U-w8m- D «* 4 00.A senies of rural borne burgianies in the Georgetown area have detetîves seekîng »*,rm*« f--ain- a t LO «k tmy aym t&belp to îdenty anynne învoived. Fîve bornes were entered and attempts Ther's,& nw M Dme pow ý Coîm an eorimkx brOm, now thrwefandwere made at two more in the Fîftb Lîne comflt mtlr (X th10 d f dm b w MiWor t ct09ý 1 poit4* tois.and No. 22 Sideroad area from mîd- brîngs you biArt P«01 h u *m g>« m m Januaiy to mid-Marcb. mase atW sur De dt 'eei l* If you bave any information that leads t0 monthiy beow fo moe-ea an arrest in Ibis or any other case, you may Lîk-Fo &*ts momew 410 W«àOý% t euauaWPk. be elîgîbie for a tasb reward of Up 10 Likeoeimt it faionaeebud ,* bin y W w çew»,r $1 ,000. the new 4100 has a0 :o Md U-seF1 Is aptOW adrg, b&s on se&,. k of, Ci l-800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS. brakes. A dlfferentl I#Uk ÙUËs >:1 m My4KOM . r.r. W40~ an ftît dgrp% we ex»î gets bath fear wheels ulr i <,> , Uw 1O2e3 bDnîdî*h0 stick conditions. AndII ebtw h4k.«ta eti- l RAD SERVICE *Radiator & Fuel Tank Repairs Aluminum Welding oSilver Soldering 400 MOROBEL DR., UNIT 4, MILTON, ON. L9T 4N6 sit ~'ww11ew11ynecurity.co iw Ili Il IL