QukerCda Champion, F &.day, March 20,199 Have your 2 & 4 wheel alignment checked by our Iicensed technicians. Dnue to an internai error Milton Towne Dental Group was incorrectly named in The Tuesday Champion. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. *1 HUSHAA Old stance wrong: Challinor 411 was inexperienced when 1 wrote that letter. Voti begin b Iearn." JOHN CHALLINOR By BRAD REAUME The Champion Councillor Joîhn Challinor says hes chaîîgcd his mind. Ir il i i I iI r turc of Milton coutîcil. Il(iwevcr, such was not alusays the case. In Mardi, 1993 aller only a ycar iii ofice, Mr. Challinor wrote a citter to fornmer Caiadiati Chanipion columnist Pat Kelly, oullining bis position iin support otf a seven-rnember council. Councillor Rick Malboeuf recently called f'or seven- member council. His motion is scheduled l'or debate on Monday, April 6 at Town Hall. Mr. Challinor said his position has cvulved since 1993. He said, with more council experience, bc has changed is mind and pretèrs the status quo. Moîst cnt his concern sems rom the potential for a smaller council to favour full ime councillors. "I was inexperienced wben 1 wrote tha, leter," he said. "You begin to leam." Destiny Milton gives slap in face Mr. Challinor said the Desliny Milton process, wben councillors were working closely witb community groups for about 18 montbs, provided a "eold slap in tbe face" for understanding tbe potenlial workload of a smaller council. He said most councillors werc at meetings îbree nigbts a week and were only able to cope because tbey knew tbc workload was îemporary. "It was very rewarding but tbere was a lot of' pres- sure on my personal lite. We (councillors) werc will- ing bo make tbec investment in tbe community because we knew it was temporary, bhe recalled. Fewer counicillors would pusb tbe remaining mcmi March 2Oth to April lst Spring Food Drive Yu cati droîp nîtr donaion o ffîal<titi Lobliii's, Soper-enitre r locoalfire hall OR i yo wold iketa okea cash donation, ask your cashier for a $1000 ORi 'o oldlk t aeDonation Coupon. Î., OR mail your donation ta the Saînation Army, 100 Nipissiag Rd., Unit 3, Milton, Ontario L9T 5B2. This will allow local Food programs ta prchase Food ait wftolesale cost. ROYAL BAINK 55 ONTARIO ST. S. MILTON9 ONTARIO L9T2M3 (905) 875-0600 FAX: (905) 875-1780 Spirit of Sharing AIIfood received wiII be donated to te Milton Salvation Ariny Suggested Foods fo Donate: RECIPE FOR SHARING0 Conned Fish 7oz), Powdered MiIk l5009), Conned Fruit (l 4oz), Baby Formula (ony tyeor sizel, Macaroni & Cheese (2259), Beans (l âoz), Canned Vegetobles (l 40z), Canned Stew (28oz), Peanot Btter (5009 or 1lkg), Rce (5009) An>' nonpernshobto food items ore w.conse and apprerWaed. Pleaseie. Dilank %u BOB'S AUTO SERUICE 18 Commercial St. * COMPUTER DIAGNOS« Milton (Ontario) L9T 2H6 * AIR CDNDITIONING Tel.: (905) 878-7926 s*TUNE UPS - DAVCO 9. 0uar0riura BOB WILSON, nwner STICS *GENERAL REPAIRS - TOWING ROBERT (PIE) LEE, B.Sc. from the7Management andStaff of Milo'neLIFE INSURANCE AGENCY FIFTH WHEEL TRUCK STOP Mlon ie- Osability- nute - RRIFs - LiFs MILTON Insurance Agency Ltd. 245 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON L9T 2J3 40 Chisholm Drive, Milton Group Lite & Heatth & Pension Office 878-5786 e Fax 878-3692 e Res. 878-1150 Phonle (905) 878-8441 Fax (905) 878-9376 Automnotive Systemns Group JMHM'ý" 8205 Parkhill Drive High Point Business Park East Salvation Army Food Drive CO NT LS ~~~~~~Milton, ontarie L9T 5G810 isinRodUit# Tel: (905) 875-212810NpisnRadUit# Fax: (905) 875-1849 (905) 875-1022 cQýDERLAN Atrospaco Canada Ltd. Spar Precision 180 Market Drive, Milton (905) 875-4000 Fax (905) 875-4082 Pte. U. J. (Joe) Waters 21 Charles St. 878-9005 - I MAN IN THE IRON MASK ~ Eeenng :45 .m. &9:20p.m. £1 THE BORROWERS FA t atSa&ISun. 3:0pin. iQ SPICEWORLD PG 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - bers itto îrtaking tbe positons fulltinie, lie 'aid. rctfer- ring tu thte current Burli ngtutn situation. Iturtinglon îîîoved bo seven coutîcillors ini ti me l'or last s car's municipal electictî but thcy are now fulIl ftne. According to Mr. Cbal linor, tfull tintie positions would invite career politicians wbii dot îot basethie saine cointacts in tbe private sectîr as curretit pan-ltie council imembers. I1 dont want cuuncil to bc a carcer (ippurtunity," Mr. Cballinor said. "People wbo dint bave private sector cntact are less inlormed." Mr. Cballinîîr cited several utber reascmns [tir miains- taining tbe status quoi including: an increascd work- luîad, council diversity, greater dcmocracy, and lcars of increased cînsts witb f*uIl timie puliticians. IHe said counicil wcîuld stilI bave to prunvide memibers tnt filI scats min about 20 cmîmmunity boîards. Five more groups bave recently requested counicil representatioîî, including tbe dmug and alcobol awarencss group PRE- VENT, tbe Milton Community Cuonsultation Ccîmmittee, Milton Communtty Information Service, Milton Senioîrs and tbe Halton Multicultural Cutuncil. Mr. Cballinor said the incîve toi uît time counicillors bas subverted tbe democratic process aI 1-altmit see CHALLINORS on page 12 tood 007.&V'n on A rmy quo,