0PEARSON,dRobert - Tafamily ai the lt thanks ta the relatives, friends and neighours for their expressions of sympathy, support. floral tibutes, charitable donations, too>d and cards. Speciaf thanks ta Dr. Meyer and Dr. Friedman ai the Hamilton Cancer Clinic, Dr. May, Dr. Gilani and the VON. nurses. Thanits also ta the Scatt Early Funeral Home, Rev. Shawn Crol and the Boston Presbyteriari Church Fellawship Graup for the lovely lunch. Everything was greatly appreciated. MARGARET 90 Antiques ANTlIUE SHOW Burlington. Royal Balanical Gardons Centre, 680 Plaina Rd. W., March 20, 21 & 22. Fni. 1-9 p.m., Sat. 10-6 p.m.; Sun. 11-5 p.m. Museum a Hitorical Displays. Qualily deaiers, (905) 335-0511< ý130 Pet Stoýcký-- GOLDEN RETRIEVER. Free ta a goad home. Very large, six year aid, light blonde female, loves children. New family must be willing ta give her lois af lave and attention. Owner frced ta give up due ta allergies. For more information oeil Redwaad Kennel at 878-9410. 140 HandvDersofl WANTED, HANDYMAN for work in kitchen of aid house. 332-4681. 145 Generat HeIn Wanted tf, Rev. Stephen May and aithme people-- ha danated the "Gifi of Ufe." I __ MILDRED und FAMILY I" ~~ BA~GEL i Goina vens NiIW' 500 Laurier Ave D a F IPT kel Mak rs, C eater A Kitchn Staff. IIO1tQL Lm )nafl o f i we are looking for high energy itidividuals who "love bagels". Experience is preferred, however we will MILTON LEISURE CENTrRE train the right individuais who bring a great attitude i~FRIDAY, MARCH 27-98 and enthusiasm. K A 1P Forward resumne te Box 2279 Ags10-14 $ diso Th Canadian Champion, Pesented by B&D Promotions FULL-TIME LOADER OPERATORILABOURER 11 Optimist Club Gro-Bérk Organics, a leader in corn- Commercial St. Milton 1posting and manufacturing souls for the horticultural industry requires a ~ I *k -front end loader operator (Volvo) and *LBoUe positionsrequire onhev Celtic vs Aberdeen lifting and mechanical aptitude. Saturday, March 21 at 10 a. m. e Able to work independefltly eAble to work somne Saturdays. ýO Actions Please apply in person with resumné Gro-Bark Organies mc. AUCTION SALLE 100 Britannia Road East W.d.sav Mrc 2 f 6 2. M. (Britannia & Trafalgar Rd.) shorp in the Agricullural Hall, Robert S., oe8544 Aucionoer - Don Colling (905) 877-0117 ~ j1 Ii I 1 65 Lost or Straved w@R LOST, MARCH 1OTH. Ladys gald Raymond Weil watch. Milton. Reward. Caîl Heather. 854- 2910. go-For Sale 3YEAR OLD bay wrindow, fxed center, apening aides. Aaking $40. Patio dor, $50. 875-0528. FREE lEstimates. Gai wobbly chairs, weak springa, tired laoking waad finishes? We do it ail. Custom waad rmflnishing and furniture repairs. Fields Custam Fumiture, 9 - 9 dally, 632-90M. GREAT Savingsl Want a great relum on an original inveatenent? Safas ramn $598. Safabeds tram $447. Chalrs ram $196. Special - Na GST March only. Seniors Dscounts. Fielda Qualhty Custom uphalstering, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. daily. 875- 4427. PIANOS. 3000 aq. ft af new and uaed. Bet selectian. Beat Pricea. The Piano Hause, Burlingtan, (905) 631-9259. SEAT SALE - Freahen up yaur dinette! diningroam chalrs! Rail ends ram $18.95/each. Fabric & labour indluded. Fields Ouaiity Cuatom Uphailsering. 875-4427, 9 - 9 dally. SIT ON IT. Dant sit an iii Replacement foan for cuahiana. Residential/Commercial. Fields Uphalatery, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 7 daysweek 875- 4427. 81 comuters and Vie' THINKING of buying a computer? Get aame ad- vice an what yau need and haw ta geltue beat deai for yaur doilara. Need some heip wih that new or exiating computer? Tutaring, main- tenance and upgmades avaiable. Dave ai 9W5- 4674133, 878-3533 - 9 am. - 8 p.n. Cemli875-3300 teli Yom bui]dingoentre YARD STAFF Pari imne position avalable te work 2 evenings per week and weekends in our Lumber Yard. Semne knowledge of building mtinais reniuired. Application forms avail. for pickup at SCHUYLER HOME HARDWARE 385 Steoesa Ave Milton BUSY WOOD Warking ahap hiring, no ex- perience neceaaary. Reliable persans appiy ta: 9 Academny Rd. 877-6757. FULL-TIME position available on Thoroughbred Farm in Mlton. Experience necessary. Phone Sam-Son Farm ai 878-3993 between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. t arrange an interview. GENERAL LABOURER required. We are loak- ing for warkers llocated in Adtn andhon. Pre- viaus experience in sftipping ar warking witu alr tols an asset. Day or afiemoan ahitta available. Must have reliable transportation. Please cal Cantemporary Personnel ai (519) 894-1337. MATURE PERSON, part ime required. Photographic knawledge an asset, but not esential. Eveninga & weekends. Must be very flexible. Drap off resume or pick up application ai: Milton Photo, Miton Malil. VETERINARIAN HospiAL in Milton area r.- quires part time help. Experience essential. Please drop off reaumne- ta: 491 Maln Street. Miton. Na phone calla please. Looking for a place ta... rent, buy or selli You can do it ail in The Champion Classif lods Caili875-3300 or Fax us at 876-2364 150_SalesH1 ________ SALES PERSON Requîred for busy local Toyota deatership. Apply in person wth resumne Attention: Kevin Wood 15 Mouritainview Rd. Georgetown or Fax: (905) 877-4619_ 1-60Office Heig a- Competitive atary and excellent employee benefits are offered. tntereuted applicant pieuse submit resuume with salary requiremnents in confidence ta: Box 2395 CJO The Independent/Free Pres 2 11 Armstrong Ave. Georgetown, ON, L7G 4X5 The War Amps OPERATION LEGACY The War Amps knows the cost of war. Our message? NEVER AGAINI For more Information adli: i4300266-882l à- - 1 L Look TV Eu Administrative Assistant Look TV is a new, Milton-based company that has hein awarded a liette to provide digital televsion services te residential customers in Southeri Ontario Using Multipoitit distribution System (MOS) technology. We're seeking an Administrative Assistant for our Engineering Department te provide support services such as typing, filing, account reconciliation, pur- chase order tracking, financial reporfing and other administrative duties. Candidates must have 3-5 years of related experi- ence, and posseus a Business Administration cerfifi- cafe/diploma from a community college. Please forward your resume in confidence te: Human ResourCOs Depariment Look TV 8250 Lawson Road Milton, Ontario LgT 5C6 Ovis canidtes uster active consideatit wii te cvtacted. Nu tetephunt catis or auencies please. Large Brampton Company requires a self-motivated, well organized individ- ual with excellent communication SUIlS. Experience in Accounts Payable, bookkeeping, ACCPAC and Lotus necassary. Reply ta: Bax # 3487, do The Misissauga News, 3145 Walfedale Rd., Misslssauga, ONL5C 3A9 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT Long Esîablished Milton Company Requirea Experienced accounting personnel five days a week, attractive satary, employee benefits. Must be computer literate and be customer oriented. Positions open immediately. Reply outlining qual- ifications. past experience and references. Resumes will be accepted until April 3, 1998. Fax: 905875-3802 GENERAL ACCOUNTANT Faut paced Georgetown manufacturing firm ueeku a highty motivated individual to fill an immediate opening for the position of Generat Accountant. Reuponsibiliies include General Ledger maintenance, journat entry preparation. accounit reconcitiationu, governiment remittances, maintenance of Fixed Asset ledger, materialu costing, and inventoty maniagement. Thie ideat candidate will have the fottowing qualifications: Minimum 3-5 yearu accounting related work experience. Enrolted or completed CMA/CGA Prograro Ifevef 3-5). Proficient with Lotus 123. t Canadien Champion, Friday. March 20, 1998-29 1 66 ae JOHNSON CONTROLS A Fortune 100 Company Johnson Controlo is a leading North Amnerîcan manufacturer of automotive seating. Achieviflg -clii c he acci of quvlitywe pride oursvs i iln ieras olJuil iIntiir manufacturnn. 0ur strength tn our ieam concepts and phîlosophy enables us ta continue te improve and esceed our customner expectations. We are now hiring for the following position. COST/GENERAL ACCOUNTANT We are looking for a self starter wiih excellent computer and organizational skilis. Enroilment in a CMA/CGA progratoivi required. Your ability to work with minimal supervision in a fast paced automotive environment. makes you an ideal candidate. Preference will he given to those who posseus superviuory experience. We offer a compelitive salary and comprehiensive benefits package. Please send your reuume in confidence to; Human Resources Manager Johnson Controls Ltd. 8205 Park Hill Drive High Point Business Park Milton, ON L9T 5G8 iSenior Payroll/ HR. Administrator We are looking for a senior individual ta handie a variety of tasks within aur Human Resources department. One of the main focuses of this position is payroll and benefits administration. Experience with account balancing, year end processing, benefits and WCB are required. You will be working with both Canadian and U.S. payrolls. The other main focus will be on Human Resources activities such as recruitmeni and employee orientation programa. The succesaful candidate requires a minimum of 5 years experience, a cerfificate in payroll administra- tion or management, a definite benef il would be 10 have worked with a Royal Bank payroll/HRIS, as well ADP U.S. Excellent Word and Excel akilîs, as wefl as good interpersonal skills are a musit! If you have a desire ta locus on payrolf while furlhering your Human Resources knowledge, please mail or fax resume 10; S555 induatriai Or., Millt, ON L9T 5C2 Attn:Oir. Human Resourees SFax (905) 876-44471 170 Daycare FULL TUNE DAYCARE availabie. Fenced yard, playraam. recepis aiWays given. 878-773. FULL TIME Babysitter required in my homne for 3 children aged 8. 6 and 3. Cai 876-3743- HOME DAYCARE ava lable. 7 years experience. Infants welcame. 876-4415. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE offering quality pragrama for chiidren 18 months ta 5 years. Crafla, musmo. & fild trips. 878-7552. 200 TUtor 1573. ITUTOIRWANTED Milton family requires a tutor for children grades 2,5, 8 & 10. Required for math & englush. Please fax resume wîth qualifications to 876-2251. 210 Personal À1e8D and afraid? For help caii 878-8M. ,a 24-b.aur criait lirai for abused wome»n. Halten VWotes Place is an emuency shelle avd- a*de for abused wamen and#cd Urde tH i- bon Regian. AN calle are canfiWnia. ARE DRUGS mauing you problena? Narcolc Anonymats cen help. W.e muet Fniday nghs ai Grace Angican Church, Main Sireet, Miltn, ai 8:00 p.m. ARE YOU SEING afsokd by sooteons i@Wu ddindng? Ai - Aeîon Family Group mf"ee s Manday night 8 pm. ai St. Paurs Unibd Churdi, back door (parking loi enrato.) -80049- 4862. __________ SPOUSE CHEATINO?? E.R. Psychlc Answo». You con know Rmlsd #l. Polce 10,000.0dns. Use Us. Ca0 *Wnidna. 2411wu. $2.GOAttIi. 18+. 1-900-451-4055. m