26 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, March 20, 1998 CidI I T.' D CALLama VICKI PRESTON AT TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS FEATURE 878-2433 761 MAIN ST. Antd tAcross ront Go Station) t%-,F, _____Over A Cali VCk at 08-2341 oAACORN RADIATOR AND AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE More thanjust a rad shop. Specialisis in Custoner Satisfaction 637 Main Street E. Milton 0 EAGLE RADIATOR--Ââ Gas tanks, Gas lines, Sending unit repairs For ail your Gas Tank needs, cail Terry for free estimates. Bail hockey league wil step up the competition Giannuzzt will ciiloY lirs Owni Xii "Iivas the4 sion ofithe e'mal lotir this suminer. 1-'icl do vii througl lis ontgOiig, this bal r on-growing Milton Ball Hockcy re.oal tou Lecague. For the lirsi limin i ils rgo five-ycar existececc the MB1311.'s be held ini top linîsher will vie lor a rcgional e championship........... 1Giannuzzi, MBII's ftunder anîd FAB Gi operator, has spcarhcaded a final four loumnament wiîh Icagues 1 rom Oakvi le, Burlinglon and Ottawa. Vîinners front cach loop wilI descend on local .irc- nas in tlc July or carly Augusl and hattie tour inter- league hragging rights. -1 was the one who goL Ihîs rolling, so the regional toumnamrenl will he held in Milton for the fîrst year," said an exuherant Giannu.'/i. 1I'm really cxcîtcd hal the other leagues agreed to the final four playoïfs. This should really hoost local participation." He's expecting te, atract hetween 12 and 16 lcams this sommer and spliL he MBHL int two conter- UJED CAR. lîak *0,0 97Pmuh5.E, kwIALe *2,9 K>n4 dî,magenlta........... utus, 4 dr., rad ..-.....-15,495 Carrvan, wagon. white ..... = 13rm gen..... ...... 4mn . 14M9 Camvan, wagon, feui .. $23,99 Bmw., 4 dr., green...-.415,45 lnfupld, 4 di,t" l . 17"5 500 BAW one who got )lling, so the irnametit wil ri Milton this ;IANNUZZI player. --Lts guys like the Haydars and the McPhails who make up the mens compelitive division and ssill have a chance Lo go aflcr the regional title.- Giannu//i cxplaincd. "The Icague has grown f'rom ftur bIo 2 îcams in just live ycars, which îs surprislng since theres sît many other mens hall TIhe MIBHL ollers a I 5-week regular scason. Garnes are held Sunday and Monday nights, with no long weckend competîtion scheduled. The cost for joîfling cither conference is $ 100 per person or $1,3(X) per tcam. Thc dcadline l'or registration is March 31. The sea- son starts the third week (of Apnil. For more informa- tion, call Fah Giannuzzi at 875-2688. 1w »0plyrioouh VoW9sr. wagon, green ....09 legs ptymotf'VeoIgBSE. wagon, gen. * > 0 1995 plymilUlVoyager, wagon.,drllwood .-41,9W 1995ptymothGrMyagSr 5$ wagn, grmw...15,NS 1M 4Cflyuet1tftdid, 4 dr., bhi». 11,00 1993 PlW.outh Sminan9, 4 <k., green *$6,495 SALES un nt:LEASINIG ârysier, Jeep & Eagle SERVICE mmE ST.. NNLTO PARlTS Tau Season is u-pon us! Il Ibe paperwoÉ drives you cran ... let the eipeds hetp iyoD!u MERCER IIILDEBRAND & ZEIIR CERTIFIED GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS EFILE Our qualified. professional staff will advse and make the preparing and filing of your personal tas retum a quick and easy expe- rience. "Accountiflg & Tax Services for Small Business "Financial Planning - Estate Planning William J. Mercer, FCGA, CPA 245 Commercial St. Bus. (905) 876-1144 Milton, Ont. L9T 2J3 Fax: (905) 876-4209 Email: william.mêrcer@sympStico.C8 Management Accountant Lucien/Marie Williams & Assoc. INCOME TAX & GSTSPEIALST www.1Imwaccounltanlt.con Email: lucienw @globalserve.net 537 Beaver Crt Tel: (905) 878-0192 Milton Fax: (905) 878-2050 George A. Jenkins CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT w, Personalized Service w, Auditing & Accounting be Personal & Corporate Income Tax w, Computerized Bookkeeping we Financial & Retirement Planning 11 7 Martin St., Mitonl Income Tai Returns FROM $20. ANUD Up *in home service also available .Computerized Service 190 Main St. Ea 878-3636 Monday - Frday 11lam - 9pm Saturday & Sunday.till 6 pm RcIv S s 143 MAIN ST. Bus. 878-0162 Res. 845-8178 m Tap & Eatery LS'*Im TA-RZA N GETAWAY! YELL CONTEST RHINo Toss ý "It's an Afrîcan Safari! 55 ONTARIO ST., MILTON 878-6697