tp n Towi G.A. Krantz, Mayor The Town of Milton is a vibrant community with a wide variety of quality goods and services at competitive prices. We are a community where you can travel from your home to shops, businesses, offices and daycares in minutes and obtain friendly reliable service right at your doorstep. With the support of all Miltonians, our local businesses can stay healthy and continue to grow and prosper for the future. We have a vision... "7?& 4ee e et 4 te «4 ea«0st. OAvrm.". This vision describes the Milton community, allows local growth, and recognizes the significance of our natural assets. One of the Official Plan objectives includes the development of the Central Business District. This planning process looks at land use, parking, urban design and transportation issues within the expanded central business district (Thompson Road to Bronte Road) as it relates to the proposed growth for Milton. Please take a few minutes and find out what Milton has to offer for your shopping needs. G. A. Krantz, Mayor and Members of Council CERTI FICATE EVERY WEE -..d& &,, AI.-