Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Mar 1998, p. 16

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8 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 17, 1998 Oro ntgm 1 ý 71. 'frupiq, aîYai& $pé.W to ?7* htilon ttti4iongabhiOg a lim e qlpp4fi1yan~s One.ti*g you censamy abouti IOLLi, they're not otîr marketing tool, Betore we lad the Coke, aul we selots. uieffedwas thiebottle." la lact the local band sold the fetsest ticketstote Humour las smething MOLLI iasmin ample supply. recent Secondary Press Baitle ufthtie Bauds - flot sur- Their on-stage hi jiax incitide cruss-dressing and prising since they bail from th il st connnuniiy bawdy joking-telling. Once Rush - uvercomin eIe tisai wsrepresented at Hailtetm's Blrn bas*L smtde of Take Vour Clohes Off - evttidida partial They enjoyed thse least huasetown fan support andI striptease. probably the least poptlar dm slot &Sft on the et- 411t wa't anytising tooebl, 1 kept my undrwar bansd p!dbut peu'ly grabbed th t votes for the on.lgeto happy wleIi 1iseartlimsecleers tiat lil do $»Ôgnd prnze. ing ihu O g," he sîd. "11OLLV's b*lt4aour pr nn ate ailiig"Bt Iha'. the khsd o ceap thing tisatwlss yots 91.5 per ceW n the àjudges! haaam r u oit batfle of the bands shoWtm leustdma miore srconzdmore ainsreai neu For ail thier joking and ight-bearted antics, HOLI ble fmm Bwhsgooon memnbers are very serions abuut their musi - enjoy- Thuaimarks anotiser cliapter in th ulways-tise- iag a cosamitmesst tisey feel is quit rare among club bidesmaid-ever-tllsbride saga tbat's seemed to foi» bands. low the Mâtt..area goup sice ther ieinO< 'us alIfor. evMkid picklug tip a gutar and learîs- The?'. placed econd on more lian oeeoccasion ig how tply, but thls a kg of utbmdsiwlgo itoi and the inestly av ope te metto- cer- iithf way," said Mr. (WIk "l Its ikte iss song .tainly ne are etb eU - t*eye f > to ake hWa. saas, 'you've gotto ptyïrbt naIdgia. haies vget1teei k r«l I - Subscriihgto Iis doogHLÎwspnth "I¶ultbebvr<I(4$ent) Imtgot ln and <e kMfflyean sbin **»ulanls U ng utheït ,dine. flit rewe dyorsom ng" uestioned repertoire. Take Your Clôtii#offU Hbul ave 1!9-year.tM iàgtê tmguitaris* ie Ruasetof ean A Criminal areamassg theîr amotre cogaued Goretowns, repgaeima veteof thse reent t -telater omfoi r .@ fr ouhpo *HÔLLi's newest memtber - dreadloclcs-sporting Eqîg s ot really inspired from anaythlng. 1 jtist Milto bassistlRyazl Clark, 19 -suggests ~d" touglt otit whlle watchiag TV. 1Iwatch àlot of TVP dp54ura is'It abaGt partru la dmi's wht gav sa'M. Patt dm 'nane.Their hard-cliarglng sound lias been showcaletl Mee. ded We'r amaner*t o wo wsd throughntt Balton and at a aninber ef popular dragO*fnd the car by its .wne. el' i i w e ronto cublsue thse Opera RBouse and Borseatoe féel.lae9Wudrdog w159Pts kike4 arouud aloW, Tavera. Bothi lMr Clark and Mr. Rushjoined HOW lat Wlile Use s iplild thse uos roorn for exposure year aftel' allis seul fellew norili Ralton rockers aid profit, aot to mention opportunllies ike upenng .Dretv»$mtslse. for Q107 Henme Gresen selners Super Garage, ifwn.oi.e-yr-oI4 Mltesslan Elilott "Rimer" BOLLi would lik to becorne a more reglar attrac. 1NardwB - wvIs keeps thse beat - and Actais lea tilon forthelr young fansminMston. gutatlsi Rory Patt W 1 cnniethepfostdatim "A lot uf kida know us lbecause it's math a smal ofat they desb nopm e ta4llanl»d. town but w really bael o Wo lâe shows The two met ln grade 10 isory eags atai Bhop in tise area," sad Mr. Clark "We'd love to play lIai ReigM n i al og eoete sat yof cnctheewk etWh t b usius or togeher meeting frtff s4om,10 tO arags or bsiçk wids oth#r area bands. shieds. '"We could have like a love, peace festival in tise "lNbai 1 reseaiber mosi la keserua dtse srt few summser or soaethiag" pssees were," recdW MrM a rshallI, perhaps the Local teens asay net have te <ait thât long, as mosi musicaily talented et the feursoase. ln addition to HOLLi is rumoured tu le a laie additions 10 ibis tise drums, le lias an aptitude for orga, sxpoemoish's Baltle ofthe Bands lineup atltliopkuulsl5. and galterplaying. ~Froiliere theyll jani at Oakvile's CoroaIti Mr. Ruais sjd ii's oaly nus, seul Eyaa Clark Park in early surmer dsriag tise asna Waters1roat tlirwu ite the f ixl, liatMOLLI la trsly ceimplete. PutivaL Cops wamn some ads are bogus Tbe Ontario Provincial Police are warning tbe pub- duplicate tbe procedure ta involve otber people. lie about recently advertised get-ricb-quick scbemes. OPP tate tbat wbile tbe company'a return mailirl Certain classified ads under Help Wanted or address may appear proper, it is usually juat a nur Business Opportunities colurons and computer e-mail bered postal malbox. messages - promising big rooney wbile working at "Persons considering reaponding ta these ada shnul home - require one-time paymenta of $20 ta $35 ta carefully conider wbetber tbe affer saunda too goo caver enrolment in the prograîn. ta believe and sbould approacb witb caution," sai However, after paying tbe fee, tbe person may not OPP Inspector Harold Rose. receive any materaIs or furtber correspondence fmom To log a -complaint about a misleading advertisc the company. ment, caîl tbe Better Buainesa Bureau at (416) 7& In otber cases, an explaiiation ia received on bow tp 5744 or Industry Canada at 1-800-348-5358. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Millon-area rock band HOLLI look second recently ai the prestigious SP Baille uftihe Bands in Hamilon. Group members include (clockwise trom bot- tom) Ellioti Marsalal, Rory Pratt, Mke Rush and Ryan Clark. Award nominators say firms go the extra mile By STEVE LeBLANC Special to The Champion Wbetber it be improving your frnancial position. driving skills or social life, tbe 1997 crop of Business of tbe Year nomi- nees take quality service to a wbale new level. And tbat's wby tbey're ail up for tbe Chamber of Commerce' s coveted award. Safeguarding Milton's money for almost baîf a century, tbe Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce offers a fuit range of tinan- cial services ta botb individuals and busi- nesses. Growing witb tbe community since tbe 1950s, tbey've expanded to two Main Street locations and now bave a brancb tbat caters solely to sînall business service. As acting brancb manager Sue Harrison puts it, "Tbe key is trusted linancial advicc. I regularly bear froîn clients bow commit- ted and experienced our staff are." Sbe's quick to point out tbat former local manager Ren Siblock - a nominee for Business Person of tbe Year - is largely responsible for CIBC's success. Over tbe years tbe financial institution ig bas taken on numerous volunteer projects. n- Employees bave actively supported tbe United Way, Milton District Hospital's Ild Hike for Healtb, tbe Chamber of )Od Commerce and tbe Junior Achievement aid program. "Sbould anotber candidate be considered se- for tbe Business of tbe Year, it would be 66- just -as appropriate to consider CIBC," wrote its nominator. "Many of tbe staff the variety of volunteer organizations, each contributing in many ways ta this commu- nity." Wben its former owner decided ta pur- sue other interests, Wheels Driver Training instructor Keith Black rallied the troops and kept the business afloat - often with- out remuneration ta himself and at no cost ta the drivers enrolled at the time. That's how one of his biggest supporters recaîls the company's 1994 tuming point, which bas prompted her ta write a glowing report of the Wbeels' program. For his part, Mr. Black says bis business' mission statement ia simply ta inspired joy of Iife-Iong safe driving. "The nomination is totally out of the blue," Mr. Black remarked. "I'm walking on air." Wheels offers botb road and in-class dri- ver training. Tbey bave recently initiated an amual student graduating award pro- gragiand cater ta tbe bearing impaired. AAI&Wbeels' nominator, "Tbis fore- sigt is one example of tbe beart and dedi- cati"s of tbis most vital service to our colity." Anii ricate part of tbe community for tbe p« 18 years, tbe Dickens Restaurant offenj ood eats and good times. A bosebold name among local sports circles, the Englisb-style pub and its staff "sbomUl be commended for tbe excellent professioal services tbey offer tbeir cus- tomers", according to tbeir noîninator. *sae GREAT on page 17 rýRemýodelling s Parts BM MMNNON 18 THOMPSON RD., UNIT 1 MILTON, ONTARIO L9T 2X5 TEL: 878-5222 e FAX: 878-5096 r

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