FOREIGN EXCHANGE PROGRAM Offer expires March 31/98 Trade in yaur grey market U.S. satellte for ExpesVuat vitafly no cast. G£apmmg a&quito e rmofthe wsysta (905) 921.6970 M pres - Magnificent seven The Miltan Skating Club will send seven representatives ta the Ai-Ontaria finals. Among those qualifying thraugh inter-club campetitian are (front raw, tram left) Rebecca Wallace, Cassandra Berghammer, Lisa Petrie and (back row, tram left) Chistel Peebles, Karyn Cseft, Nicale Zinck and Sabrina Maran-Grant. j- this feature contact Vicki-Lynn Preston at m -w BETTER LIVING HOME HEALTH GARE 25B Commercial Street, Milton, Ontario L9T 2H6,» 875-2458 1BATHROOM SAFETY " GRAB BARS " RAISED TOILET SEATS SPORTS EDICINEHOTICOLD THERAF e BANDIT GOLF/TENNIS ELBOW SUPOTf THERMOPHORE M e NEOPRENE KNEE SUPPORT : MICROWAVABLE HC - -- .. -.~. . . À. . A A n IOFCARIM(G DOFESIlNALS" BRIAN MAURO IOIST HEAT PADS )TICOLD PACKS MU~ LEANNE MAUROIKELLY CHfURCH~IILL~- Dr. Lusa Bridges, B.P.E., D.C. M ILTON ScottiJ. Harvie, B.Sc., C.Ped. Chiropractor orh tc Certified Pedorthist Our mission is ta âand tqç many familles as What are Orthotics? possible about f ti e I1~9 f natural health Orthotics are custom molded shoe inserts used to alleviate painful through chiro e e to rebuild the conditions of the feet and legs by correctly supporting the foot to thoughts an oc o0 0 LD with every restore normal alignment and function. adjustmnent we g t u ge our patients to help us com vson 3006 Derry Rd. W. 180 Ontario Street S. Suite 106, Milton, Ontario L9T 2X5 Milton, Ontario Tel: (905) 878-5020 (905) 845-7606 ~<: ~ Xatura((y Be '14e(tness Centre ~N4~ Comp(ementany /iea(tIh care ... the natura(way Natural Process: Learn a simple and empowering technique to clear emotional blocks, eliminate unwanted attachments to people, places, -things and situations, achieve clarity and be able to make decisions easily. Uom8flPS1I,,upmft Tguo wIut . urut28 ItmPM= - MSL 4f#ila, *3 *U4S 71 MCLAREN ROAD NOFrTH, CAMPBELLVILLE, ONTARIO LOP iBO LINDA AND PAUL HENDERSON - (905) 854-1654 ý?Uur.i-urpose Our Iasting purpose is to provide quality care to dedicated enthusiastic families for the pur- pose of maximizing their health. To increase the potential in people's lives so they can expenience tif e to the fullest, naturally. Cati 878-5165 i -JL-.Z-JL