* 24,-fl Canadien Champion, Tueade Marchl0, 19918 60 ALictionft 145 GeneraiHein Wanted COUPLE WANTED Campbeîlviltî ares, thoroughbred race homse tarm. Must have excel- lent knowedgs of homses and capableoa farm maintenance. Beatifui 2 becfroom apartment witla saJary. Apply by fax te: 1-906-5-0721. DRIVER WITH ARZLicence for locil mcd delivery. Laie Apri fhrough November. 878-1011. GARDEN CENTRE anid Nursery help roquired. Muet bo oxpertenced. FulIVart lame. Apply in per- san cill reforencas te Larigholm Nurseries, 6711, Hwy 25, Wtkon. LABOURER wanled fult lime. MueI have good drivfrag record. Apply with resumne Io: P.O. Box 2278, c/oc Tho Canadien Champion, 191 Main Street E., Miton, Ont L9T 4N9. LANDSCAPE COMPANY roquires hll lime holp from Apri-Docember. Muet have somo ex- perisiace with tacri maintenance and construction. (905) 878-137. LAWNCARE PERSONNEL reqauired for Mâton, Mississauga. Hourly position, dlean drivers abstract, fultime position te Novembor. Could lead intal year round employment Fax resume te: 1400-321-7932. PART-TIME SERVICE PERSON required. Duties Io nadude testing & repair of ceîling fan & figlt- ing products. Must have some loctrical knowbldge. Idéel for semi-etireel person. 90&- 878-1080. For MNr. Gorge Van Iel(Far. Selli> LOCATED on 42 Sldsroad, 14 mi. E. et Appleby LUne (Nerth Durîngton). apprex. 2 mi. N. etf14w. #5 or4 mi. S. ef Deny Rd. CONSISTINGO0F Traclors SP, Combine, hayîng- rslli[ig cquiprnerr, hSq, straw, ec KuSota 6950 4x4 racler 16.9x30 ires (gscd shape), Belarus 6100 4x4 lractor w/cab (1075 bts) (1995) 16.9x38 ires, M.F. 2200 tracter sif h 300 bydr loader & shuflît shift, BobCal (Farm Boy) skid steel leader wilh 2 qI buckets, Jeohn Deere 3300 gas combine (1300 org. hrs) silli 10' slraighl cal head (like ses), Case InI 8430 4x4 reund haler as ses), ses Hlland 273 haler, sew Hlland 488 haybine (1995), tes Hlland 166 bay ineertar (1995), 24' round bale wages & HO useder carnage, 16' fiat deck sages, 2 gravity boxes & wagons, twe 20 Precision port-a-feeder wagons (as ses), Allied bale stoker & moter, Mayrath 42' bale etevater, 506 P.T.O. grain auger, Gebi 72 fiait crop chepper, Dits sel-unloading sages, N.H. 790 Tandem spreader & tait gale, John Deere 8250 17 res drill with grass & lert., John Deere F-145 4 trres 16' pies, tnt 350 sheet disc 36 plate, N.H 354 mix-mili, Grain--caler wagon, Lely sheel type fort spreader, Hard 1100 litre single axie sprayer 28' boem (as nes), M.F. 24' trait type spisgteoth cuti., 10' 3 P.T.H. cati., Daseser post boteager, 5 b.p. ses lite air cemp., drill press, 1B' 9-tes tri-acte Itoat witb etectric brakes, 18' tandem tandscape traiter, appres 100 baies er 4x4 hay, approx 100 bales et 4x4 stras. This is a geed cdean effering- net many smatt items. (Possibty some househotd items) Jiii M Catiip,, i . 'Ifr(9 56 ý)8 7 81 om uters and Video's TINMII of buing a computer? Gel Born ad- vice on what you need and how to gel dm best deat for your doler. Need sorne help wita that new or existng computer? Tutoring, main- tenance and upgradea avaitlable. Day. at 905- 4674133, 878&3%3 - 9 a&m. - 8 p.m. 85 Garaae Sales RENOVATION GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, MAROH 14 8 ANM- NOON 12 MARTIN STREET 8 ft & 4 IL fluoresce tfolet, unIr, cdoors, hard*we, AC & more. 135 Voluntuors i 165 Hoso..m8diçflLDffintaletc. 14§ General HelD Wanted PATTMA TUENTULS PRTqJ UEdnocsoa abe8 bas t unod cntne radLgencera wa Bue he.90-9-100. &3p WAREHOUSE HELIP. - Full time shipper! roceivor. 3-5 years expenoence, medianically in- clined preferred. Sonne service and maintenance required. Salary commonsurate with exponience. Ploase send resumne in confidence to: Box 2274, c/o The Canadlan Ghampion, 191 Main Street E., Miton, Ont LOT 4N9. 150 Sales HeIR HOT New Magazine Acteertising Sales - 4 monta projectl aunching exciling new rural magazine. kdeal opportunities for energetic persan. Tena- porary unemployed or homekeeper with 6 hours/ day. Start immediatoty. Saturday training sessions. Cen tead Io permanent positon. High Commission, car reqjired. Cal Nigot, 873-6519. GEORGETON Requires 2 experienced SALESPERSONS to seil and lease new and used vehicles. Contact George Mlynczky or fax resume to: 905-873-8246 155 SkilIed Hel:) IINDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN and Apprentices required. Minimum three yenrs experience. Con- trot w rng and trouble shooting an asseit. Ploase cati 905-875-1898. TYPESETTER for Georgetown magazine publisher, muet hnow :uark. Futllime days or part time eveninga. Fax resumo tIo: 1-800-265- 1140. Are you planning a specl avant that would bo of I interest fa those In the community? I ADVERTISE rr INITHE CANADIAN CHAMPION «Yiour Hometown Communhl',,Nawspaper" 1 Phone 875-3300 160 Office HeID MILTON HYDRO E Hsa pnn oLECTRIC COMMISSON Coflecti anfor cog oraigttcl Cletons/Customer Service Generat Clerk Reporting te tht Blling and& Collections Supervisor, lections activity inctuding iaising with the collec- tions agency, and processing closed accounts. Other responsibitities include assisting witth castomer ser- vice, and providing back-up for bitling, including daity operation of tht mail machine. Assistance with cash processing and accounting activities ii occur as required. Tht successful candidate wiii have strong interper- sonat skilis with two years experience working in a service environment. This position requires sorte- ont that is fhorougb, has attention to detail, and has tht initiative to take on work independentty as need- ed. Experience with computers, inluding a prof t- ciency with WordPerfect and Lotus is essentiat. A mechanical aptitude woutd be a definife asset. Minimum of Grade 12 education is required, howev- er, a community cottege diptoma in business with courses in computers is preferred. Oualified applicants are to submit their resume hy March 16, 1998 to: Tht Manager, Finance and Administration Milton Hydro-Electric Commission R0. Box 189 55 Thompson Road South Milton, Ontario L9T 4N49 Due te the aniipated volume of appileants, oniy ihose selmelefor an interview wmlii e acknowledged. FULL-TIME OFFICE HELP Gro-Barks Organics, a leader in composting and manufacturing soils for the horticultural industry, requires an individualto1 manage our Mitton office. Candidates must have basic office skitts, be abte t0 work independently and be an enihusiastic inte- gral member of a amatI dedicated teana. Ptease send resume by mait or fax 10: Gro-Back Organics lnc. Attn: Bitl McKaguc, 700 Rupert St., Waterloo, Ontario N2V 2B5, Fax: 519-885-6742. 1§9oceHelD FULL TIME BOOKKEEPER Fu lime bookkeeper requîred for buay retait business. Candidate must be computer titerate, able to maintain books to financial statements, be experienced witla att govt. taxes and remit- tances, be an organized team player wit8a excel- lent telephone skilis. Non smoking office. Regretuily, osly applicants desrred for inter- views wiil be contacted. Please reply by Monday. Match 16 to0P.0. Box 2277, c/o Milton Champion, 191 Main St. E., Mitton, Ont. L9T 4N9. -A/P & A/R Part Time $1 0.50/H r. Exp. accounting peopte needed for long term, part-lime, temp. aasigniments in Oakvitle. Must know Accpac mnd/or Excet. Please cai <905) 681-2411 166 Careers_ ____ CLERICAL SERVICES AVAILABLE. t have my own computer systen capable of compltlng any assigri- ment; a Deakjel printer, modem lacilfties, mailing pro- gram, word procesaing, Faxwoelcs Message Conter. My rates are moderate and compelilive. (905) 878-0738 belseen 8am and 7pm.- àe Cmli 875-3300 #0 ii -y.w 166 Careers 230 Vehicles for Sale 1M0 BUICK Pa" Avenue, 4 door, fullylodd immaculale condition, tow kms., oertiflsd. Stesso Motors, Hiltn, 878-1797. 1M0 JEEP CHEROICEE Larodo. MinI condition, 5 apeod, fiily loaded. $5900. Cal Jirn 905"54- 1098. Col 0416-91143723. 1980 MUSTANG HATCHBACK Excellent condlition. 4 cyfindar. $2000. csrtiled or $1700. as iB. 905-693-0458. AUTO M1SURANCE. Boafmam for most drivers inclu6fng higher"nI. Cal Waren, 519-53- SALES &LEASING NEW, & LSED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMLY BUSINESS WITH FAMLY VALUES WE r- BUY - SELL - LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHiCLES IN MILTON 875-2277 Make it RICHARDSON' CH1MOLET OLDSMOBILI' -, Tp lease or purchase fyour car or truck Hwy 25 S. at Derry Rd. 878-2393 When k'uyinq o«r i5elinY7 TheraniadiinChampioi. THE HALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD INVITES APPLICATIONS FOR OCCASIONAL (SUPPLY) TEACHERS (AIL SUBJECT AREAS) Occasionat (Sappiy) Teachers are etitized on an 'as needed' basis with possible censideratien for tati-lime empteyment sheetd tht need arise. Tht rate of pay for 'Occasienat Teachers»is in accerdance with the Collective Agreemt belseen tht Board and the aIeon Lecal et the O.E.C.T.A. Occasienat Teachers. lnterested applicants must be avaitabie immediatety and are asktd te torsard a carrent resame, tetter et reterence Item a Parish Priesl, transcripîs, practice teacbings repers, tetters et recemmeitdatien, evidence et a satistactery lubercatin test, evidence et a cerrent Criminal Records Check and supperting decumentation ne lter than Tsesday, Mardi 17, 1998,10o: S.V. Balogh, Superintendent, Human Resources Thte Haîton Catholto DIstrIct Scbool Board 802 Drury Lane, Burlington, Ontario L7R 3Y James Sbertock FL. Sweeney Chair cof tht Board Director et Education Personat informatien sabmitted for applicatien te Ibis position is cettected accerding te the provision ot tht Freedem et Information and Pretection et Privacy n Municipal and Local Beards Acf, and sutl be used for the parpeses et defermining eigibitity for tbe position. _______________ capacity to care? ETE The ability 10 listen? OAKVILLE Thtdesire to help? VOLUNTEER on tht Oakvillt distrese ine. Our sprimg training course 1 tvtnmng wttkly for 7wks begins in April. Your commitiment is (3) 4 houe shifts a month for 1 year following training. To register for our March 24th, no obligation information tvtning, call 8494541 UNrrso Any day bttwttn m uWAY noon and midnight AGENCY Needed immediately fo private duty case ino Milton area. Please fax resume to: (905) 896-8353 1 170 Davcarei A CHILDCARE Provider neoded, Monday, Tues- day & Wodnesday. Pleate cal 876-4411. CHILDOARE NEEDED for 2 girls devolopmen- talty handicappod, 15 yoar otd & 11 year old. Start March 23, my home or yours. Car an sot. 875-3728. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in the Robert Baldwin and St Peters Scfaoo ares. Cal anyftme. 878- 3758. EXPERIENCED DAYCARE given, ariy age, hot lunches provided. Private homo. Reasonable ratas. Receipts given. 878-0118. HOME DAYCARE avaitable. 7 yenrs expenience. Infants wolcome. 876-4415. LOVIIG CARE for your ciafron 'in your homo. Exporionced, mature, transportation. References. 878-6925. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE offoring quality prograns for chikIren 18 mondas te 5 years. Craffs, music a field tipe. 878-7552. RELIABLE DAYCARE available, 16 yoars oxpereance, snacks & lunches, lots of flC and relerencos. Phono 875-0198. 210 Personal ABUSED and efrald? For help cal 878-85%. a 24-hour crIBla tâe for abused womenm. Haiten Women's Place is an emergency ahllar aval- stbie for abused womnen nd der dlden in H- ton Regiota. AI calle are conidential. ARE DRUGS cauaing you problemae? Narcotics Anonymous cari help. W. mmmlt Friday nlghts at Grace Anglcan Churota, Main Sbre.tMilton, at 8'00 p.m. ARE YOU BEING afl.ofad by someon e oIe drInIdng? AI - Arion Family Group meots se Monday nlght 8 p.m. aI Sf. Pais' United Ctawda, back door (parking lot entrano. 1-80-81- 4862. PREONANT Ded"aIo malte? Call us wo're hIo teblen. 875-1245. SPOIJSE CHEATINGI? E.R.- Psychic Ansèers. You can know Raied 91. Police 100,000+ Cdne. Use Us. CFilS onkbdntia. 24/tr. $2.90min. 18+. 1-900-451-4055. 185 Emplovment Wanted