Dateline Dateline is a free listing of coming events only. The col- umn is available ta local community groups ta assist in pro- moting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit community groups may use this service. We cao oniy guar- antee one issue of publicity closest ta the date of the event although more insertions are possible if demand is 10w. Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed ta PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed ta (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fniday's edition. Dateline items wiIl not be accepted by telephone. Tuesday Mar. 10 An anger management seminar runs from 9:30 ta Il1ar. through the Young Mon's Prograni at 100 Nipissing Road. Child care will be provided. The Milton Seniors Activity Centre holds their monthly Lunch Bunch a( a local eatery at Il1:30 arn. Corne along for friendship, good food and the latest news. Caîl 875-1681 for this monthas location. Frogs and toads are the topic of discussion at this month's HaltonlNorth Peel Naturalist Club meeting, which starts at 7:30 p.m. at Harrson Public Schaal in Georgetown. The Trillium Photographie Club invites you to Members' Audio-Visual Shows at East Plains United Chturch in Rurlington, starting at 8 p.m. For more information, caîl Marilyn Chayka at 634-7755. Tuesday Mar. 10 - 11 E.C. Drury High School performs "You're a Good Man se. more DATELINE on page 16 é&-9[ACatereJ9Affair W* is flow serving Mon. - Fri. 7:00 amn - 3:00 pmn, Sat. 8:00 amn - 11:00 arn 140 Main St. 875-2964 'kYouth. stfatagyot c Dynamic 42-week entrepreneurial workshop and business start-up program designed for unemployed/ underemployed young aduits. * 18-30 years * training allowance * internship " imited enroliment " coaching services " starts end of March To attend orientation session contact: The Enterprise Centre (905> 825-2345 * I Human Recumm S DévOo9PoMfi dam O.vmlpfmlt Ca*uda reourcol hunmhus Canad The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, March 10. 1998 -15 Region wants to keep car trade rules from HALTON on page 14 aaid. "We're suggesting that if you're was philosophically opposed ta the tariff. they did not want ta jain. She aaid in the going ta trade anything away, make sure He said large auto manufacturers are move towards freer trade agreements the you get something back." owned by shareholders around the world. tariff is a bargaining chip which mnust not Burlington Councillar John Taylor said However, because an American based he easily traded away. auto mranufacturer, are ail inter-tmarnied" coinpany wîth Auto Pact pnivileges owns a Ms Mulvale accused Mr. Caldwell of wih. n wn ic tahrcma piece of a foreign company, they can nmes. In this manner many féreign cars are dodging the issue of potential membership imported without paying the taif import those foreign built cars int Canada in the Auto Pact by Far Eastern auto manu- He suggested the recent dmop in the taif without paying duty. facturers. fmom 7.3 per cent ta 6.7, which precipitated Halton Chair Joyce Savoline said the "We are not saying tumes will neyer the discussions at Halton Region, was nec- issue was not about tariffs but rallier about change we are anly advising aur MPs an essary ta fulfilI existing trade agreements. having a strong bargaining chip in trade an issue af great local importance," she Burlington Councillor Jack Dennison negoiations. - - - - ---à