Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Mar 1998, p. 37

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The Canadian Champion, Friclay, Mardi 6, 1998-21 150 SalaiHalom« Leading water purification comnpany requires an experienced Sales Representafive for fhe Georgetown, Milton Area Succesaful candidates must have extensive experienca. Favorable applîcants wîll be rewarded wvith excellent benefita, a great working environment, and an above average income. MOTIVATED PEOPLE Please Forward Resumes To: Stephen Agnew Echo Springs Water Company 191 Superior Blvd., Mississauga, ON L5T 2L6 Fax:(905)795-8474 or cali 1-800-387-9903 (GORRUD'S NEW CAMEER OPPORTUNITY SALESjAMINS IEPRESENTATIVE Tired of the 95 griod. Lnoking for a ew challenge? We are a fast grswing delership cit a reputable sales presence. We are seeking sales riented ondividuals (mule or temate) for immediate positions in vehicle sales & leasing. Previsus eoperî- ence in the automobive indusbry is nt essential. Applicants must have a prfessiomil appeamonce und manner and undersband te valuentf dedication ta te custumer. We provide excellent epporbunity ttrough our superior imventory, aggressive udverising and generous compensation package. If pou are a team player and would lite pour efforts ta directly impact pour income, we watt ta heur from pou. Pi faxplsyousarme tu <(>)>975-2279, METa 155 Skilled Helg INDUSTRIA&L ELECTRICANS andAprnie requawed. Minimum tiree years experience. Con- trol wiing and trouble shooting an asset. Please cati 905-875-1898. LAWN TECHIICIAN We are an expanding company recrutttng tndt- viduats wiling ta be trained in our industry. Ministry of envlronmenf Land Ctass 1 & 3 wouid be an asset, however, we are witing f0 train. RMRMMS: Must be motivated, organized and able f0 work with minimum supervision. Customer service experlence an asset. Compefent operafion of medium sized, standard transmission truckis necessary. Clean driving record & excellent navigationai siilis a must. We offer an excellent starfing salary. Send resurme or fax f0: 7595 Oanbro Crosent, Mlslsauga, Ontaro, LUN 6P Fax: 905-858-3350 * !!!DM!!!. BRAMPTON HEAVY DUTY MECHANIC Champion is a leading distributor of quatity road building and maintenance cquipmcnt in Ontario. Our Brampton location bas an immediate opening for a mcchanic. The succesufut candidate witt be o licensed heavy duty diesel mechanic with a mini- mum of five years experience, idcutly in the con- struction equipment field. Champion offero competitive wagcs and o futty puid, comprehenaive benefits package. tnterested candidates ohoutd fax or phone their reoume to: Sharron Buchanan Fax: (905) 791-8885 160 Office Helg EXPANDING Communications Company in Mil- ton reqeires part time peeson f0 hande office, recepioniat and inside sates. Plione 416-717- 0801 or Fax resume Io 416-717-4801. Whether you are providing a servic e f0 fie community; or are iooking for an answer f0 a problem; check fie Champion ciassifieda. We are here f0 ofler our assistance. Calil 8753300, and ask for Sheena. ýwWldV a @%Fano MUMOMMI 160 Offce HSID FULL-TIME OFFICE HELP Gro-Barks Organics, a leader in composting and manufactuning soils for the horticulturat industry, requires an individualto1 manage our Milton office. Candidates mast have basic oiffice skills, be able ici usoî i f1dependes1ils and Pc as i nillisti, ii fi gral member of a ornait dedicated tearn Please send resurme by mail or fax to: Gro-Bark Organics tac. Attn: Bill McKague, 700 Rupert St., Waterloo, Ontario N2V 2B5, Fax: 519-885-6742. 165 Hosp..Medical. Dental etc. Needed immediate ly for pivate duty case in Milton area. Please fax resume ta: (905) 896-8353 166 Careers EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER rsqulrsd by HI-5 Hair Designers Cati Blush et: 876-1337 Exocutivo Coordinator The Aduit Learing Network for Peel-Halton-Dufferin, a nete organization resulting from the amalgamation of the Halton and Peel Adult Learning Networks, requires an Esecutive Coordinator. The Network is a regional resource supporting aduit literacy and basic skilîs programming and providing leadership amongof delivery agencies. The Executive Coordinators primary focus is to support the Board of Directors, the Network Membership and the vari- 005 committees and task groups that feed into the development of a Community Literacy Plan. The Executive Coordinator provides leadership, direction, consultation and strategy development f0 key organi- zational issues. If you have knowledge of the Literacy and Aduit Learning Sector, well developed communi- cation and facilitation skills, demonstrated financial and project management abilities and esperience in developing and maintaining partnerships, please send your resume and supporting documents by March 16/98, to: Kaihy Milis, President Haiten Aduit Learninq Network Halten AdMit Education - Elgin Campus 5151 New St., Burllngton, ON LL1V3 Fax: (905) 634-2775 - A CIIILDCARE Providler needed, Monday, Tues- day & Wedneaday. Please cali 876-4411. CHILDOARE NEEDED for 2 girls deveiopmen- taily handlcapped, 15 year oid & il year old. Sfart Mardi 23, my home or yours. Car an asset. 875-3728. E.C.E & moller of tvw ath 10years of daycare expenience lias an openong in my home. Firat Aid & CPR fraied. Large playroom anith activiltes daily, inside & ouf. 875-2945. EXPERIENCED DAYCARE given, any age, hot lunches provdsd. Private home. Reasonable rates. Receipts given. 878-0118. HOME DAYCARE availabie. 7 years expenience. Infans weicome. 876-4415. LOVING CARE for your chiren in your home. Experienced, mature, transportation. References. 87M425. RAINBOW VILLAGE DAYCARE offering quatity programs for chiren 18 monilis to 5 years. Crafes, music & fied tnips. 878-7552. 180 Teachina ODDortunities The Halton Waldort School P.O. Box 184, Campbellvllls, Ont. LOP 150 A small independent school in Caapbellvillt reqaires a mature persan la assisl thetelacher inte Gr. 7 class. 3 days per week. Teaciting enptrience with pre-leen children is a must. Aiso: Subst Iluts Teachers for KG-8 Woodwork Teacher, part-time, Gr. 7&8 Mail or fax rosume: (905) 854-1582 REPUCEI REU5EI RECYCLEI 185 Emfflovment Wanted CLERICAL SERVICES AVAILABLE. 1 have my own computer sysfem capable of completing any asaign- ment; a Deakjef printer, modem facilitles, mailing pro- gram, word prooessing, Faxworks Message Cenfer. My rates are moderute and competitive. (905) 878-0738 between ffam and 7pm. 202 Business Services THEY SAY, te ciothes make the man; well fhe resumne makes the job aeeker. My resums get jobs. Cali 876-1447. 210 Personal ABUSED and atrald? For help cai 878-8555, a 24-hour crisis lne for abused woenen. Hatllon Womens Place s an emergency shIter avaâ- able for abused women and ther châlc*en un Hat- ton Region. AN catis are confidentl. ARE DRUOS cauasing you problema? Narcotios Anonymous can help. We meet Friday nuglts at Grace Anglican Churcli, Matn Street, Milton, at 8:00 p.m. ARE YOU BEING sffsctsd by someone stase drlnktng? AI - Anon Famiiy Group meets eacli Monday niglit 8 p.m. af St. Paulsa United Church, bacle door (parking lot entrance.) 1-800-891- 4862. PREGNANT? Decisions to make? Cai us we're hem fto fisten. 875-1245. SPOUSE CHEATING?? E.R. Psychic Answers. You can know Rated #11. Police 100,000+ Cdns. Use Us. Catis confidentiat. 24/lira. $2.99/min. 18+. 1-900-451-4055. 230 Vehicles for Sale 1989 JEEP CHEROICEE 1Laredo. Mint condition, 5 speed, fuiiy loaded. $5900. Cati Jim 905-854- 1098. Cel #416-984-3723. 1987 PLYMOUTH CARAVILLE, V8, 4 door, 64,000 originatl kma. Absoiulely mint condition. $3495 salety indluded. Geoif, 876-3423. AUTO INURANCE. Best rates for mont drivers inctudng hgher rnsks. Cati Warren, 519-853- 4284. ®GEORGETOWN TOYOTA sNew & Used Car Sales sNew & Used Car Leasing e Parts & Service Open Saturdays 15 MOUNTAINVIEW RD. N. GEORGETOWN Located under th. watur tower GORRUD'S 0 5f SALES & LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WLTH FAMILY VALUES WE=-BUY -SELL -LEASE LARGEST SELECTION 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 240 T railers. Mobile Homes FOR SALE - 35 FT. 1992 Coachrmaster, air, awning. sees six, many extras. Phone 905- 693-030, afeer fiv. 250 Business ODortunities DEST HOMEBASED BUSINESS EVER IFyoulre flot making $62.0 an hour, youre n the wrong business. MFg. Agent seeks locol pros to restock estab- loîcotons hondling Hershey's cisocolote. e the First in your area. Over 1,5000 locations already secured! No exp necessory. Part or mpl time, min. investment ai $8.900. For Courier package with complete details cou toit free 1- L800-336-4296. 25 uiess ODgDortunhIes * Join The Leader ln The FurnIture Reflnlshlng Business The original Fow Over System using sale, environ- menlally friendly producîs. WE OF FER 1. A ste-y li syslmrn 2. Excdusve erritoiy 3. Evey aspect s easy la lears 4. No royalties t0oehad office 'jw ol i a l :î oit l ji IltXiilra i e li )l4OI 0 ifflsîmaiion, mirie oi ail Maggie ai. The Strippera! 427 GaM Ave. #2 Ktchener, ON N2M SEl 1-519-5764282 260 Income Tax INCOME TAX PREPARAllON. Ron NeweIl. $20 per retum. Phone 878-8251. INCOME TAX RIETURNS pmepared. Please oel Steve Weilwood, 876-4279. INCOME TAX RETURNS. Free 3 monllis long distance. Ask for details. 878-3636 tili 9 p.m. daiiy. 285 For Rent 3 BEDROON in nice netghbourhood, garage, gas heat, bright est-in kitchen. Perfect for famiiy. $895/month. No dogs please. 519-853-4875. 4 BEDROON, 1-1/2 badirooms, family room, al broadloomned, freshly decorated. $1,250. 854- 2357. THREE BIEDROOMN House, Top floor. $950.! monlh plus ulilities. No pets. Avattable April 1sf. 878-U89. 1 Fitness Centre e Utfiites & Parking I ncluded a Fantastic Location! TOVWCU(905) 63940583 Pluasapresent fhlsad ai dîne of t4ewing. Bore sùl onsappfr. BURLINOTON NA P A R T M E N T S 2 & 3 Sedrooms Also Avallabie is1BEDROOM Apartment, on ground floor, soenic country setting, minutes f0 401 & Guelph. Furnished or unfurnished, ail appliances, suitable for single or couple, abstainers only. $700/monthly, indludlng utilities a parking. 905- 854-1671. 1 BEDROOM UNIT in Village/Parc. soufl iie. Avaiabie April 1sf, $1 ,000/month. Cali Gary Thiomas, Re/max Mdilwne, 878-7777. 2 BEDROOM PENTHOUSE unit n Village Parc. Availabie May lat, $1 ,500/monti. Cai Gary Tliomas Re/max Miitowne, 878-7777. ACTON, large 3 bedrocen, $860. plus; large 2 bedroom w/Ansement, $800. plus; 1 bedroom, $550. plus. 519-853-5080 - 519-853-5352. BASEMIENT APARTMENT, newiy renovated witli common entrance. Large bedsitting moom, kitclien, 3 pece bath, fIreplaoa & garage, ullites ncludeci. Frat and last montihs rent and referen- ces required. Suitable for single person, no pets. $750. Please leave message. 875-2949. MILLSIIE TOWERS - 82 MILSIDE M., IMILTON NGW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedrooms avoulable on bus route, fresitty decorafed, 2 appliances, on-site tuundry, inctudes ail utilities (escept phtone & cable). Free parking, no pets. References required. 905-876-1249 By appoîntmnent oniy SHORT-TERM Rentais, 3+ months. Spacaous 1 & 2 bedrooms, utilties, indoor pool, work-out room. Burfington Towers, 639-8583. Are you planningsa speciai avent that wouid b. of Iinfereat to those in the community? ADVERTISE IT IN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION "Your Honnetown Community Newspaper' 1 Phone 875-33001

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