ThoCanbdlia Chrmiiori, Ffflaç; UMM% 6;19".- Local author Laura Dîxon, soon horo wth ono of her many bocks, was named this yoar's recipi- ont of the Hrftago wrtlng award. Breathing new ife i nto past earns awards By BRAD REAUME The Champion If history forms the foundation for a town's future, then the local historical society helps to keep that foundation in good, repair. The Milton Histonical Society recently gave out its Heritage Awards, celebrating achievernents which help cernent Milton's past to its present. Awards were given last month in four categories. Laura B. Dixon won a writing award for her collection of poemns celebrat- ing rural life in the early part of this century. The grade six class at Brookville Public School claimeti an award in education for their efforts putting together famtily trees. John Duignan earned the visual arts award for bis eye-opening collection of pre-Wodld War One post cards and Jef andi George Bergsrna weoe given the architectural award for their renovations of their new store location on Main Street. The architectural award is jutigeti by a panel chosen by the Local ArcIiitecturaI Conservation Advisoty Comnnittee (LACAC> known as Heritage Milton. 'Bergsma's have*a gorgeous retail presence now," said listoical Society spokesperson Dorrie Goeig. *There is a percep- tion that renovations are difficult or expensive. Many retailers dont understandt what a draw restoreti buildings are." Father George anti son Jef were credited with building "an entran'ce fseade appropiate to the age" in their restoraion of what was once known as the Darling-Stevenson Building, built in 1855. Anothe Berginia son, Peter, hati a hanti in the capenbty anti construction. Various localdignitaries presenteti theawards, inchding Haiton Nodih PP Ted Çhul2eh school board Trustee Eiica Andrew adunagUflmC halhinor Milton ayor Goed Kranl presented Ile visual arts awanl tri Mr. DuignL Col5cting aniques nmm in die Duignan family. Mmli POuaiSM&feabpctures of Mfiton in the early put of die centti- ry, when collecting ca"d was a major hobby. 0 meBROKVILLEon pago 10 TII TUNIR11P Op TII 9@#S If your cor is more thon one year old or hos trovelled more thon 20,000 kilometres (12,000 miles), YOU NEED A MOTORVAC"~ CARBONCLEAN' SERWICE! EMISSION MAINTENANCE TUNE-UP Includes: *Repacement of ail necessary filters *Inspecion of ail tune-up components, including P.C.V. system *Fuel injection systemn service <motorvac carbon clean) *Complete exhaust inspection including catalytic converter service. Carbon, dirt, gum and varnish Iiorm critical enine components - resulting in Iost performance, rougit idle and overal[ driveability problems. After your engine is cleaned by a MotorVac CarbonClean' Service it will: " Restore new-car perfomance' " Improve acceleraitiori " Increase fueleconomy *Correct driveability problems related to carbon and other contamination For more information call or visit Bob. 18 Commercial St. 878-7926