Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Mar 1998, p. 20

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Page 4. The Milton Shopping News, Fiday, Mareh 6, 1998 CALL tipEine News 878m8855 "WHERE YOUR AD ISTHNES 348 BRONTE ST., UNIT #8, MILTON FOR SALE: Vitamas- FOR SALE: 1986 FREE: Well nm ter 2 hp. treadmili, cxc. Mercury Grand Mar- Pit Bull, 2 yeî cond., $350 firm. quis, driven daily, $350 neutered. (901 Steve, 845-3785. -10 OBO.l 849-4515. - 10 8882. To Place Vour FREE Ad Cali 1-888-400-3283 Ext.l 5 f Ths is a FREE telephone eaul "SAY YOU SAW rr Iè CLEANUP ,TIMWE!À And what beiter way to clean house titan by holding a sensational ARAGIF SA&LE. IWSAI îanncred FOR SALE: Maple FOR SALE: 1988 FOR SALE: Apple FOR SALE: 1989 ars old, stadent desk & chair, Acrostar van, automat- persoval Laser Writcr Menkur Scorpio, cxc. 5) 712- cxc. coud., 4 drawcrs, ic, 7 passenger. $2,900. LS $125. Phone 5 19- coud., ccrttlied, $3,50). -10 $75. 336-3723. -10 Cati 876-0678. -17 853-2083. -1() Ph. 844-9020. -6 The Milton Shopping News Mleeting vPlate %fflur Te cot ofthiscalvis ovmy $2.29 per minute Fe i nd h i ied oma ce iseus a-Ph ne- aI As a uw tn s raight SF's, eariy 30's, nsmoker, love music, dîning, dancing & ADVENTUROUS FEMALE the outdoors, iooking for a couple ut fun, Single white temate, 32, 54", slim, mature & ft maies 10 spend some ime attractive. aubum hair, blue eyes, career together. ADa 1969 Oriented, sauve ot humour, confident, active, adventurou, Snegle mther ut THE 8KV 18 THE LIMIT one, like music, camping, isbing, sking, SWF, 52, 56*, n/smoker, full fîgured, seeking attractive mate, weif groomed & love the good things in flie, muuld lîke to sensitive. Ad 2807 meet nice,caring gentleman. ADa 1996 DISCREET ENCOUNTER Single white female, 22, 57M. student, empioyed, bonde bair, seeking another wmrnu 20-30 for discreet encounters. t enloy oudoors, sports. Ada# 2603 LONG BROWN HAlA Single white temale, looking lu meet another woman, 31, 5', 125 lbs, long brown bai, thinking lu gel together with momen for 5 years. bave boytriend, please leave message. Ada 2536 PASSIONATE à CONSIDERATE SWF, esîf y 40s, seekîng attractive maie wbo iv passionate, considerate, lovîng & loves muies, jogging, walkîng, ining & Onîng. AD# 2044 OAKVILLE AREA SF, 34, 52'. 120 ibs., br eyes, back hair,,separated, n/smuker, like walking, hiking, munie, dîning ouf. iuoking f0 meet sumeone, 34-44, down f0 eartb, bard- workiug & undemfianding. ADa 1971 GREAT TIME TIME TO SPEND SWF, teti, blonde, tuoking for a great SF, like tu meet someone caring, under- time. AD# 2136 standing & wbo bas a unIte ime tu spend with me. AD# 1989 DISCREET ENCOUNTERS SWF,br. bain, br. eyes, 5,10" aibleim love outdoors, dancing, parties, seeking othen females for discreet encountens. AD# 2085 AITMRCTIVE FEMALE SWF, attractive, 5, love long walks on the beach, sports, seeking other females for discreet encotunlens. AD# 2068 POSSIBLE RELAT1ONSI4IP SWF, 42, 5V", br. bain & eyes. bonesi, down f0 eartb, love long aîks, music, montes, looking for anoiben femate for fiendship. AD* 1959 I4ONEST & TRUSTINO SF, 19, b, hein, green eyes, 5V, enioy dancing, eong oui, maies, looking for a man who is honesi & fnsting wifh similan inteests. AD# 1960 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE SF, 40, attractive, 52%, blonde bain, blue eyes, infeested lu meeting an attractive man wbo bas same interesîs. jogging, walking, vWning & dining. AD# 1962 SOMEONE NEW SF. 20, blonde bain, bIse eyen, 5', iooking to meel someone fa go ouf & hans fun wih. tooItngansof enenew & interesting. AD 1 7 HONEST à CARING SF, would like lu, meel nomeone kind, bonet & carnug. AD# 1991 POSSIBLE RELAT1ONSHIP SWF, long blonde bair, bise eyen, 55, young iooking single mom, lîke ail sports, camping, osidours & muies, iooiing for SM, 25-35 for possible rela- tionnbip, muni love kids & be a n/smok- en. AD# 2002 SOUL MATE SWF, br. bain, br eyen, 30, full figured, nmoker, intelligent, ineere, eaing, like npending ime wilb trîendn & famiy, lry- ing.f0 mee*tt sonseone lo be my souimale «h anIn f gel married, looking for omantie, attectionate mancitb a gond vanne ut humour. AD# 1911 REAL ROMAN11C SWF, petite, attractive, ingle mom, enioy tranel, sports, munie, muies, neekîng nomeone 37-45 atto van nîmlar intenesin 10 be f riends firni leading f0 8 possible elaiotnbhip. AD# 1914 COUNTRY DANCER SWF, 45, single mont, eudy br. bain, bise eyes, 54", nsmoker, social drinker, romantie, nery active, enioy country dancing, ouldoors, quiet imes. maies, lookinq ton a gentleman 38-52 cho iv omantie. AD# 1921 Retrieve your messages from your malibox for FREE Just cali 1-888-400-3283 Ext.15 option 2.for FREE CALL NOW!!! FISHING UN THE DARK SWF, 54", blonde hair, bise eyes, 110 bu., numantic, iuoking fora white, inielli- Seut, sensitive mate witb a nenne 0f umour chu liken country dancing, muniec& iavel. AD# 1933 ROMANTIC WALICS SF,, dark bain, b. eyen, iooling for a male, enioyn cats & dogn, pizza, chi- neye food, swimmîng, dancing, calkîvg, bavîug a gond time. AOC 1873 FRIENOS FIRST SF, 27, 180 lbs., br. bain, bise eyen, iooking for a long eatonsbip, slarting as riendn, enioys cals & dogn, & chul- dren. ADa 1876 FRIENDSHIP FOR LIPE SWF, dank bain, br. eyen, iooking for a chite maie cho enioyn pets, pizza, chi- neye fond, ncimming, dancing & waik- ing. AD# 1858 SWEET ROMANCE SWF, dark bn. bain, bazel eyes, 5'6", 180 lbu., love pets, looking for a guy cho euioys going lu restaurants. AD# 1864 SIMPLE LIFE SWF, 37, nim buld, nmoken, like the SWEET ROMANT1C Single white maie, 22, lookîug for single white female, enioy outdoors, if you like whal you hear, please return message. Ada 2772 LIKE TO BE PAMPERED? Single white mule, blonde hair, bise eyes, 6', 260 lbs., romantic, bonest, sin- cere, good sense of humour, cuddly, loyal, attectionate, enioy movies, social- izing, theatre, seeking temaf e 20-30, attractive, intelligent. Ada 2806 BLUE EYES Single bit maie, 25, 6', 185 lbn , brown hai,bis eyes, eejoy sports, munie, going ouf, seeking temale, 22-27, bon- est, caring. Ada 2679 Fit $7( 86 )R SALE: '88 efly wiîb new tires, MO OBO. Phone 849- )07. -6 N THE SHOPPING NEWS" FREE: Old magazines f'or car bufîs. Coli 878- 3271. -10 FOR SALE: Cuilass Cruiser station wagon, as iv $700 OBO. Cali 878-7916. -10' FOR SALE: Beautiful oversized cbesterlield, exc. coud . custim tiade $995 0130. 335- ()484 6 FOR <SM lC1' PNI 2800 Studlio Proi tîixiug board $201 firm. Cati Tomî 815- 0573, ceave îtssg. -6 FOR SALE: 1990 Ford XLT est. cab, high kîns., $3,500. 1989 Ford Aerostar, low km., new sbocks & brakes, body panels. $3.500. 827-8690. -6 FOR SALE: Solid pîne furniture, qucen cannonball bcd. dress- er, hutcb & toirror, 5 drawer dresser & 2 night tables wilb draw- ers $500. 876-1213. -6 FOR SALE: 1987 Cavalier, 4 door, auto., alarîn systcm, ritus, stereo, 119 kit. Asking $2,000 0130. Cati Catherine 878-5016 or 873-1818. -10 FOR SALE: Pine din- ing room suite witb butcb, like ncw. 5 It. table witb insert. 6 chairs. Retail $3,500, asking $2,000. Phone 825-5330. -6 FOR SALE: 4x4 fan- tastic 1994 Explorer, Eddie Bauer, 2 door, 5 specd, ail power, leather. sunroof & CD, cstcndcd warravîy. 75K. $20,500. 469- 8565. -6 FOR SALE: Child's Uvex downbill ski rac- ing helmet, lits 6-10I yr. old. $50. NHL table top 8hockey wîth 3 teatils, SN.Y. Rangers, Mon- )treal & Toronto. Exc. 6coud. $40. 847-2050. -6 MEETING FEMALES Single wbite maie, 32, lgbt brown baîr, bise eyes, 6'4", 195 lbs, enjoy out- dours, movies, înterested iv meeting female, 26-31. Ada 2641 SPORTS & MOVIES Single wbite maie, 50, 510", 210 lbu., enîuy sports, muies, dining, long walks & famnily orîented activities. Ad# 2663 HANDSOME MALE Handsome maie, married, athletic, 37, 62", 200 15v., seeking slim temale for dîscreet daytime encounters.Ada 2336 SEEKING SENSIBLE WOMAN Single wite maie, 50, 61l", blonde bair, bIs e eyes, seekîng sensible woman who loves outside, someone simple. Ada 2376 EROTIC ENCOUNTERS CASUAL ENCOUNTERS White maie, married, seeking married or Single white maie, 18, Iono hair, seek- not married single white femelle for dis- ing married femaies t or casual creef erutic encounters. Ada 2684 > encouniers. Ada 2467 QUIE EVEINGSSEEKING FRIEND GUIE EVEINGS Single white maIe, 35, 61l", brome bain & SWF, 53". 123 ibs., blonde, wouid lihe eyes, bonesi, hardmonkiug, eioy ouf- f0 meet a iovîng, romanic, gond guy doors golf, munies, neeking fiend f bat i witb clans, i like danci ng cooking, cen trust more Iban anytbing eise. watking, quiet evenîngn ADL 1843 Ad*a 2698 LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP SWF, 37, 52', 107 lbv., enioy staying home, calks, iooking for a gentleman, 37-45, tail man ta have a gond ime citb for long lerm relalîonnbip. AD# 1844 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 28, 5V, attractive, carîng, docn lu eartb, long dark blonde bair, bise eyes, single moîben, enioy muies, diuing, dancing, campin, maiks, look- ing for a realiy nice guy f.ue ong term reitonnhip. ADa 1854 DININO à DANCING SWF, 19, looking ton chite maie, 18- 25 enioy dining, dancing, ibeatre, muies, iooking for someone chu iv honest, trutcorfby, great sense ut humour & fun tu be citb. AD# 1811 VERY ROMANT1C SWF, 19, dark br. hair, br. eyes, 5'8", l00king for a guy witb nîmlar inlerents, love ta ncîm & am rumantie. AD# 1815 POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP Single chite maie, 62", 160 ibs., father, blonde bain, bise eyen, neekiug female ton triendnhîp, possible retationnbip. Ada 2733 ATTRACTIVE MALE Single chite maie, 5W", social corken, brome bain, bise eyen, attractive, veeking female companion, i enioy camping, oui- doors, flite, bail1 muuid enioy if better cîlb someone, nice guy, been nîngle for 4 pears. Ada 2743 DISCREET ENCOUNTERS Single chute maIe, 5S", 160 ibs., i8bt brucu bain, bise green eges, seekîng temale, 18-35 for cassai dîscreef eucouutern. Ada 2624 ROMNTCglCAeN wîb termle. D 2 Sîunge5'm0",edumaie, mpbuîd, 4 ens U IE music, movien, outdoors, hiking, biug, SWM, 34, seebîug îtereslîng, escîlîng neekîng nîncere, positive lifestyle female femnale for f un fîmes. AD# 2175 SOMEONE SPECIAL Fit single mits maie, nomeone spe- ciel, 54, 6', nou-smoker, non-dnînken, seeking attractive, slim female for pos- sible elafîousbîp Ada 2271 DISCREET ENCOUINTERS Married white maie, 60, 56", 130 lbs., educated, cdean, firvi ime, neeking 50+ temale for conversation. Ada 2305 SEEKING FEMALE Single white male, retired but sti11 employed, seehing female for discreet encounters. Ada 2320 DISCREET ENCOUNTrERS SWM, attacbed, seeking attractive female for daiiy dincreet encounters. AD# 2205 SEEKING FEMALE SWM, 29, mecbanic, neeking temale, pet lover for quiet eveuing. ADa 2153 DISCREET ENCOUNTERS SWM, 40, neekîng dîncreef eneounters Ada 2625 impe fie, ioosing for a gentleman, 37-sAHETCML ple mintA# 6oonr&1841î uet; ?eî Single chie maieS'1l". 165 lbn. pielit. Aa 141 15bonde hairbIse eyes, athietie, neeking n imattactivemwomen. Ad#e2538 POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP SWM, 49, 59V, n/nmuker, social deunken, enîoy outdoons, neeking active female for possible eiatîonnhip. To Listen & Respond To Ads Cali 1-900-451-4552 Ext. 15, 1 1 1

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