Page 2. T18 Milton Shopping News, Friday, March r, 1998 w'b o Generators a Ei 0*Water Pumps *Y 0 Lown Mowers 0 Li e Garden Tillers e Si LAI 2210 PLA Sales: 637-61 IMC PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits - Weddings. Design your own pack- ages to suit yoiî- bud- gel. Cal 632-1407. FOR SALE: Chaise lounges (2) and ide-a- bcd. black inaierial, exe. coud. $900 set or $200 ea. for chairs and $500 couch. Cal 878- 5280. -10 FOR SALE: Loveseat wilh pull-out bed, beige, in good coud. deal for rec room. besi offer. 279-2506. 13 FOR SALE: 1990 Nis- sain Senîra, air coud., 5 speed, good coud., cert. $2.900 OBO. Cai 849- 4515. -10 FOR SALE: Mountain bike, Diamond Back, 16, Rock Shox Mag 2 1, LX comp. .5 speeds. A greal bike. $550. Exc. coud. CaliU 336- 3723. -10 IL FOR SALE: Antique blanket box $99. 2- drawer file cabinet $35. New wedding bead- piece & accessories.ý Antique shelîcase $25. Wade boule $15. 257- 2851. -10 Starting at "Max. Horsepower. 5. L *" Dek Tpe: Sde Disharge Mukchin Capability: ngines Need Trimmers aown Tractors nowblowers I I I $9910 *Ac Output *Maximum (watts) 2500 *Rateid (Amperage) 19 *Dryweight 36kg (79.2LBS) JRLINGTON NVN & CYCLE LINS 987 FOR SALE: Rogers dram kit R-360, Pearl wood suare, Remo skins. Modem style kit. $1.00)0. (905) 510- 0347. -10 FOR SALE: 2-pc. desk-work station, ligbted, oak. Antique wicker chair, hexagonal coffee table, oak, inar- bIc. 24" across, bottomt storage. Authentic Moroccan rug. beige, cream, size 12'xl5'. also hand-wovcn area rugs, pure wool & mohair, varions sizes up to 5x7. Antique bronze door, circa 1920, from bank in P h ilad e 1ph ia . Elecîrohome collector sterco. 7 fi. long. includes reel to reel lape. 125 watts, cabinet is walnut & Car- hatheian elm. Cali 849- 9971 after 5. -6 RD. E. Service MIXED BREED PUpS For sale. 7 weeks old. Page 416-860-8257. We'll brtng to yoa. Pups arc locaied in Milton. FOR SALE:- Siunning wedding gown, no alerations donc. Size 9/10. Pd. $1,600, selI $600. Coimputer mont- tor, 14, $125. 825- 8600. 10 FREE: To good home, maIe <erman Shepherd X, tan, loyal, I yr. old. Neutered, shots, tnic- rochip. Loves chldrcn & walks. (905) 875- 0718. -10 FOR SALE: 1988 GMC Safari van, 4.3L, auto. removable bench seat, new brakes. tires. Good solid runnîng vehicle. Original paint. Must sec & drive. $2.200. Caîl (Acion) 519-853-3852. - 10 BURLINGTON & Parts 637-6208 WANTED: Truck cap for '94 Cbevy extended box-short box truck, ncw tîodel & bIse pre- lerred. 849-9937. 10) FOR SALE: Used pal- Ici racking, varions sîzes, brands. quantittes & capacîttes. Used lockers, full suze 12" & 12" wide by approx. 66 & 72" hîgh. Used steel shelving 12x36", t5x 36", varions posis froîn 75" to i114" high. Used sccuriiy fence panels, gaies, inandoons & posis, sîze 4'x8' & mîxcd. Uscd steel bins, only 25 lefi. approx. 48x00W c/w hopper boitomu. Uscd filing cabinets. sprinkler pipe, varions. Uscd 8 & 10" cemnent blocks. Lsed bolileus shlvîng, 7' high. Sheif particle huard ai 24x48". Apple firewood. Cali 854- 2155. -A3 FOR SALE: Antique piano, reftnished, $500 OBO. Porta-poîti, prac- tically new $45. Phone 854-0)186. lu1 FOR SALE: Movîng. Fine pedestal round table, 4 chairs $251) Kemnore wasber $100.) Kenisore dryer, recîînd., $51) S drawer teak dresser $41). 2 haîîging basket chairs $15 ca. Humidifier $81) Neariy new black-brass daybcd wiîh mattress $150. 2-yr.-oid an- liqued whîte-washed pine bedrootu suite, dresser, inirror. ar- moire, headboard (king) $1,200. Siate pool table $800. Cîrca 1950 electric pinhall machine, Rancho, $800. Sofa, chair. ottoman set $101) Maple bookcase-hutch $80. Ail items cxc. coud. 335-5584. -6 HONEST, DEPENDABLE CLEANING 12 years experience. Milton area only. Fast dependable service. Ask for Debra .5 I I I 90 ALTIMA OXE Auto., air 95 HOND *Bonded-Insured-Unlfofmed Technicians LtO DEAL WITH THE PROFESSIONALS. FOR A JOB WELL DONE CALL THE EXPERTS' 97 TIMEFFERSENTRA 4 dr., 5-spd., NOW only 7,000 km, 011Y..$'e e+r6ýeontni.ew warranty New 1997 Turbo Diesel High Powered Wisconsin Equlpment TOP OUALITY DUCI CLEANINO Buri. 905-631-0073 Miss. 905-820-7335 CAUIOOAy Toli Free 1-800-943-3828 Fier *Licensed C2 Gas Ffe FOR SALE: Oscillo- scope, Tekironix inodel 2213, 60 MHz dual. trace c/w inanuals & 2 probes. $550. 829- 4813. -Il) FOR SALE: '89 Mazda MPV. sîlver, 2- toue, 7 scats, auto. air, 4 cyl. rehut, hîgh kmns Certifted $3,999. Rick 845-7774. -i1) FOR SALE: 24 fi. L- shaped bleached oak kîtchen cupboards, Carion tops, double sînk & fauccîs, al appliances, 6 years oid, $5,000. 632-9367. -1Il FOR SALE: 6-person spa, black inarble, 2 h. p. p uîîîp, 6 kw. heater. $1,75)) 847- 90119. -i1l) FOR SALE: 24 i-t round above grouîîd pool. brand new. stîll in box. $1,700). Call-847- 9019. -I1) FOR SALE: Arctic Cai snowtnobile, El Tigre 40)001. New skis. new tracks. cxc. ru ning coud. $7111) Suapper riding lawn- nower, 8 cyl., nearly new $900. Cail 844- 9237. -10) FOR SALE: Moving. Bcd, king suze, special design wiîh eggcraie siorage space & use- able headboard $95. 2 chesis of drawers & 2 sîde tables $95. 2-seater brass chair $45, Metal office desk $5)) 5 ti cash regîster cunietr $75. iark brossu isîvescat $35. Single bcd wîth drasscr $45. 4's3' ini $ 4)) Keninore air cond. 5.1)1)))Bit.) $125 Fiing cabinet,. 4 draws ers $35. Pisois 847- 570)7. 10 CALL WILLIE FOR DETAILS NORTHI ENO MSSAN Ail Vehicies Certifed wlb Warranly I 0 "SAY VOU SAW UT IN THUE SHOPPING NEWS" FOR SALE: Need cash, husband ill. Sîlver Fox fur, girl's dress I c.oaî, boy's tmx. 88 Lincoln Continental & Mivage Ferrari.Senious cails only. Caîl 847- 8105. -1 USED CARS ied 87 CADDY OnIy ARY $29195 93 i MAXIMA I. OXE Auto.,uair, pwlpl Power Equ i pment Chev Luinina Z34 135 cube van, Econoline ter, 486, mnuse, moni- kin. As is, needs little 350 diesel, 240,000 tor, loads of software, to cent. Besi offer. 844- hwy. kmn. White wiih Windows 3.1. $550. 4766. -10 tan inierior. Large 16 fi. Peter, 469-1468. -10 FOR SALE: *96 wide body, fibreglass FOR SALE: Maytag Dodge Stratus, power box, used nainily for washer, builti n. 18 package. warranty, tire transport. Good & years old, works great. white. '93 Mazda 626 reliable work truck. Harvest gold color. LX. Both cxc. coud. $5.200 ftrmn. (905) 634- Asking $ 100 OBO. Tel. Private. 337-2302. - 10 7480, lv. msg. - 10 827-5496. - 10 Our Services Include: * Pressure Blast ail Hot and Cold Vents Individually - With Min. 250 P.S.I. * Air Rake Main Duct Work With Our Specially Designed Spinning Air Snake * FuIIy Deodorize The System * Free Fu rnace J- Cha nnel CIleaning AIR DUCT CLEANING a à 1