20 - The Canadien Champion, TuesclayffMarch 3, 1998 Rough ride for Lynch efrom MORE on page 19 deserves credit for this. Once I saw how shotalders andI sub-par starts. much I'd developed under him in high He said a much more demanding sceec- achool, I really started absorbing ail the ule with the rookie league Medicine Hat advice 1 could get." Blue Jays plus his over-eagerness to In an effort ta, learn from the past and impress eventually caused him to burn out influence the future, Lynch has embarked in Auguat. on a more intense off-season regimen that He finished with a 3-3 record and an includes frequent weigbt training and car- earned-run average around the 6.00 mark. diovascular exercise. 'l did try to do too much too early but it He's a"s been down to SkyDome three was really the achedule that did it," Lynch tintes a week since late January, awapping explained. "In the minora you're on the pitchea with two other area hopefula - field from 3 to 10:30 p.m. every single CitLwec fOkil n day.Highchol ad evn juior b rail ptona Matt Logan. doan'tihscl n even comparota tht. "Tve juat been working on my fastball doeI' atarteofaetobt agging. . and change-up, which I' ve got much more "I tared ff trng ut aggnginjuries contrai over now," hie aaid. and fatigue caught up with me. Getting A more effective change-up might be taken out of the rotation in Auguat was of js htLnhnestcag urud coure useting bu 1 ndestod tat t mga this seasan and progreas up the minai was for my own benefit." league ranka. Blue laya intructors aren't too worried Up for graba are single A asaignments in about thse Milton chucker's lesa-than-apec- either St. Catharines ar Hagerstawn. tacular rookie campaign, mainly because Maryland. of hia age. He'd prefer the slightly higher levet ai Lynch is till one of the yaungeat pitch- play available south of the barder, but ers in their ranka, although he's eager ta since either wauld mean advancement prove amaturity beyond hia 19 years. from roakie bail he's nat particularly Former coaches such as Jim Ridiey, a chaasy. Blue laya scout, have already atteated ta "My goaaî s ta mave up a level each this - inisting a genuine willingneaa ta, year. If I cantinue ta wark bard and leam,1 leam is one of bis greateat assets. think that's passible and realiatic," saic Remarked Lynch, "I think Mr. Ridley Lynch. Spartans stellar yet again e from TRIPLE on page 19 bronze were Chad Merritt. Dan Martin and Estevan. This set up Baker-Beaulieu Il - which ended in a 10-point triumph for the visiting grappler. Earning silver medals and trips ta OFSAA were Jeff Alderton (112), Justin Billingham (119), Graham Carroll (90), Brad Madden (169), Andy Wadeson (97) andI heavyweight Garrett George. Rounding out the medal haul with Jeremy Chuchmach - wha had twa Spartan teammates Koalding him back in the 119 lbs. class. Merritt's third-place finish marked the biggeat disappoint of the day. His semifi- nal lasa came in a 2-I overtime decisian. Nick Barkley, Ryan Faria, Keith Dunn, Chris Holmea, Will Van Duyn and Kaegen Sherriff ail had top five finishesMTursday. Monarch Basketball kt e 9 CI Il e e 1- )r n 1, )f it It y h 1 d KnuddesMfomar 10 GaMnger Ford S ibis balle was jusl as clone aiste scor woutd itidicate. wilh lics afier bot te second and litrd quarlers and nu more titan a four-point deferen- ial al atty point. Htghiting te gante wi rîlferai passing and sitoolîng were KnuckeslBomars Yotanie Chartes and Jositua Ward of Gallinger Ford. Eacit lnok top marks fere their respective teamo. ACC (10-12 Boys) Bruce Houd Travel 36 Marinaro Construction 28 Aller a slow start and a stigit i rsi-quarter deicil, Bruce Hood Travet sent Maiinaum Construction packing. Titey boit( quarter reads 0f 16-12 and 28-20 before salîîng te fume amay. Gruaam Michaelson sank 10 points and was namied Bruce Hoods hesi player miie steady defensîve play earned Michael Rego te nod for Maninaro Constunction. NBA Milieu Graphics 43 Staie Farta InsurancelCutaia 24 Cunsisîenîly steady Milton Graphies led titrougit att four quariers en roule tl, anuter impressive in. Milton Graphics' Michael Thompson and Jordan Bassert of Siale Farm Insurance/Culima look player-of-the-gamne iononrs mas sirosg rmo-way performances. Thursday, Fehruary 19 Big Easst (Co-ed) Gallinger Ford 36 Wallace Pontiac 12 Galinger Ford simuck earty and often, donsînaîing play lrom te open- ing up-off l10 the final bumzer. Among titose coniribuling 1lte convincing min mere Kristen Casselman, wito scored junt ber second basket att season and mas namned player-of-llie-ganse. Sieady defence earned Tanya Presse top marks for Wallace Pontiac. Knuckleslfornar 12 Charley Fitzmitiskey's 6 Knuckles/Bomar sank te only basket of te opeming quarter and grad- uatly butilteir lead tronghithie evening. Kauhenine Greaves fgilte player-uf-lte-gamne nod for te viciors mitit strong teuru leadership mile itusile and effectîve shooting drem Katitenne Gifford te amard for Citarleys ACC (10-12 Boys) Marinare Construction 30 Bargain Tire 24 Bargain Tire closed the gap domn te streicit but couldo't make up for a lack-tnsire tird quarier during miicit Marinaro seent from a imo 10 10- point lead. Btyas Beandoîn of Marnaro and Barguin Tires Daniel Walker higit- lîgited tiis tilt imt key rebonnding and defensive pay. Each grabhed player-of-lbe-game itonours for ibeir respective teams. NBA Milton Citrysler Dodge 47 Staie Fane lnsurancelCutaia 46 ibis see-sam baille itad eaci tetam enjoyîng ai leasI imo separale leads before il mai ail said and done. Slate Parm lnsurance/Cutaia led as laie as te fourt quarter, titanks t0 ptayer-of-ihe-gaeeDavid Buck and is Bierce offensive aîiack. Milton Citrysier Dodges top player mas Pauni Leon. mito inlercepîrd nuinerous passes trougitoul lite nigiti. Tuesday, February 17 e luai vs 'p Oakville sneaks up on Milton By STEVE LeBLANC wîth 4:50 remaîning. They patted an insurance marker Special ta The Champian two-and-a-half minutes later while a last-minute trip- The Doca & Dents Winterhawks were in need of ping infraction killed Miltan's meager hapes for a some quick patch work after drapping game one of cameback. their second round series with the Oakville Rangers. While the Rangers enjayed a balanced attack, with Martin Larkin's minar atams - the anly local AA five different forwards lighting the lamp, goaltender team stili aive in the OMHA playdowns - cantralled Brad Wagner was their undisputed tirst star. mast of Saturday afternaan's tilt ai Maple Grave The humetuwn tender robbed snipers Matt Arena. Chuchmach and Elgin Reid with superb tae blocks Unable ta, finish things off however, they allawed and cat-like quick glave saves. He stapped a total of Oakville ta open the floocigates in the last nine min- 27 shats, affarding Milton just one goal in each peri- utea of play and steal a 5-3 victary. ad. The hasts' game winner came an the pawerplay IMtitn L c o s s oi a tion s ee TOUGH on page 21 We wish ta draw yaur attention ta the faillwing in aur current "1998 Catalogue". Page 239 - Chainsaw disclaimer bonus. Copy states: 16" Chainsaw has a bonus on item 2. Bonus diaclaimer only applies ta product #54-5721 -6. Page 262 - Tool chests disclaimer. Copy states: "Keyed locks ta secure ail draw- ers." This is incorrect. Some of the chests have Iocks, others only have a lockable bar. Page 292 - Item 7, K-Tel heated car seat cushion, 32-1464-4. K-Tel has recalled the 12V Masseur cuahion with heat due ta senious safety concerna. Product wil not be avaîlable and no rainchecks will be issued. We sincerely regret any incanvenience we may have ceused yau. onote Ann.Cat 98- AUl Zones 1M .A RI STRAION OTINE .î87 dL a mmumi MUST BE SPRING. BIRDS ARE BACK, Big Sasi (Co-ed) KnuckkdmesfOr 18 Wallace Pontiac 8 KnuckleslBomnar îook te iead eary in te gaine and maitained il ihe enle way. Mark MeNeil wass o.uoed Kriu.kles/Boniar' player-ot-ilite-gdme lor compeiing wih a broken ioe. Michael Kaiser meanwhile. goi the nod for Waliace Pontiac for his superb play nmking. Gallinger Ford 18 Citarley Fitzwhiskey's 16 Charley Fmzhiskey's jusi couldn'l catch up to Gallinger Ford in Ého tighlly conlested baie, trailing by a basket or two afier each fratre. Great position play earned Atexander Mazzoralo player-of-the-ganie honours for Gallinger Ford wihle Chartrys Kim Stmith was namied top player for bier three baskets. ACC (10-12 Boys) Brucerooud Travel 20 Itargain Tire 14 Aaron Mark salted amay Bruce Hood T ravet's vicory with îwo laie baskets and grabbed player-of-the-game marks for himsett His tram bhetd the lead theougitout te nigiti Bargain Tires Neil Woodcock was their top player mt great hustlîng and bail handling up front. NBA Milton Chrysier Dodge 71 Milton Graphies 30 Leading a supercharged Miltan Chryster aodge crem mas Robert Moore, mito paced us tertio to another btg min with two-way dominance. Andrew Goure mas named Milton Graphics' player-of-ihe-game for solid reboundinf, ii bis trams spirited yei unsuccessful performance. Thursday, February 26 Big East (Co-ed) Knuckies/Itomar 10 Wallace Pontiac 8 Knockte.s broke a game-long sîalemaîc mitit a feisiy fourtit-quarter shoming, endtng lte final frame te saie way bhey did te first mut lha one basket lead. Great rebounding earned Marc McNeîl player-ol-ihe-game honosîs for Knuckles/Bomar mile Boias Best fuilthue nod for Wallace Pontiac wiîh oserait hustir Gailinger Ford 181 Chariey Fiizwhiskey's 6 Holding teir oppotients' aitack lu a bare minimum. Gattînger Ford cruised io anotiter impressive vîctory on lte sirentgh of Liana Presses 12- point nîgiti. Site was namued top player for bier squad mile David Majka gamred similar recognition tor Charley Ftzmhiskey's, due lo bis greit husîle. ACC (10-12 Boys) Bruce Hood Travel 20 Bargain Tire 17 Bargain Tire mas sleuced trougithlie second quarier, incit proved to be their undoing. Despite a valiani effort. îhey costdnîi close te gap down te streicit Spark plsg Oies Jenkins was te player-of-tite-gamne for Bruce Moud mile snperit siooiing earned Frank Curcieratto top marks for Bargamn Tire. NBA Milton Graphies 55 Milton Dodge 54 Players-al-ihe-game Ryan Furîk of Milton Graphics and Milton Dodges Ben Stuît highfighted ibis see-saw shootont - definitely une of See the JoW Rocket Roger Umm icke on dugger *rk McWWs St. Louý Coràck. one of 2 * for 4 to Dunedn Io atch the Jm, or om of twenW koch bogs " wiffi prizes couM be purs. Dmt nÉs #ie JeA of mm ý teir ecý retum to SkyDome. For idets, ad 416 341-1234 « (ut" b"o) 1 888-OK W JAY. Friday March 6 - 7:05 - Saturday March 7 - 1:05 spifig TfC]iilillg Tickel Prices- S21, $15, $10, $5 ý 1 nul