Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Best seat in house Allendale Auxiliary member Lillian Hopkin enjoys one of the two new chairs in the lobby of the local home for the agcd. They were donated and dedicat- cd in mcmory of Alendale/Hlalton Centennial Manor Auxiliary members. Oakville incidents shake lady drivers Haiton Regional Police are hunting a man who, in two separate incidents, attempted to gain access to cars driven by lonte women in Oakville. The first occurrence took place at 5:30 p.m. on February 10 at Old Miii and Comwali Roads white the second occurred at 9:30 p.m. February 20 at Old Abbey Lane and Nottinghiil Gate. In both cases, a maie tried to get into the front passenger seat but the women accelerated and caused him to fail from the car. The description of the suspect is similar and detectives feel the sanie suspect is responsibie. He is described as a white maie in his eariy twenties, of average height, witb a sim buiid and brown hair. He was wearing a black leather bomber jacket, blue jeans, white crew neck t-shirt, black boots and a back basebail cap. Anyone with information shouid cail detectives at 825-4747 ext. 2315. Police remind women traveling alone to take steps to ensure their safety, such as locking doors anod reporting any suspicious persons. A ~4Catereé9ffairïm inow serving BEGIAN WAFFLES Mon. -Fri.700am -3-00 pm, Sat 800 am- 11:00Oam Photo book will Ii ~k~ D fund renovationsfo Few iandscape features offer as much drama as the Niagara 2PIECES 0F Escarpm.ent ini southern Ontario, arnd somne of that wîil b. RI INLcap-& CH P tured on fl for a good cause.ORG N LFS & CH P The Milton, Oakville and Buriington chapters of Canada Trust's Friends of the Environment Foundation wiii be heiping the Haiton Region Conservation Foundation publish a photogra- cD phy book. Thse foundation is seeking additional corporate sponsors to help for ,,..M -,91 9 fund the project. Proceeds from the book wilI be used to renovate and expand the visitor's centre at Mountsberg Wiidiife Centre. Mal Zèl More information on thse book project is availabie at 336-1158. .. Hurry! Purchase before March 7, and make no paymnents untîl January 199!* Terms and Conditions Deferred payments anaîlable to Union Gas residential customers on approved credit finianced through Union Gas. Ail other offers niot applicable. Offer nalid front Jan. 19 to Mar. 7, '98. There are no set-up fees or early payment penalties for financing. ýUnion Gas Limited 1998. Here's a reassuring thought - if you're ever without electricity, remember that most natural gas fireplaces continue to provide heat and glowing light. And because a chimney may flot be required, you can have a beautiful natural gas fireplace almost anywhere in your home. What's more, the instant on/off convenience means no mess... no fuss... no wood... and no waiting. Purchase today and take advantage of our deferred payment options.* Cali Union Gas today. 1 800 442-6674 0 uliongas energy for you 1 875-2964v 140 Main St.