14 - The Canadian Champion, Tuosday, March 3, 1998 Kids pick favorite books Local youngsters are once again being wiII be a non-fiction entry, the other fic- asked to pick their favourite new books. tion. Milton Public Library is inviting stu- After registering at the library, partici- dents from grades four to six to help select pants are given a ist of the 20 nomiinated the winner of the Silver Birch Award. the books, ai least five of which must bc read akW id goes t(Lwo i'ecent ly publish.Žd in order ni be cligible ni vote. Canadian children's'books. One winner Votine takes place in early May. If you're not getting BLUE CHIP THINKING®, just what ldnd of thinking are you getting IDLAND WALWvYN BI.U E CHI1P TH IN KI NG' 693.'1100 Passing the buck The Milton Chapter of the Canadian Cancer Society got a boost from the tallan Canadian Club recently, to the tune of $2,876.32 from a successful dînner-dance fundrais- or. Event organizer Marina Blasutti (left) club president Azzurra Faggion (right) display a letter of appreciation whlle treasurer Lidia Zampieri presents the cheque ta cancer society (local chapter) president John Perrott. PEGGYe$ DISTINCTIVE LADIES FASHIONS enovat[( )rl EVE RYTHI1Ne. MUST CGO!! SPRING FASHIONS ARRIVIG DAILY WATCH FOR GRAND RE-OPENING, WEEK 0F MAR. 9TH MILTON MALL 878-1414 W- uiVW q - »W WM & Mthp m & 0 mgop Moma Te $peamruuFluune (P) RitLY Rluharl(P)r n.np Tu8LUE CHIP TH-INKING la a trademait of Midand Walwyn Capital Ina. MIDLAND WALWYN CAPITAL INC. IS A MEMBERI- CiPF y.~i uloN..11140) ILTON, ONTARIO IDu bêkCA, B FuanalAdvisor ...........