T11b Guadàian Champion,ý FOlday f ebniaty 27; Mr 9 Council wiIl wait to hear from Queen 's Park * rom WORRY on page 1 Wednesday, Mar. 11. Councillors wiil try to arrive at a base bud- get for 1998, 1 bat budget wilIi ot take itu Cosdrton $330,000 {)wbic t le province requires in budget reductions in order for Milton to maintain current tax rates. There are fears that the municipality will be faced with an even larger financial challenge than was first anticipated. They wili then decide how to pay for the $330,000 budget reduction requested by the province. Service cuts and talc increas- es ioom as potentiai choices. Won't tip hand "If we deai with the $330,000 there wiii have to be some carda played tonight, which is a littie eariy," said Councillor Brian Penman. Rookie Councilior Lieven Gevaert said discussing the budget without having ail the facta would be an "exercise in futility." Mayor Gord Krantz was careful to point out that any impression that counciliors do not want to tackle the budget is unfounded. "New numbers from the province may alter the percVtion of what we have to do," he said. 1I want to make it perfectly clear the deiay hasn't been manufactured." Town staff has already indicated a recommendation for a prop- erty tax increase. Milton has had its portion of property taxes frozen for the past four years, save a slight decrease in 1996. New Councilior Rick Maibueuf said the committee should move forward with budget considerations, if only to get some of the nuts and boita work completed while waiting for further infor- mation. Committee chair Waiiy Hunter had some sympathy for the approach, saying he did not want to wait indefinitely for informa- tion. "We shouid work on the $330,000. We know it wiii be at ieast that much," said Mr. Maiboeuf. Mr. Malboeuf took the opportunity to slam coileagues for a committee recommendation which set the Town's capital expen- ditures for 1998. The recommendation must pass council to come into effect. He said the committee decined to fund several projeets. saying. they were not immediately necessary. However, instead of pass- Call 878-2341 ami ask for circulation f0 subscrtbe IN ET ET / R SP For aur recommendations or a review of' 7TI your investments caîl 693-1100 111 want to make it perfeetly clear the delay hasn't beeu mauufactured." ing the savings on to taxpayers, committee members eiected to maintain total spending by moving several projecta ahead; pro- jects Town staff said do not need to be compieted this year. "We had the opportunity to save taxes and we didn't save tax- payera a dime," he said. "I have no vote at this committee but 1 do at council," Mr. Maiboeuf warned. Looking at the proposed operating budget, Mr. Gevaert ques- tioned why on many items budgeted amounts for 1998 emained the same as 1997, even when far lesa money was actualiy equired in the past vear. His query was not answered. Im CONssIflED FCL AE 2 $799 300 Rooms Available ILARGE furdshed room wilh fidge. atme & sink, EXIRS A*H15 198 $7 $85 wéeky. Gentlemfen preferred. 878- Inclded * uime & 1 315 Commercial & Indust. IntddaFantastic Location! l ro vIww cALE.(905)638583 REASONABLE INDUSTRIAL UNITS for ranI. Pleae prosent Miis ad at ime of 1,600 - 3,200 sq. ft Loading docs & drive i. Wvewing. Sone re ictiom apply 905-819-8035or 1-906-277-9347. BURLINGTGN______ ____ i TOW ERS 30 Office & Business SDacef A &P AdRoToMsAE NATalSabeLL PRIVATE OFFICE, beautlfully 2 & Beroos No Aallble avSfie. Hy. 5 a401. 906-81-803 or 1- -Looking for a place ta... rent, buy or sel!! You can do it ail ini The Champion Classifieds. Cali 875-3300 or Fax us at 876-2364 ONTARIO STREET 7 rl PLE apfflismu. "Wy. - - - .. - .- - - - 905-277-OU7.