2--tse Cârsadian Charhpibn, Fridoly-,ebruary 2, 19à8 55 Notices OPENWd.Mar4,ç8 HOUSE 1011111-11:3111,1 Homby Co-operoive Nursery School Rogistration for Sept!98 now being accepted. MORNING & AFIERNOONS AVAILABLE. AGES 2 1/2 - 5YRS. 13526 Sieetes Ae jst W ofTroloor Rd. FOR MORE INFORMATION CAtI 8785211 NORTH HALTON DISTRESS & INFORMATION CENTRE SPRING TRAINING FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS Spring training program for new volunteers for the North Hahon Distress & Information Centre will begin on Wednesday, Aprut 1, 1998 t 7:00 pm. For more information and application forms, please cati 877-1211. Te. cut off date for the retum 0 f application is SUNDAY, MAFICH 18, 1998 If you cma pure four hours par week and are a good lstener pieuse help us to help others and maintain this 24 hr. service. AUCTION SALI Wed. March 41h ut 6« p.m. Previw fren 4-.30 p.m. ot MiseAgriukturoi Hll, Milieu Firgred, Rbert S. Consiofing of furnishings fa inrf. 8 pce. pine Kraehler dining room suite, 6 pce. 'bamboo style bedroom set, antique armo ire, dresoars, ornai1 tables efc., arf potter>', Ladro figures, crysfal, clapression, china, cracks, primitives, decoratives etc. Term: Cash, chaque with 2 pceo. of .. For furifier info fax or phone JON MEDLY AUCIONEIR 905-878-2647 LuiS of great ram., antiques, neuf Sites, box luts, I fray ls+. Cash or Appvd Chq. Esats BoagfrV Soid. I lvi. S ol Cappisons Corners, (Hwts 15), Iimi NoIHsy 403, 1/4mi WoaiH 6,via York Rd 80 For Sale BEAJTFUL, GENWINE alita huilier chester- fild i mint condition. Sacrfice t $475. Cal 878- 2097. DRYER Extra large capacity. Almoul nea condiion. $250. O.B.O. Washe $50. Cdg 905- 693-028. ORIBiTAL RUG 7 X 9. Ivory aid rose floaered. $250. 875-1685. SEAT SALE - Freshen up your diuettel diningroom cliairsi Rol ends from $18,95/euc$. Fabric a labour indluded. Flids Ouality Custoxn Uphoiatering, 8754427, 9 - 9. SIT ON f. Dont sah on itI Replacemnent foam for cushions. Residential/Commerciai. Fields Upliose, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 7 days/aeek. 875- 4427. 1 M For Sale 12 PC. CHERRY Muhogany Chippendale bail & claw $3950., otheers 9-10 pc suites $1750. & up.(tables 6-10V) Also board room/conference tables. 6 pc. Quean 4/poster (7) bedoom suite $2800. plus ollierro. Excellent conition. Save $1000.$ Comparel Free deiivery. (Vi/MCI Interact) (905)227-9458. TAX BREAKI - No GST or PST on sofas, liiongroomn chairs and sotubeds. We puy the taxes. February onlyl Fields Quality Custom U.phostering, 875-4427. 9 -9 duiLy. 81 Computers and Videos THINKING of buying a computer? Get somead vice on what you need and how 80 gel the best deai for your dollars. Need some help ai that new or existing computer? Tutoring. main- tenance and upgrades uvailube. Dave t 878- 3533 -9 arn. - 8 p.m. §2 Music Instruction PRIVATE VOCAL INSTRUCTION Pro singer teaches ail ages. Aduit. beginners especialiy welcomne. CdH Stephanie 519-853-52114. 84 Crafis and Bazaars CRAfT SUPUES by mai. Cail Lewpen Lus for fre Cualo. l nowl (90)273-3990. 130 Pet Stock FREE KITIENS, Maie, gray, black. Bom Dec. 97. Uttr trained. 878-1732. Magge. 145 Gnerai HeID Wanted BUSY WOOD Working shop hiring, noex perience necessay. Reliabl persons apply te: 9 Acuderny Rd. 877-6757. DRIVERIWAREHOUSE HELP required, Monduy te Friday, 9 &m. - 5 p.m. Mst have dlean civwtg absitract, be customer service oriented and fluent in Engbh. Heavy lifting inwolved. Appiy in person Io: Bre-mar Office Supplies. 495 McGeachie Drive, Unit 3, Milaon. WANTED, GLASS CUTTER /il bain. Pieuse appiy ut RAM Ughting, 289 Alliance Road, Milon, Ontarno. 7F&W #Ut~. requimms Counter Heip. Ail Shifts. Appiy in persan te: 575 ONTARIO STREET SOUTHi 8501 HWY. 25 NORTHl WyUdew@od 0.1. and Country Club has thie fol owing posiions ovaifable from Aprif to October 1998. Exporienced Bartunder oExprienced Wait Staff Coii Monica March 2nd 9am - 12pm 878-4848 jýCol875-30 lis uri.s -iî, 135 Volunteers. 145 Gênerai HeID Wated 145 Gênerai HOID Wated - I.~iiI~k~1~ - WORK Drîve a Sohool Bus Train Now GOOD PAY E ARN APROX. 3 HOURS A DAY GODRetr:es loaking to upplernent icm GOOD Horernaersbring your chitri with yau PAY inctuding eesv rvn ore - Must have a vulid drivers licence and be over 21 years oid For more information 877-2251 1W0 Sales HeID CAREER OPPORTUNITY SALES/LEASING REPRESENTATIVE WR are a fat growing dealernirip euth sareçetade sales prOs- arce. We require an experienced sales reproentative who uadestairds fhe vlue of dedicatonteDfde austomner. We provide encellent oppotisdty#MOru 9i aper inffoiY and advertieg support. Oar present salas tees tas a proves record f or ataining icories wtiidt esceed ift duatry averae. Illyou are commited tDexellanc and soud kLe your effots ta direcdy impact your ine, se sent ta hear Irom you. Applk adoo ae Sicoukm aumaaacanidah& Phasefax ret oAnémwGommun85227 M e d . . . . .. . . . 8 :3 0 5*0o W e d y . . . . . . 9 : 0 - S g W .du ....... 9800-48"0 IFuud7- -.-- 0-:01 I55 Notices 1135 Volunteers OThe Community Care Access Centre <CCAC 0F HALTON) The Community Care Access Centre ofl Haton has recantiy compieted the Request for Proposai process to defermine fhe organizafions most qualified fa pravide approximalely 30% afitis nursing and homemnaking services for the 1 998/99 budget year. John Burkus, Chair of the Board of the Community Care Access Centre of Haton, iv pieasad 80 announce that subsaquent f0 tais RFP process the Board has approved fie awarding of a contract for the provision of homemaking services f0 Victorian Order oft Nurses, Haton Branch and a contract for the provision of nursing services f0 Qisten Heaith Services. A ke>' factor in the awarding of these contracto mas based on the organizations abilit>' to deliver quaiity services. The remaining 70% of nursing and homemaking services wiii continue to be provided 80 the CCACs clients by current service provider organizations that have protected levais of service volumes for the 1998/99 budget year. The impiementation of the Request for Proposai proceso iv in keeping with the Ministry of Heaiths mandate f0 introduce a proceos f0 ensure the purchase of the highest quaiity of care at the basf price. The CCAC looks forward 80 working cioseiy with thesa two organizations as weil as ifs current service provider organizations in continuing 80 provida high quality communit>' basad care f0 the citizens oft Halton. For further information contact: EMaine Whitmore, Director of Corporute Programs 440 Elizabeth Street, 4th floor Burlington, ON L7R 2M1 (905) 639-5228 Ext. 8920 or ... If long distance dial 1 (800) 810-0000 Due t0 an error we inadverlently atached the wrong logo to his ad in praviouo editions. We aFologize to the Conrmunity Cara Acceos Castre of Halton, heir cieants yod custorners for any convenience ths may have cauoed. I* AXIS Logsce lc. Axis Logistica mnc. in Milton (Hwy. 401 and Hwy. 25) bas openinga for part-time employment in our retrigerated ware- bouse. Thse echedule consista of approximatel>' 24 hours per week. Shift work inctuding nights and weekend work la required. Duties include: assembling, lifting, re- ceiving, stocking and sipping of pro- duct. 18 iv a physicali>' demanding job requiring individuals to perform duties witb empbasis on "beayylifting". The succesaful candidates will be self motivated, a mature thinker, responsi- ble. able to lift 60lbs., be flexible, phys- ically fit and work witb minimal super- vision. Ail those who are interested and feel that they could contribute to Team Axis pieuse fax resume /application 80 (905) 876-2020, or mail it 80: Attention: Human Resources AXIS LOGISICS INC. 2701 High Point Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 5G5 mmm@wý 1 0 Nom .à vu r% 1 9- MwvCanadlan CNIB HaltonlPeel District Natioal needs your assistance. for the Blind Volunteers needed for: Ontano son District Board and Committees The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB), la accepting applications for appointmnent to the District Board and Committees in the Halton/Peel District. We are seeking individuels with energy, enthusiasm, a commitment to enhancing services for others who are biind, visually impaired and deaflblind. If you have experi- ence or an interest in marketing, public awareness or fundraising, the CNIB Haltonl Peel can offer you with an opportunity to apply your talents and be rewarded with self-satisfaction and personal growth. Members wili be selected from our client population, community groups, and neighbourhoods reftecting the diverse ethnic, cultural and demnographics of our community. Ait appointments to, the Board or committees wili be for a two year period with a ime commitment of up 80 8 hours per month. To appiy, please submnit a tetter with your namne, address and telephone number, aiong with a brief description of why you wouid ike 80 participate by March 9, 1998 to the foiiowing address:: Nominating Committee, CNIB Haltori/Peel 151 City Centre Drive, Suite 201, Mississauga, ON. L5B 1M7 1 q