How ta. calculate new property taxes anmat do«n to $5.5 mIlion vut l;ad btsings, said Mr. Penmian. *It wold tbc a sin ot signiicat consequeitcetu even consider that." Bob EdmQndson, assistant generail manager, bas been appointed acting general manager. e fromf TAXES on page 15 new assessment. If that number la higher than what they actually paid their assessment bas risen, if it is Iower the assessînet t as dropped. The taxes tbey would have paid Iast year can then be com- pared to this year's taxes to see if local tax rates have increased. This year' s tax rates have not yet been struck by municipali- ties. In Milton the tax rate for 1997 for a residential propeity was 0.01310. If a property bas been assessed at $200,000 under the new asseasment sys- lenri, taxes for fast year would have been $200,000 multiplied by the tax rate of 0.0 13 10 which equals $2,620. If $2,620 is less than the 1997 property taxes then that property bas benefited from the reasseasment. If it is more then the property was undervalued and the owner will psy a higher proportion of the property tax burden. Taxes would only move away from the 1997 calculated ,îiîîunft il or regional council decided to increase local taxes. Other centres A person with a $200,000 home in Oakville would have paid $2738, the same home- owner in Burlington would pay $2,770 and in Halton Hilîs $2,686. According to Joe Rinaldo, Haltons commissioner of cor- porate services, tax impacts due to the reassessment are minor Mid-winter service packages for your peace-of-mind $79 95* Peace-of-Mind Service M Maintenance Check Our trained technicians will service, dlean and perforrn a complete furnace inspection. Cail us for detais. Combo price $6960' Union Gas Home Comfort Heating Protection Plan When you purchase the Furnace Maintenance Check, you can upgrade to our Heating Protection Plan for only $6960 more on furnace components! You'îl get a full year's protection on furnace components against repair costs for parts and labour. For a Union Gas Sales Office nearest you, cali us at: 1 800 441-4619 Terms and Conditions These packages are for aur residential customers only an approved credit and do fot include GST, replacement parts or labour on replacement parts. Some conditions may appIy. Cail for details. t Heating Protection Plan Combo Price of $6q.60 is anly available when purchasing tiis Peace-of-Mind Service Farnace Maintenance Cfheck. Total price for bth is $1«955 plus GST Peace-of-Mind Service is a trademark of Union Energy lac., used under licenSe by Union Gas Limited. c Union Gas Limited 1998 * iiongas energy for you CONSEIL SCOLAIRE CATHOLIQUE DE DISTRICT N' 64 REGIONDE HALTON INSCRIPTION PAR ANTICIPATION ÉCOLES DE LANGUE FRANÇAISE - 1998-1999 3 et 4 mars entre 9 h et 16 h École St-Philippe, Burlington (905) 639-6100 École Ste-Marie, Oakville (905) 845-4472 École Sacré-Coeur, Georgetown (905) 87 3-05 10 POUR NOUVEA UX ÉLÈVES NON INSCRJTSA UPREALABLE Maternelle Les enfants éligibles pour la maternelle doivent- avoir quatre (4) ans au plus tard le 31 décembre. Les documents suivants doivent être soumis à l'inscription preuve d'âge-, certificat de baptême, record d'immunisation complet. Jardin d'enfants Les enfants éligibles pour le jardin d'enfants doivent avoir cinq (5) ans au plus tard le 3 1 décembre. Les documents suivants doivent être soumis à l'inscription: preuve d'âge; certificat de baptême-, record d'immunisation complet. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, prière de communiquer avec votre école. Charles Dupuis Président du Conseil Madeleine L. Champagne Directrice de l'éducation HALTON CATHOLIC DISTICT SCHOOL BOARD FRENCH IMMRSION PROGRAM REGISTRATION for September, 1998 Registration for those children who are interested in the French Immersion Program in the Catholie Sehools in Burlington, Oakville, Milton, and Georgetown wiîl be held at ail designated sehools as listed below, on: Thursday, March 5th, 1998 8:30 a.m. to5:00Op.m.- REGISTRATION INFORMATION * student must be entening grade 5 in September 1998 in a Haîton Catholie Dstnict School; * in person onîy - parent, guardian or other responsible aduît with a letter indicating they are acting on the parents' behaîf; * registration to take place at the designated French Immersion sehool you which your child to attend; *enroîlment for the French Immersion Program la Ilimited; * registration is on a first-come, first serve basis LOCATION 0F DESIGNATED SCHOOLS Am efzntdScol North Burîîngton St. Gabriel South Burlington Ascension Halton Hîlis Holy Cross Milton Holy Rosary Oakville St. Matthew, St. Bernadette, St. Joseph i.V. Sherlock r("i ' ~FW Sweeney Chair of the Board ê D Director of Education TNI acrosa Halton because local properties had a relatively recent assesameni. "On an individual basis there are some significant shifts," said Mr. Rinaldo. 'Generally speaking multi-residential units will soe a decline in taxes, vacant lands will get increased, and farm taxes will decrease because farm tax credits are now etfectively rolled into the tax rate." Halton inancial staff calcu- lated a wide range of 1997 property tax rates. In Milton the 1997 tax rate tor inulti-residen- tial was .02485, commercial .03280, industrial .05665, and f'or farm lands .00327.