The Canadien Champion, Fniday February 27, 1998 - 15 Formula for finding taxes By BRAD REAUME The Champion Halton resîdents paid about 1.3 per cent of their property's value in local tax in 1997, and that figure is key to finding out how thcy will fare under new rules. A reassessment of properties across Ontaro has occurred and pmoperty owners have been receiving their new assessments in the mail. Assessment reform is designed to make property value and local taxation mucis more understandable to property owners. The assessment is expressed as thse actu- ai value of a property if purchased by a willng buyer from a willing seller on June 30, 1996. In order for people to see if the new assessment has had any ettect on their taxes, finance officiais at Halton Region calculated last year's property tax rate under the new system. Property owners can apply this tax rate to their new assessment to find out what they would have paid last year under thse -see CALCULATE on page 16 M jDIL A. MALIN &i. RCSC I1-888-833-VEIN IL905-456-9309 GORRUDS G RO0U P Q Ineludn Lube, 011 & Fitar & 8mb Ingpoeton Qk AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE 410 STEELES AVE. MILTON -878-1672 SALES 875-2277 S One day natural gas fireplaoe sale! Scratch & Save $50 to $500 off No paymients until January 199* Saturday' March 7 only 8015 Foudh Line (at Steeles), Milton 9 am - 4 pm 1 Deferred payments avaiiabie ta Union Cas residentia customers on approvedl crédit financed through Union Cas. scratch cards can only be used once andi towards the purchase of a fireplace on Marcis 7 198 at partipating Union Cas Offices oniy whiie quantites iast. @Uniwi Cas Limteti 1998.'U' 876-3017 0 uiongas energy for you Na ur 1g sf i re lO ace DELREX ALUMINUM LImITED *Afuminum Awnings -Canopies .Eavestroughs -Sorm Doors *Roofing -Windows *Siding -Fascia -Sofili n Ueng Colours Aso a fuit fine of replacemenlt windows 877-5383 available for issues concernîng: sef-esteens - anger and grief conflict resointion - probient soiving -personai growth Cunseling provided for Womten, Men, Adolescents anud Children Donna L. White Mlon/Guelph (905) 878-6358 e e-ACOR M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL LTD. WesPirs - Dives s-* angeR -eesI 758 MainStnMEet lsi 870-1138 Acrosafron the GOStio :i *~ il ~ M.A.R.C.H. *Water FumAce Systems - Gas Propane and *Heaf Pumps - Air. Ground Elecfric Fumaces & Water Sources -Hgh Efficency Air ilers *Central & Roors Air & Humidifiers 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Service) 875-2700 (S.-ds) 6DecorainfDen». j NTERIORS WVe uni1 helpi you decorate thse home fyour dreanîs! Cail us today! 875-2617 june Wilson MARK WEIDNER R.M.T. Registered Massage Therapist RR #1 Moffat Office: (0519) 837-8626 Mobile: (903) 302-2111 email: weidner.rmt@sympatiCO.Ca Davidison Woodworking and Renovatlons Reszosations of alil knds Finszsed Woodwork Reftnisbing Cali Mark for estimates <9051 693-0458 SEPTIC TANK PUMPINO Rebert Noble Led. -180 ft. of hose for crossing lawns, 3 radio dispafched trucks f0 serve you. Don,# W.IRfe r Rhoue - .p 5.1ev.ii's gR.. (Should pamp et leasi evenj 3 years) Nevertase coloured or double piy buRlt paper. <519) 553-03009 Ade Anawerlng Service 8784869 OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE! mli 5.0.1 :Peel Laser & Vein VASCULAR CENTRE 145 QUEEN ST. E.. SUITE 407 BRAMPTON, ONTARIO LOW SPS / HAE YOU AIAS WANTED TO ENHANCE YOUR APPEARANCE? Ni IHave The Solation with Laser Teebsisiots. *Faial eei*Sn spots in Pui ain Oie . atstetcih relis FO v R5 OSArTION CALI