The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, February 24, 1997 -27 Merchants sweep Missy j efrom ROUND on page 24 the sîronger teams. We've got the same1 type of attitude as last year and the coach- ing staff has us focused on discipline." 1 Milton COclsi the boo ks on isi iounld1 action with a convincing î0 3 rout Saturday, with Kevin O'Flaherty lighting the lamp three imes to engineer the blowout. His teammates lew the floodgates open early, sconing fOve goals within the firsi 14 minutes. Exploiting netminder Malt Collaton from the onset were Chad Blundy, Steve French, Jeff Hutchins, Raitis (Razor) Ivanans and caplain Jef Haydar. From there, O'Flaherty heat replacement Ryan Spiteri twice in the second while French andi Rich Williams chipped in sin- gles. O'Flaherty completeti his hat-trick aI 17:34 of the third with a powerplay goal, Milton's third of the day. AIl three Charger goals came with the man-ativantage - courtesy of Anthony Aquino, Ryan Eby and David Sa. The Merchants and Chargers used the tail-end of the contest to vent steam. Surprisingly enough, Mississauga enforcer Bill Velliaris was benched ihrough the laie stages of the game and unable to invoive himseii in the brawling. Fellow loose cannon Ryan Digby took a nonchalant poke at Hutchins and was ejected before he could drop the gloves and do any real damage. ieremy Wenzel was solid yet unspectac- ular in Milton's cage. The previous night at Memorial, Milton pulled off a 7-1 game three triumph, with Daniel Jacques tumiàng in his second one- goal performance of the playoffs. Supporting cast member Shawn Smith led offensively with two goals - hoth on long-range blasts through Collaton' s fve- hole. Adding to the onslaught were-both Haydar brothers, Jeff and Darren, French, Ron Baker and Troy Walczak. Mississauga's lone tally came midway through the final frame. Up until that point, they had managed just nine shots on net. Grapping for another titie a tram OWNS on page 25 Also striking golti were Claylon Cowton (l119 lbs.), Kevin Heffron (1 12), John McCart (209) and Graham Carroll - who went unchallengeti in the 90 lbs. class. Cowton and Heffron outtistanced teain- mates Justin Billingham anti Jeff Altierton espectively in the finals. Drury helti down the top four spots ai 112 lbs. as Mati Devries and Phil Mulkins reached the semis. In addition 10 Billingham anti Altierton, silver medals went to Sherriff, Garrett George andi Brad Matiden - who will actually carry Halton' s number I seeti ranking int GHAC as winner Dimitri Popodopulous of Burlinglon Central is ineligible due to a six-year rule. Devries, Craig Ellison, Jeremy Chuchmach, Ryan Faria, Danren Galipeau and Chris Mastro eanied bronze medals. Also qualifying for GHAC with top Oive finishes were Mulins, Van Duyn, Keith Dunn, Shawn Dietrich, Nick Barkley, Tom Gallinger, Dan Martin, Luke Hendrie anti Chnis Holmes. * e u ro is yurelft conriutonae an .i yar .WelI March 2 is just around the corner. You ne4 our help. Talk to the Experts. 693-1100 nr usiai, C-% MIU Finm"iaAdvino MIDLAND WALWIYN BLUE CHIP THINKING"' 'BLUECHIP THINKING is a trademark of Mldland Walwyn Capital Inc. MIDLANDWLWNCAPITAL. INCJAEME CIPF sponsored in pari by: 1 MONDAY TO FRIDAY CI siried 90AM - 500 PM a s nfwfo Mtto.see' 11*1 NQ7Jff~ u~pec 75e hampcce YOURiie NpUUVVVV 33 J;aii A fta I ant Iinr Ponti I G RO0u SALES &LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILV VALUES WE -BUY - SELL -LEASE LARGEST SELECTiON 0F USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 875-2277 ae 260 Income Tax COMPLETE TAX Preparstion. Phone Vaenie 854-0437. MNOUE TAX PREPARATION. Ron Newell. $20 per retum. Phone 878-8251. 280 Wanted to Rent EXECUTIVE COUPLE ra-locating ram Nova Scolie Iokig to reni a welI mainiainad home with large privale lot. Muet have Go-Train acces and take 2 large non-destructive doge. Ples cail 902826-2050 or Emal rmmac@fox.netn.Ca RESPONSIBLE COUPLE with one chiîd looking for a 3 Bedroom House for May or June, in town or rural Miton. Please oeil Klm alter 7 p.m., 878- 0035. WANTED - 1 BedroomlBachelor Apartment, nor- th ed flItn preferrred. Cali 878-2403. 285 For Rent 4 BEDROOM, 1-1/2 balliroome, family room, al broadoomed, freshly decorated. $1,250. 854- 2357. DOWNTOWN MILTON, 3 plus bedrooni houes, 2 bathe, firtlasi. Available Apil 1lst. $1100. plus utiliies. Nancy 875-0873. FOUR BEDROOM, 2 storey house. 2 washrooms, firtast, utilities. $1 145./monthly. April lst. 878-958. GEORGETOWN, Vicorian, 3 bedroom, main floor of houes, $1,100 includes heattwater. Acton, 1, 2 & 3 bedrooffi apartments $550:$800; $850 plus. 519-853-5080(519- 853-5352.) 29 oatents FrRn 2 DEDROON Basement apartment. non- emokers only, ail inclusive, laundry. $625, firet& ast, March let. 878-9702. ACCEPTING APPUCAllONS for one be&room apariments. Avalable April let, 1998. Starting at $699. For appointaient oeil 878-5345 after 5 p.m. BACHELOR APARTMENT. Use of laundry room. Non-emoker preferred. $500. per month. Cali Rloger ai 876-1529. ONE BEDROON apartmnent. Modem builcâng. 64 Ontauio St. N., Moltn. Stove/fidge. Reserved paring. $715. monlli plus utlities. Firstllast. References raqurad. 878-123. eveninge 854- 1310. ONE BEDROOM apatment avalable April lat. Suit one quiet non-smoker. References requirad. 3 appliances, A.C., walk ouita patio, 1 parking. Firetilet. $700. incluclng utiites. 875-3112. SPACIOU TWO BEDROOM apartment in new country home vwith al new appliances. Close Io 401 and Guelpli. $900. Reterances. No pets. 1- 519-856-9259 TWO - ONE bedroom apartments available immediaely. $725. ail inclusive. Please cati Midi- ey 875-1110. SHORT-TERM Rentai, 3+ months. Spacious 1 & 2 beckooms. utilities, indloor pool, work-out room. Burington Towers, 639-8583. MILLSIDE TOUERS - 82 MLLSIDE OR., MILTN NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedrooms availabie on bus rouie, fresliy decorated, 2 appliances, on-site iaundry, includes ail utilities (except phone & cabie). Free parking, no pets. Reterences required. 905-876-1249 By appoînîment only 'I S C1A L QATTESe IMIE £ iA!'TTE! $799aI Magnificent Indoor Pool & IFitness Centre - Utlities & Parking Included - Fantastic Locationi TrO VIEW CRU (90S) 6395 pi Pla present Ihis ad at finieoo tewing. SainerestrWtlna PPlY. BURLINOTON I TOWERS 2 A 3 Bedrooms ANso vlae 295 Shared Accommodation IN HOUS, ln town. Available ta working maie/ female. $450.Imonth plus long distance telephone useage. Monthly. No lease. 330-9372. KIRKFIELD. 77 North Taylor Dr. <off Hwy. 48, acrose tram Shallamar Gas Station. Main- tenance free, 3 bedroom, lakefront cottage, CN, air, broadloomed. Complete kitchen, full bath. Walkout ta large dock. Elecbric heat. $99900. Burington. 905) 632-0068. prop.___ __ REASONABLE INDUSTRIAL UNITS for rent. 1,600 - 3,200 sq. IL. Loading docks & drive in. 905419-8035 or 1-905-277-9347. UP TO 4,000 sq. ft. warehouse for rant witi forklift, Ioading docks and drive in, ehippng and receive service option. 905) 878-1080, IuNy radted. 320 ic0 &Buinss- SMALL PRIVATE OFFICE, beautifuîly appoinied. Hwy. 25 a 401. 905l-8-03 or 1- 905-277-9M7. k LCOE%4 "J AGON SINCE 1930 *New in town? *Getting married in 3 montha ormmr? - Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? PLEASE CULL Us. Community Weicome .... Linda ...854-1563 ... . . .. . . . . Mariyn . . . 875-0519 Bridai .............. Jackie ...878-1907 Baby .............. Gali....878-6540 Business/ProIessional ... Pat . .. . 876-4040 1 m 1 1 mechaically excellent. Certified. $5,000. 853- 0589. 1901 PONTIC PARIESIAN Asking $950. As is. 853-0629. AUTO INSURANCE. Best raies for most drivers inclucng higher risks. Cali Warren, 519-853- 4284. CREDIT PROBLEM? No credit or bad credt. On UIC. FBA, WCB, Bankrupt? Need another chance? Sheof I ml? We can helpi Future Car Creci. 906-339-700. 1 2m ADanmenis rur min m BUm-8-ffl 1 -. 1 à 12-m-' Vehicles for Sale à 295 Shared Accommâd-a-fïon- 310 Vacation Resorts & EML,