22-lb. Canadian Champion, Tuesday, February 24, 1998 Are you a Subscrf"ber? YOU SHOULD BEI ohn you subsoribe to Trhe Champion ... not only do you receive MiIton's award winning newspaper, but you could also get.. A WHOLE LOT MORE iII IGOOD NEWS FOR SUBSCRI13ERS We've added extra value to your Subscription. - Every monthfrom now on aIl local sub- scri bers names will automatically be entered into a draw for three great prizes. 1Jst prize valued at $300-$500. - You will receive a monthly "Subscribers their route carrier. -A idCornmunity Cooks Corner" subrnit vour favourite recipies - if we print it, you win $25. -Local inerchants discounts & good deals on the newsletter's back page coupon clipper. idIl -.--- '- L . l 1' -Il iil Only" Newsletter featu ring: - "Carriers in the news - you -i prouuusy - Minor Sports "House League know some of themn. Highlights " - A crossword puzzle to challenge you or sirn- - Photos offlrst prize draw winners & ply for your enjoyment. Arent you glad you're a subscriber! We are too - Enjoy. Look for the first issue of "Subscribers OnIy"l newsletter this weekend And That's Not AL. Every mnhw GREAT PRIZES and you can hetp your carriers earn more moriey1 ,rrii-rs rcnmina to vour door and be sure to let them know you apï For ail our readers who are not currently subseribers but would like to join in the fun, give us a eall at 878-2341 and we'II sign you up today. Subscriptiofl Cost Paid-in -advance $3OIyr. Carriers colleot $1/week (with thîs method of payment the carrier keeps one hait of collection ta supple- ment his/her regular pay) a witl have even more for their hard work. Watch for Dpreciate ail of their hard work. MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE 4" 1997 _ COMMUNITY AWARD S BAILLOT LAST CHANCE to get your nominations in. Deadline is Wedflesday- Feh 25,,98 1 1997~ HERE THEY ARE MILTON! 7 Citizen 0f The Year Nominees Marthia Gleeson u~ Founder of Monarch Basketball League, a non-profit organization for yoth skills development; Chairperson of the Maiion Project, a seniors condominium residence development at Holy Rosary Parish; coach of many volleyball/baketball teams; actively involved in church community. Brad Clements I Co-Chairperson on the Milton Community Information Services Board; Board member on the new Milton Community Resource Centre; active member of Ontario Steam & Antique Preservers Association; Christmas Tree Growers Association of Ontario; Milton Historical Society; held past directors positions on the United Way of Milton and Milton Chamber of Commerce. Judy & Bob WAace [U Treasurer (1996) of United Way of Milton; 1996/97 United Way Fundraising Campaign Co-Chairs; involved in ail areas of campaign; actively involved in Scoutîng and is a former President of that orga- nization. Please choose one nominee aund mail, fax or deliver to the Milton Chamber of Commerce by Wednesday February 25t1s, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. One ballot per person. Open to ail Milton resdents, businesses and Chamber members. Must be 18 years of age. Al ballots incomplete will be disregarded. - - ----- - --------...................................----------------------- Naine: ____________ Comipany Naine: __________ Address: ___________ Mton, ON Postal code:_______ Mail te: Maton Clsamsber of Consmerce P.O. Box 52, Milton, ON LOT 2Y3 SiUnsure About . What To Do With Your... RRSP This Year? The deadline for making your 1997 contribution is only A FEW DAYS away. Wîll you take advantage of one of the few tax breaks available to you? An RRSP can be the foundation for a comfortable and secure retîrement. More importantly, will you make your own investment deci- sions? - and hope you made the right choice, or will you seek the advice and counsel of a professional planner? who can advise you now on the alternative and guide you towards a successful retirement plan. This is flot about RRSP'S In this space of the past severai weeks, 1 have discussed various strate- gies regarding RRSP investîng. I hope the information helped. The top- ics included diversification, dollar-cost averaging, foreign content, bor- rowing for your contnibution, market volatility, asset allocation and labour sponsored funds. If you missed any, please ask me for a reprint. It's About Improving Your Future I would be glad to discuss ail your RRSP choices. As an independent financial planner. I study ail types of investment products and assess their suitabilîty for my clients- people from aIl walks of life, each with very different circumstances. Initial consultation at no charge; and of course any discussions wîll be completely confidential. W.R. (Bob) ]Reid ~ Donaldson Bourgon Financial Services Associ atd ~the ~ j<~~Q) j Investmient Centre (905) 875-3237!.iIq>>m~~> 1 1