18 -The Cf u~hiTuesday. F.bMY-24,t~~ Do you have a news ip? Cali us at 878-2341 and ask for the editorial department S P RI1N G D RE AM S BLOOMS FLOWER & GARDEN SHOW MARCH 11-15, 1998 METRo TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE CMA DLOOMS- SHOW INFORMATION: 1-800-730-1020 FAX: (416) 593-6055 PRSNIEL)BY *oI OUTe:I~ PRODUCEL) Y: IA ÂTRJMARKr[ MUTAL UNS B IC CONI RIIBU rIN<. MXG, ~.*MDIOGâWE>ZNG Capturiflg escarpmeflt beauty Few landscapeleIatures l'e ic.. drama as the Niagara Escarpment in southemn Ontario, and some fo that will be captured on film for a good cause. The Milton, Oakville and Burlingtofl c.haptcrs; ot Canada Trust's Friends of the Environmeflt Foundation will he helping the Halton Region Conservation Foundation publish a photo£raphv book. The foundcation ss ecking additional corpurate sponsors to help tund the. pro- ject. Procecds from the bok wiII be used ta renovate and expand the visitors centre at Mountsberg Wildlite Centre. where more than one million school children and families have Iearned about the natural enviroflmreflt since 1975. More information on the book project is available at 336-1 158. Money plan seminar If you need financial advice - ask the * experts. Free tinancial seminars are now avail- able cvery Wednesday at 7 p.m at the Photo by GRAHAM PAINE North Halton Golf and Country Club in Georgetown. Developed by Investors H tof the pres Group's Alex Mc.Kee, thc series will focus H .. u liin on one topic per week. Areas of discus- sion will include insurance, estate plan- Canadian Champion news sdtor Karen Smith recently accepted the ning, tax planning and investment. You Make a Difference Award tram the Milton Fire Departmeflt's Mark To register for any seminar or obtain a Cross, in recognition of the newspaper's long-time contribution to tire schedule of weekly topics, cal (905) 702- safety awareness. 8774. Halton 'IdealHor te child In the W'aldorf of limesRudolf Steiner'suk w S chool bnlliant process of eduwcation is citi- sprt p1V 'ý ~cally neeed and proloundly relevant al this tbm as OPEN ~of childhood cnisis and educational breakdown. WaldorfTh FL-j'J educaflon nurtures the intellectua, psychological, and C a po i .- 10() , S ê spiritual unWoding of the - Joseph Chfton Pearce C a po Sundy, Mrch1 frm 1:00-:00Calito 83 Cmpbllvile d. eastffoG»elb Lne)subscribe J K, SK & Gr. 1 -8 Gueioh Liae bu nc * xo&s .1academedacaSion, aitcli 7824 For iformaionor toviewau Baig» -ýY1j eýfien iter eioL4 enowed 87-234 DELREX ALUMINUM LImITED *Alumîflum Awnings .Canopies .Eavestroughs -Sorm Doors *Roolng -Windows *Sidirig Fascia *Sotit in Uving Colours Also a fulli ne of repacement windows avalable for issues concerning: sedf-esteem- anger and grief conflciresolution -problem soling -personal growth Counselng provided for Woraen, Men, Adolescents and Children Donnai. White Milon/Guelph (905) 878-6358 CONRACOR M.A.R.C.H. *Water Fumnace Systemns Gas Propane and *Heat Pumps- Air Ground Eiectric Fumnaces & Water Sources High Efficiency Air Fihers *Central & Roomn Air & Humidifiers 785 Main Street East 876-1138 (Service) 875-2700 (Sales)j ý D-ecoratInf7D4 Ive will help you deco rate the home of your dreams! Cail us todav! 875-2617 June Wilson Davidison Woodworking and Renovations Renouations oil kinds Finished Wuudu ork Refmzishuizg Cti l lIarkfor estlmaites (903) 693-0458 SUPITIC TANK PUMPINO Robert Noble LId. -180 Il. of hase for crossing Iawns. 3 radio dspatched trucks t0 serve you ou'f w 0v I..- Pump bmm W, t..»I"f (Shouid pump t least every 3 yearsý Neyer use coioured or double Pry tolet paper 15 19)S833-0300@Acem Answering Service 878-"6?O OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCe~ r..cnrcig* d MARK WEUDNER R.M.T. HOME& OFICERegistered Massage Theropist . Aditios - ilesRR #1 Moffat - Bthroms- Rc Roms Office: (519) 837-8626 - ek aae Mobile: (905) 302-2111rawinrrtSmaiOC i