8 - The Canadien Champion, Fniday, February 20, 1998 from the Management and Staff of FIFTH WHEEL TRUCK STOP MDERITOR" MILTON A Hh,,tg. ofRràw*U T.dhigy Formerly RockweillInternational 40Chisholmy Drive, Suspension Systein Company Mlo S 10 Steeles Avenue Phone (905) 878-8441 Mlton L9T 2Y5 Fax (905) 878-9376 The National Flag: A Symbol of Canadian Identity il Dvofess~ional Lability Insured IMILTON IMPOR~ Te creyu «JR CENITR a.eycrsyu name," Harris to1d Wl SRIEWHAT W* tL. rom MHARRIS on page 1 STORE YOUR BOAT TRAILER OU R. V. IN OUR COMPOUNU.. YOU ONT UE CEV RURD à RUDY 583 MAIN ST. 1. à..878-5330 The R.R.S.P. Advantages oftered by Bob Lee " Retirement Financial Specialists with 23 years of experience and the coffee'1s always been great! " Security of investments (100% fund guarantees) " Competitive segregated and mutual funds. " Competitive GIGC interest rates " Personalized ongoing consultation " R.R.S.P. bans available at prime " Appointments available evenings and Saturdays beginning Jan. 17, 1998. CONTACT Bob "Pie" Lee Miltowne Insurance Agency Ltd. 878-5786 Serving Milton since 1975 245 COMMERCIAL ST. il '1wooi't aIways Say we knlow what we iC dloing Uhi Rc kilow where we wani 10 gel," Mr. Hanris said. SrhLowe, property and resource manager ai Dufferini Aggregates, said the reduction in red tape has been helpful but added il has not gone far enough. "Private industry wants 10 know the miles will flot change once > investmeni bas been made," the premier said, adding thai in resource-based indusiry he would rather see money used tg improve environmental conditions than on lawyers, consultants Mj and reports arguing over those conditions. Several people at'the table mentioned Ontario Works programs. One said workfare should be expanded mbt child care and anoth- er pointed oui that some programs should be targeied ai the midý'. dle aged. Paul Tammeorg, who volunteers fuil-time ai a Burlîngton food bank while looking for a job, said the low end of the economie spectrumn is stili hurting despite improving times. I see the difficulties in people's fears," he told the premier, 1 "They corne in crying. They curse your name. The people 1 sec aren't ail the same faces. The next time you eut back or squeeze, think about the people ai the bottoni. We've got 10, do the catch- ing." Insurance salesman Ed Tenorlas of Oakville suggested families take more of the responsibility for their own rather than foisiing il on society. He also bold the premier that student loan programs should reward those in financially productive fields of study. 1.e Mr. Harris agreed, saying tome of bis party's policies have tried to injeci family responsibility. He added that more counsel- ing on education opportunities is in order. Chuck Cumberland, president of the Burlingion branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, was concemed about tax legislation sur- rounding the break-open tickets traditionally used for fundraising by bis group. The premier said he felt a change in the mIles could be made 10, accommodate the service club. He added thai he was againsi gov- . emment regulalion, however in the case of liquor and gambling il made tome sente for govemment tc, funnel profits related 10 ihese vices back mbtc socieiy. Mr. Harris said the ides of the forum was 10 have community leaders, not necessarily govemment supporters, involved in dia- logue. He invited those present 10 follow up with letters te, him or through local MPPs and encouraged anyone wiih a coiscern 10 talk about il and make their feelings known. He said afier the meeting ihai the recurring themes of each of the round table sessions held have been health care and educa- tion. He made tome commenis on teacher preparation lime and resistance to changes in education (tee relaied story on page two). "Il's bard to predici what election issues will be," he told reporters. "Any govemnmeni is vulnerable ai any given time but health and education seem 10 be high priorities for people." Regarding health, he said the system had been allowed 10 dele- riorate for more ihan a decade and that inaction only mnade the reorganization of services more dificult to implement. 'There is about 20 per cent of the people who are philosophi- cally socialisi and thai core won'î agree with anything 1 do," he said. I accept that." I AL FO OOLGTO OFDNILCNUTTO THE OFFICIAL'CEREMONY INAUGURATINO THE NEW CANADIAN FLAG WAS HELDoOn Parliameni Hill in Ottawa on February 15, 1965, wiîh Governor Generai Georges Vanier, Prime Minisier Lester B. Pearson, the members of the Cabinet and îhou- sanda of Canadians in attendance. _The Canadian Red Ensign, bearing the Union Jack and tihe shieid of lise Royal Arms of Canada, was lowered and then, on the stroke of noon, our new maple lest flag was raised. Tise crowd sang the national antsem O0 Canada folowed by tise royal antisem Tbe following words, spoken on tisai momentous day by thse Honourable Maurice Bourget, Speaker of tise Senate, added further symbolic meaning 10 our flag: "Tise flag is tise symbol of-the nation's unty, for il, beyond any doubi, represents ail the cilizens of Canada wiihoui distinction of race, language, belief or opinion." ___________ ~ Miltn aa Community 55 Ontario Street S., Hometown Milton Mail 878-8178 Newspaper R. R.S.P. DEADINE ALJR