The Canadien Champion, Friday, February 13S, 199 ýDateline ___________ Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The and Chamrpion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Cen Cri., L91* 4NYJ, c() Xr t c ,ý o 190 ) 68,'d 14iP Fl r.. Y If!r!- ý1 as noon Friday for Tuesday's edifion and noon Wednesday for Ti Friday's edition. Dateline items will nof be accepted by fele- Odc phone. loss Friday Feb. 13 M I's Hot Meal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500ar Childs Dr., ai 11:45 a.m. Seniors are invited to enjoy a hot lunch tfee( and fellowship. Dr. The Milton Children and Youth Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., invites parents and caregivers to drop off their infants to children aged 5 years from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Leisure Time program. The cost is $5.50 per child. For more information, cal 876-1244. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., holds its annual St. Valentine's Day Luncheon with seatings at 11:30 arn. and 12:45 p.m. The menu features ham, scalloped potatoes, cote slaw, roll, tifle and coflee or tea. The meal is followed hy entertainmnent including the showing of romantic film 'Casablanca'. Tickets cost $750 and are available at the centre. Saturday Feb. 14 Registration for the Milton Ladies Softbali Association takes place ai Milton Mail frorn 1l arn. to 5 p.m. The cost is $55 per player. The Halton Rape Crisis Centre holds its third annual Silent Auction and Wine Tasting Evening at the Halton Regional Centre from 7 to Il p.m. Live and silent auctions feature sports and theatre tickets, travel vouchers, get-away weekends, golf packages and nurnhered art pints. A draw is held for a dazzlingL diamond Italian gold tennis bracelet. The cost is $15 per person,M which includes live entertainrnent, refreshments, appetizers, cof- fee and desserts. For tickets, caîl 825-3622.. Saturday Feb. 14 - 15 'Me Hlton Cross Country Ski Club hosts a trip to Trillium Valley and Alleghany, NY. New memhers are welcorne. AIl ages and skill levels are accomrnodated. For more information, eall 634-2012. Sunday Feb. 15 Presentation of the 1998 Milton Community leritage Awards takes place at Hugh Foster Hall. A walking tour and winners' displays begin at 1:30 p.rn. Admission is free and refres- ments are served. Everyone is welcorne. Contact Bruce Carlin ai 875-4588 for further information. Monday Feb. 16 It's lot Meal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., ai 11:45 a.m. Seniors are invited to enjoy a hot lunch and fellowship. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., hosts a day trip 10 Casino-Rama in Orillia. The event includes a huffet lunch. The cosi is $12. Caîl 875-1681 to sign up. The Milton and District Horticultural Society holds uts monthly meeting ai the Royal Canadian Legion on Charles St. at 7:30 p.m. The guest speaker is Mary Dean Crawford of Crawford Country Gardens. She demonstrates the making of hanging bas- kets along with a lide presentation. Memberships are taken. The cosi is $7 per person or $10 per family. Everyone is welcorne. Tuesday Feb. 17. The Milton Deaf Action Group holds its monthly meeting at Emest C. Drury School for the Deaf ai 255 Ontaio St. The meet- ing starts ai 6:30 p.m. and is held in the schools professional library. Ail interested people, ejîher deaf or hearing, are invited to attend. Americtîn sign language interpreters are present. Wednesday Feb. 18 It's Hot MMa Day ai the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., at 11:45 a.m. Seniors are invited to enjoy a hot lunch and fellowship. - Women who feel like they're walking on egg shelîs and con- stantly put down are invited to attend the I Deserve Better' self- help group. The free group in which paricpaflts share concems For our recommefldationS or a review of your investments cali 693-1100 tuba tDZuBAK, CA, tî.A MIDLAND WALWYN 1 F, 5.-Pcial AM#ffrct8oi et - *t.VtW Il 'G' 1-k Darrin Howift Sales Rapresantotive Tom Gallinger,' Vice President, is pleased ta announca that Darrin Howitt has joined the outstanding Sales and Leasing team at Gallinger-Mors. Darrin has 12 years of automotive and related experience in Milton and is looking forward to helping you make the right choîce when it comas to your next automobile purchasa or lease. Darrin is also an avid sports enthusiast and has coachad local basebaîl and minor hockey teams for a numbar or years. Darrin welcomes aIl of his friands, past and future customers to visit hlm at Gallinger Motors. Welcome aboard Darrini amAUI -1- ANNOUNCEMENT Sales Representative Tom Gollinger, Vice Prasident, is pleosed t- announca that Mike Leworthy has joined the outst' .g Soles and Leasing leam aI Gallingar Motors. Mike is a long ime Milton resident and is octively involved in varlous charily groupS. Ha is a member of the Desin y Milton teao, as well as being founder of the Link Foundcallon. Mike also organizes and coaches sports and recreational activitles for disabled people. He would like ta invite off of his friands and aquointances to drop in or call hlm at aL Golf nger Mtors a arrange any automotiva naeds. Welcome abocard Makel LiEUEimir 1 JIearn to help each other is hosted by the HaltonWomefl's hy La Leche League International. Cail 878-6387, 876-0772 or ntre ai Hoped.sle Mail, 1515 Rehecca St., Suite 210, in 878-48013. 11 1Il -7 5 5 6 'h t11w n ilColCr i ni Ski Clitb hles a trip te Horseshoe Fhe Rebekah Lodge helds the Winter Turkey Dinner àiie aillry.\ mvîw,iru iiaa lfellows Hall with sittings at 6:30 and 8 p.m. The meal is fol- accommodated. For more informationl,cadi 634-20)12. ved by card play. The cost is $12 or $3 for cards only. Ladies arc invited to attend Neigbbourhood Colice Hour front Vomen interested in the latest information on breastfeediflg 9:30 to 1l a.m. at Allendale, 185 Ontario St. The special fealure is ewelcome to attend the meeting of the Milton La Leche the 'Bread Man' by Gord Carson. Following an interlude of sgue. The group. which diseusses different phases of breast- musical selections, the guest speaker is Dr. Betty Brooks. The ding, meets ai CHERISH Family Resource Centre, 540 Childs event is hosted by the Milton Christian Ladies Coffee Hour. rat 8 p.m. Group discussion is led by local leaders accredited Admission t'.Irc Bahysitting îs provided. Fax I1998 RGSRF(> your MILTON MALL your Sat. Feb. 7 9:30 - 5:00 PM event Fri. Feb. 13 5:00 -9:00OPM eisvent Sat. Feb. 14 9:30 - 5:00 PM lisingChwîyces to iWitz valucible Pr-izes! to Softball for girls born 1977-1988 878- Fees - $70 (first child), $60 (each additional chi1d) 878. After MARCH 1 add $15 per player. 493.LowfeS! Witi prizes! Er'.eedCliics! For more information contact Betty McGee 878-7473 Ç6&d~J2yHEAR YE J~a/a/e HEAR YE~ your reception (includes fuît Yuarlnledt h e Fruit Punch reception prior t0 annual presentation of.. dinner (wîne punch optional) e- e Two litres of domestic or jf ~ Ie t a W lI imnported wine per table Yiton f n a eA rd (red or white) Sunday. February 15, 1998 * Dinner chosen from our ait lugh Foster Hall overlookuing Vctonia Parks Square banquet menu. (caîl for detaîls) forChampagne brtoast cfe o evc îhi~3~orakn eFoltowmng dinner: A maximum 2:15 p.m. forhorbr o ouretsl is isor suaiot ndo a .aenih cfeesevcewtGidet kn n 0MAit ectal sw al.TorofVitoinaîtRsforr Pak wqard W xellencep'ay Compimenary ccomodatonrs hftS Ser ed FAd issionng forBrie .Rm o te, Spo nonyt itonof-lîstoal Socrts and IWIIUUIflInn hwy. 41&Fuite ihtlphLîe ietae lonLAC Ati AVEMilton/Campbllville For furtiser information cati Bruce Carlin 875-4588 more than a great en'erwte stay Emaîl: alexso@întraiyP e