- ~ZUI T#"~I ~ - - -- - Players wanted for soccer league The Burlington Predators under-16 girls soccer team is looldng for competitive players from across Halton 10 play in an elite Ontaro Yooth Soccer League. Inteoested players can cati Ron Stevensons at 632- 3778. NII2F"lN GIRLS SOFIBAU MILTON MALL Sat. Feb. 7 930-5:00 PM Fr1. Feb. 13 5:00 -9:00OPM Sat. Feb. 14 9:30 - 5:00 PM Chcrzest" w 1inz valuablepres Softball for girls born 1977-1988 Fees - $70 (first child), $60 (each additional child) After MARCH 1 add $15 per player. Low ees!Wi, prizes.! Uree dcli zics I For more information contact Betty McGee 878-7473 The CanAdiarl CpamPion, Fnd ay, Februar 6, 1998-31 Drwry cornes up big again a from SPARTANS on page 27 for bis championship while Merritt scored an exciting come-from-behind finals victo- ry - and as a resuit was presented with the Outstanding Wrestler Award for the touiS iell,LC1 Justin Billingharn notched two pins in a cool 59 seconds 10 take the toumnament'a Pin Award as weIl as his third gold of the season. Tom Gallinger took home bronze and WilI Van Duyn placed fifth 10 round out EC's hit parade. Drury alumni bas success as well. A pair of Spartan graduates shone ai the (Jao lu JorsCht Iîiip1( nIAqIpý'l.î.I end at Western University. Chris Denich of Guelph University struck silver in the 143-pound class, losing a close 3-1 decision in the finals, while Brock University rookie Grant Heffron eamned bronze in the IO8ibs. division. CHALTON CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD WEK ONNG OUES ONHERVLICS IS OFFERING Windows 95 MS Word 7.0 - Level 1 MS Word 7.0 - Level 2 Simply Accounting 5 - Level 1 Simply Accounting 5 - Level 2 Internet, Email & Scheduler MS Excel 7.0 - Level 1 MS Excel 7.0 - Level 2 Powerpoint 7 Dates: Starting March 23/98 and running one week at a time until Sept. 4/98. Please cati for specific dates for individual courses. Times: Morning - 8:45 - 11:45 ar.. Afternoon - 12:30 - 3:30 p.rn. Fees: $5350 per course (some exceptions apply) Location: Adult Learning Centre, Burlington Campus, 760 Brant St., Ste. 401lA, Burlington For further information, please cali (905) 632-5858 or (905) 257-3688. Earn up to 2 OAC credits in 6 weeks in Engîish, Finite Math and/or Caîculus at the Aduit Learning Centre in Burlington beginning on March 9/98. Cati for details on these and other credit courses available. (905) 632-5858 (905) 257-3688 Pyt e %Dsc* td at