Experts say Staying positive helps fight eating disorders The Halton Regional Health Department will offer a challenge during Eating Disorders Awareness Week. The Body Image Booster Challenge tells Halton residents to give and receive "put- ups," said Colleen Sigmundson of the department. "Put-ups are positive comments that we say to ourselves and others about abilities and strengtbo," she said. "Su stay positive because it takes at Icoot five positive statements lu combat a put- down." The challenge surrounds uplifting self- esteem, wbicb is the focus of Eating Disorders Awareness Week from February 1 to7. "Body image iv bow you tee! about your body and bow it looks to you in the mir- ror." she said. "Body image is alsu an important part of self-esteem. Wbat youu îink about yourself and wbat ther people say about vou and your body can make you tee! good vor bad." said Ms Sigmundson. "Being critical about bow we look can lead tu unbealthy bebaviours sucb as diet- ing, over-exercising, steroid use and eating disorders." Eating disordcrs will also be addressed Friday, Feb. 6 and Saturday Feb. 7 at Hugh Foster Hall. The Wellness Centre, led by Camphellville eating disorders counsellor Viola Fodor, will host the free workshop 'llealing is Possible' [rom 7 to 9:30 p.m. Fcbruary 6 and 'Lite-Patterns Counselling as a Model for Healing t'rom Eating Disorders' on Fcbruary 7. The second workshop [rom 10 ar. .b 4 p.m. costs $50. Ms Fodor, who once struggled with a severe eating disorder, will examine the healing processoin anorexia and bulimia- the two main disorders. To register, cal! 854-2390. Most women struggle with food and weigbt issues, according to Merryl Bear, who is co-ordinating Eating Disorders Awareness Week activitico. She said 90 per cent of women experi- ence body image dissatislaction, 80 per cent have dietcd by the age of 18 years and -see ATTITUDE on page 17 A semmnar you can'It afford to miss! THiE Doug Conley Retirement Speciali st VP of Wood Gundy Private Client Investments More than 18 years experience in the investment industry! Roert 0BsComm, CA Financial Consultant 7Retirerment Specialist "N O-NONSENSE" APPROACH TO FiiNANciiAi INDEPENDENCE ,PStrategies for doubling net worth i 5 to 7 years ,fTax & financial planning tips for entrepreneurs ~12 RRSP planning points y'1997/98 tax planning tips ~fSecure investments offering higher returns than GICs y'Protect investments from market corrections /1998 market forecasts w/ Some of our "Best Ideas" ~'The Leading Indicatol? Wood Gundy Private Client Investments is a division of CIBC Wood Gundy Securities hIc , a subsidiary of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Member CIPF ic ti individuals andI ~e rr~qrçr - s and -