Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jan 1998, p. 25

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The Canadian Champion, Ptiday, Januery 30. 1998-.25 40 ardbUTnks IWE WOULD UKE te lhank famufly and fi"ed who came te our SOlii Weddîng Aivemary 49 Health & Fitness YOGA CLASSES Mondays 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. For information cail Efinore 878-1876. 55 -Notices Ducks Unlimted Canada INFORMATION EVENING& VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES "Canadas moat trusted and recognized con- servation organization" (Angus Reid Group) is recruiting volunteers for fundraising and future-potentiat fied work in the Miton-North Halon area. Since 1976, Ducks Unlimited has secured/enhanced over 600,000 acres of met- land habitat in Ontario. If you are interested in learning more about Ducks Unlimited Canada and the work they Ido, the Milton Norh-Haiton Chapter of Ducks Unlimited would like to invite you to a Ducka Unlimited Information Meeting at 7:30 pm, nexl door to the Town Hall at 43 Brown Street. For more information, cati Pal Rich t (905) 876-4173 or Jef Aibertsata 1-888-402-4444. Corne join Teamn DU! r LCOME% 'rJ AGON SINCE 1930 *New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? i - Having a baby? *Establishiflg a new business? PLEME CALL US: Community Wetcome .. Linda ...854-1563 ... »... .. ... .. ..Marilyn. . 875-0519 Bridai.............. Jackie ...878-1907 1 Baby-------------...Gait ...878-6540 Busness/Professinal ...Pat ....876-40401 60 Auctions PICER SLE- E gl SIr ae.2. Mo . Evnig, g.0 l lfgeat turi ure& it e nt ener items! Cast or ApPA 5Cusq. Esaim ouuyrIV -~ limi. S ot Clappisons Comers. (Hwys #5&#6),I i mi N of Hwy 403, 1/4mî W oI Hwy 6, via York Rd THE FAMILY cf ue la ttshare Johamen would MW fateexpress disir liuana"aid - preclalion tefandaw. nelghboursend relatives for lhel expressions of sympathy. ondelordma bilbues, donations and food. Thanirs te Rev. Rod LemWifo a memorable service and Rev. Shawn Coi for his support. Thanka te J. Scott Eauly Funeral Home for ther thoughtfutnesa and kindnesa and Chri Hamra for the lovely lunch after the sevi". Thanks ote eV.O.N., plysiolherapisa and Homemakers for halping te make Charles Ile mors cmofflble. Spe- ciel tansbteDrs. Benjain and Bmnsmemn for thir more than professional cars and oanorn. We would amso Me te express aur apprecalon te ad lhde emergency dactersaid the entire staff of Milton District Hospital, withoul whom in ths es"t Iw yens Clunies Ilife would not have been as long or as enjoyable. Ha wil always be in aur Ihoughte. 27 I. ZENHSlereo T.V.,$6.25/eek. Fsher Surround Slsreo Padoag: 520 watIs. $12.501 week. 1-800-267-946. COMPUTrER SPECIÀL: Pentiun 166 MMX: 16 X, C.D., fax modem., 32 M.B. Ram, $15.00&week. 1-' 800-267-946. 81 omgupters and Video's TINKING of buying a computer? Gel somne ad- vice on what you need and how 10 gelthew beat deal for your dollas. Need somne help witii that new or existing computer? Tutoring. main- tenane and upgrades available. Dave at 906- 4674133, 878-3M- 9 sm. - 8 p.m. 110 Heavv Eauip. For Sale JAD SNOlWBLOWER 46 in. front mount on 300 and 400 series Garden Tracter with hydrolics. excellent condition. 878-8522. after 6 p.m. 138 Home Imrovement CLEARER CABLE T.V. piclure. Improvements done for an absolutely crystal clear television pic- ture by a qualifled T.V. Technidian. Professional house rewiring, upgrades or extra oullets» wired i. Trevor. 875-0168. 1145 General HeID Wanted DRIVER wilfi DZ Ucrense required imedately for delveriesate lie G.T.A. Current driver abstract a refeences required. Position includes working in "u Miten baaedplan/Warehouse. Cal Plant Manager at 878-4401 ext. 16 for interview. KELSEY'S MILTON la currently accepting aP- plicaions for fulpat lime inecooks, servers and hoat/hstese. No expenience necesaay. but preference wi be given te tiose who enjoy woddng i a fuinfast-paced almosphere. Drop off resumne te 45 Chsholm Dr., Mon/Fni. between 2- 4 p.m. For more information cIl 8764731. NEW YEAR - New Cameer. Pick up the phone and cailli Twelve positions fromn mailroom te management. No experience necesa. Pai training for entry level applicants. Ask for Joanne 849-1642. STOPPS8 DRY CLEANERS requires part ime Seanstresa. approimately 20 hours per week. Apply i person belween 8 &m. & 2 p.m., Mon- day - Friday te 885 Main Street, Unit 4. Milton. APPOUNTMENT COORDINATOR Due to Maternîty Leave we are lookîng for a hîghly motivated indvdual for approx. 6 montha. Computer, telephone skilla and an ability to work with minimum supervision are required. Please mail, fax resumes ta 878-0960 Attention Sam McAlpine Fixed Operations Manager Pontiac Bulck Cadlllac 409 Main St. East, Milton, Ont. L9T 1 P7 14 Ge-IDWanied 75 Wanted COLLEGE STUDENT Iooking for ride k~m Mitcn to Cambridge. round trip. *Monday through Wednesday.-878-1276. 78 Firewood FIREWOOD, frewood loge available. 100% hardwood. 6* cut, aplit and delivered. Alec green wood available. 90-875-0877. 80 For Sale 7=2 PRICE SALE - 9 & 10 pou. solid cheny mahogany DR suites, $1,500 à up; Beckom suites $1.200 & up. Also OueenlKing size suites. This week onlyllil Best quality. Save $10004$. Comparel Free Deliveryl <VisaMCllnteract). 90&- 227-9458. CONTENTS of Dental Office., 370 Main St. E., suite 202, H4amilton. Janualy 28 -31, nmo e6 p.m. SaturdayQ9 -noon. WOODLOT OWNERS, Profesamonal manage- ment services available. Seleclion harvest marking. Advertising and contract adnisetration. No charge property inspections. 25 years expenience. Management, nol destruction. 1- 800-3878699. CANDIAN Mini Dish. Digital sound end pidturo. Over 100 diannels, $5.75tweek. Free delvory. 1-000-267-9466. WASàHERS, Drysis. Fidges, Stoves from $251 month. Zero dowh. Fme Delivery. 1-800-267- Sm6. We have a full time position available in aur Sales Dept. Applicant must be computer literate and have excellent knowledge of Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Micrsoft Word and Word Perfect for Windows, and must have the ability ta work between the programs inter- active. Purchasing experience wauld be an asset. Please submnit yaur reaume to the Personnel Department. Robertson Whteliouse Inc. 97 9ronte Street Milton, Onterlo LOT 2N8 Fax# 905-878-2299 Pnntîngd P ublishing and Dstnibuting n Milton has an immediate apening for as expe- rienced Telemarketer ta iin aur sales team. As a motivaled self-starter with a proves telemar- keting background, yau witt be respansible far the co-ordinati *ng and selting aI numerous features and sections. Vos must be able to work under deadlines, and understand haw 10 juggle numeraus tasks. We offer - a base salary - lucrative commission package * - stable work esvironmSest Please farward your resumne by Februaty 10, 199810o: David Boa General Manager Milton Canadian Champion 191 Main St. East Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Fax: (905) 876-2364 M. -... 155 Skilled elp FASTENERS MANUFACTURER requires ex- perieced lleadar à Threader Operators. Apply hi person et: Precisian Fasteners, 470 Harrap Drive, Mâtan. NEEDEED IMMEDIATELY: Mig Welder/ Millwvright. Looking for individuel with leadership qualities. Salary based on experience. Fax resumete905475-1838. WE REQUIRE several permanfent fui-limeend part-lime production employees to atart medlatsl. Candidates must be hesithy. able te rend and wrWt English and wiNing te woek shifl. Forkit licence andior expenience le a definile asset. Apply in person te: DanexPort. mnc.. 24 Nixon Road, Bolten. Onterl. BELl VER TELEPHONE BOOKS EARN EXTRA$$ Men & women wth cars, trucks or vans are required to deliver telephone books in the Mlton and surrounding area. Must be 18+ years and able ta work daylight hours and have car insurance. Paid by contract, no deductions. Please cali: (905) 456-6353 from 9:00 arn ta 4:00 pm Monday - Friday Puase do flot rail the telephone comPanY WAREHOUSE HELP. - Fulil ime shipperl receiver. 3-5 years expenience, mechanically in- clined preferred. Some service and maintenance required. SaIa, commensurate with experience. Please send resume in confidence te: Box 2274, c/o The Canadian Champion, 191 Main Street E., Miton. Ont. L9T 4N9. Wylewood Golf and Country Club has the following posiions available from April to Octaber 1998. Mature Short Order Cook Mature Bartender Mature Watt Staff CALL MONICA OR JUDY 878-4848 or 1400W-728-1888 on Trafalgar Rd. 5 km. south of Hwy 401. requires Counter Help. Ail Shifts. Also Now Accepting applications for New Store opening soon in Milon. Apply in person to: 575 Ontario St. S. o r 8501 Hwy. 25 N. 150 Sales HeIg V Sales Marketing arij whji YO'.JO School Bus Drivers Needed Ideai opportunity for Homemakers and Early Retirees. For more information on how 10 become a School Bus Driver cali: LAIDLAW TRANSIT LTD. 877-2251 Laidlaw is an equal opportunity employer. Previous applicants need not apply. RErUCE1 REU5EI RECYCLEI 160 Office Hein JOHNSON CONTROLS Johnson Conîrols is a leadsg North Amerîcan manufacturer of automotive seating. Achieving excellence in the areas of qualily, we pride ourselves in ail area of JustI n Time" manufacluring. Our strengt n our team concepts and philosopfly enables us ta continue 10 improve and esceed our.customer expectations. We are looking for a team oriented professional 10 fuI the position of OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR. Qualities we are looking for include, exceptional software skills usiof WordPerfect 6.1, Lotus rreelance Graphics 96 and Lotus 5.0, in a Windows 95 operating environment You must also possess excellent organizatiorial and communication skills and be flexible witb regards f0 bours and work assignments. Other attributes involved ibtis position are proves problem solving skilîs with 3 years experience in a similar position. The succensful candidate will be rewarded with a compensation package and competitive salary. Please forward your resume stating your salary requirements 10: NMras flasemrcas Mnager JOHISON CONTROLS LTD. 8205 Park HIII Drive Millen, Ontarie L!1T-51811 Fax# (905)876-7206 ge phase cau$loreagenluls@e. An Equal Opportunity Employer. We thank everyone that applies. but only qualitied applicaflts will lie contacted. 155 Skilled Help Unilock Ltd. is the largest Interlock- ing Paving Stone and Retaining Wall Manufacturer in North America and continually brings to the Iandscape in- dustry new and innovative products for hoth residential and commercial landscapes. Our manufacturing facili- ties operate in a dynamic environ- ment selling to thse retai anld dealer market and to the landscape and com- mercial contractor. Order Desk Supervisor In this key role, you will be reapon- sibte for the day to day supervision of the Georgetown Order Desk which offers an especially high level of cus- tomer service to our customers in a fast paced business environment. Ide- ally, you must be well organized and have demonstrated your abiiity to build a strong working teamn in your past experiencea as a supervisor in rither a retail or wholesale environ- ment by uaing a hands on leadership approach. Having gond computer akilis is a must and past experience in the landacape industry would certainlY be a benefit. Send your resume in confidence to: UNILOCK Ltd. Alla.: Customer Service Manager 287 Armstrong Ave. Georgetown, ON, L7G 4X6 Fax: 905-873-2366 LICENSED TECHNICIAN REQUIRED For busy automotive repalr shop. Apply in persan 10- DURANTE'S AUTO SERVICE 8473 Hwy. 25 N. Milton, Ont .à L 1 z!

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