The Canadien Champion, Fniday, January 30, 1 M.---23 ~kiteams lic lîsiesi iiî.L uiîn ia ecii k iiiQ.i againsi 1-orseshoe Valley. He also piaced secoînd overail with a uomhined turne id 59.49 seconds. His Milton Hights Hershey Alpine Red Team wuuld talautii iheir guesis heiwever, in a 102-94 dccisiiîn. Dustin Titus iii Oakville and 3urlington's Kyle.Behse souk sixth and ;eventh place rcspectîvely among the niies. The local squad grabhed îhree id ihe top four temole spots. Susie Davis utOakvile, Stephanie Greil of Oakvitle and Dundos' Kelsey MscKnight inished second. tird and lourth respectively. On the road, Cole won ou Beaver Valley. The Milton native hod a comhîned tirne ut 81.99 seconds. Milton' s Hodgson meonwhile, ploced second ou Mansfield with the Mackenie Silver Team - with o cornhined turne ut 64.80 seconds. Plocing îwo secundo and une spot hock wos Moy. Mackenzie Bronze Teorn member Michael Wannarnaker ut Milton soouk flth as Cedar Highlands in aother receni com- petition. One Buck is equal to some silver David Buck couldn't quise pull oft a Hamilton International Garnes vicsory recentiy, but his visit to Copps Coliseurn did feature a ilver lining. The W.I. Dick Middle Sehool trackster narrowly missed clearing the I .48-metre mark in the junior boys high jump - while one of is three remaining oppo- nents snuck his way over the bar and into first-place. Buck settled for silver and set a new per- sonal record. easily handling the t1.44m challenge thoee consecttive tintes. His next competition la scheduled for February 7 t York University, where he'il represent District 'B' of the Royal Canadien Legion ait the Ontario Legion Cbampiouiships. Anyone inteoested in training with Buck and several other high-calibre athletes is asked to phone Bruce Burton at 827- TRAK (8725). CAMPI :2'9[el SUmia s238,500 Thank You., Milton! ~411 For the most success fui campaign in our histoiy! On behaif of our funded agenCies, the United Way of Milton would like to express our particular gratitude to The United Way of Milton the fllowing local businesses and organîzations who made sîgnifiCant contributions to this year's campaign success: 1846I Og ADiiil ùalI'ry A& P A&W A Calered Affairas Cale A Country Mile ABB nc. Ad-Scope Marketing Lsd. Andrew's Scenîc Acres Annes Art Apple Auto Glass Aquarias Haîr Desgn Aupen Services Lîmited Austen & Noble Insurance Brokers Avon Canada B.P.l Bank of Montreal Bavarian Chalet Banquet Hall Belamys Markethouse Grill Bell Canada Belsto Homes Bergsma's Paint & Wallpaper Lsd. Bill Mathers Mens Wear Bomar Bargaîn Barn Brancier Jeweller-Gemoiogîst Bruce Hood Milton Travel Brunello Rstorante Bulk Food Discounter Bunsmaster Bakery C.l.B.C s C..B.C. Mortgage & Loans Office C.M. Morris Desgn Limted Canada Trust Canadian Meter Company Imc. Canadian Red Cross Society Milton Canadian Tire Carole Murray's Swîm Academy Cashway Building Centres Ltd. Charley Fitzwhiskey's Tap & Eatery Childrens Asseutment and Trealment Centre Clarke's Golf Clembrook Chrismas Tree Farm Consumers Glass Country at Heart Crawfords Country Gardent Creative Memorials Ld. O & S Sigus Oelacourt's The Dickens Restaurant Discount Car and Truck Rentais The Dog's Inn Dominos Pizza Don Cherrys Grapevine Donaldson Bourgon Financial Services E.C. Drury High School E.C. Drury School for the Deal Executive Fairways Golf Centre Farlow Decorating FeherGuard Products Ltd. The Feminine Way Ftness Technique Flannagan Greenwood Gallinger Motors Limnited Genuine Gold Connection of Miton Ginos Pizza Granite Ridge Golf Club Granny's Attic Green Ginger H.D. Mullin CA HaIon Communty Credif Union Limited aion Party Rentai Haton Pools N' Spas Ltd. llarrop Restaurant and Art Gallery 1arvey s r3staiduàlt Hoqshead Brem Clu Hoiden & Sinclair Home Cinema Vdeu Hut Pymouth Chrysier B. Hurd Hutchînsun Thompson Henderson & Mott J. Scott Eariy Fanerai Home Dr Susan Jany ptometrîst John Ebos Fuels Jut Wine Inc. K & B Auto Service Kaiena Flowers Karens Flower Shop Karman Heavy Stampîng Kesey's Restaurant Key Centres Lsd. Kidz Korner Koskî Glass La Ruse Italian Bakery and Delicatesuen Landucape Garten Lsd Langhulm Nurseries Lînda J. Nigh, CMA Loblaws Lumberville Company Lmted M & M Met Shops Mail Boues Etc. Mat's Worid Harstylists Maplehurut Correctional Centre Maranatha Log House Flowers Marel Auto & Generai Repaîr Ltd. Matthews Canada Lsd. McDonaid's Restaurant McMarketing Imc. Mercer Hildebrand & Zehr Merdtor Suspension Systema Ca. & CAW 1067 Michaei's Dpfical Limited. Mikes Barbershop Miltown Tire Lsd. Milton Canadian Champion Mlot Chiroprectic Centre Milton Dodge Jeep Mlot Graphics Imc. Mlon Greenhoases Milton Mal Mlon Photographîc Milton Pouf Office Mlot Public Library Milton Windows Wals & Beds Multons Met Shoppe Miltown Computer Services Lsd. Miltowne Collision Imc. Modine ut Canada Limited Mohawk Raceway Money Concepts Moore Resource Systems Mueller Canada Nassagaweya News National Trust Company NORTEL North End Nissan Limited North End Rust Check Centre Nova Training & Development ODonneil Mutual Fonds Ontario Auto Collision Carstar The Optimist Centra Paradise Natural Foods Paul D. Lonergan Insurance Agency Peggys Distinctive Ladies Fashion Pet Valu Pizza lut Pizza Pizza Presto Pool Products Pro-Form Products Limited Richardson Chevrolul Oldsmobile Lld. Rppers Frszen Fuodu Robert (Pie) Lee Insurance Robinson Pet Hospital Rogers Vîden Rotali mc. Royal Bank ut Canada Royal Canadian Mouted Police Samax Office Services Schuyler Hume Hardware & Building Supplies Scotîabank Shoot! Photographic Shoppers Drug Mart-Millon Malil Sooters Photo Studio Spectrum Airways Spokes 'n Siopes Sprîngrîdge Farm St. Clair Paint & Waiipaper Steven P Keir Subway Thorburo Penny Lîmted Thrifty Car Rentai Toronto Dominion Bank Total 5kin & Body Ciic Town of Mlot Unique Frame & Art Vck's Wallace Pontiac Buick Cadiliac Ltd. Wally's Meats-The Met Terminal The Waltzîng Weasel Wheelabrator Canada lnc. Duality Hotel & Suites Hamptons Restaurant George Seehaver Weldîng Dutdoor Travel D'Connor Macleod 'Gorman & Selors A.G.F. Mutuai Fonds AIC Limited Dynamic Mutual Fonids Ci1. Mutual Fonds First Republic Securîties Corp. indian Wels Golf Course Compaq Canada lnc. Matulite Financiai Molson Limited de Havilland Campbell Soap Co. McDonneli Douglas Ford Canada Inc. Maple Leat Tree Farmn The Toronto Star Urban Development Institute Ontario Hydro Meadows Roy Noble Dohertys Auction Headley Grieves McCuaig Insurance Martha McPhee of Maranatha Log House Pickietree Farm Symphony of Design Carol Rodger Design Works Illusions by Jeanette Dodson Linda Leaver J & L Designs Crawfords Country Gardens Barbara Lafleche Landsborough Design Bye The Yard Interiors Drimmies Floral Design Bakers -As Wall, thank yau toe suivons Who donated $0 genermusly ta titis vear's campalan and toany Company ar arganizatian whase nanto maY have bOOm Inadvertsntty amitteil. To*'totk YugDives i hew ter Winter is the season a Young Drivers I. I ce We also have lower-cost winter driving improve- course represents top value. You'Il learn the 2. sno W ment courses for already-icensed drivers. secrets of collision avoidance, defensive Cail now! (It's looking like snow!) itrivine andl risk eracention uncler the most 3.SI Slu h - - - --àn- - challenging conditions you'll ever face. Lessons that wili last a ifetime. Even save your ife, perhaps many times over. 4.. DaNess <" Young Drivers of Canada 5. FrengRa Your licence to survive. FEBRUARY 9 MARCH BREAK COURSE 4 Weeks, Mon Wed Evemings March 16, 17, 189 19 6:30 pm - 9:40 pm 9:00 arn - 3:45 pm IýýYon Drivers of Canada I~l That's what parents are fo-r. Gerrie Faggion Beverly Grant ut Stephen Hisey & Associates From Our Farm Country Shop William C. Cooley Public Image Printing The Big Sîsters Association uf North Halton A Cappella Showcase Frances Clements Marjorie McPhail Donna Couller Joanne Thompson Norm Coulter Ultra Foodu Audrey Newell John Challinor Il Gerry Brooks Sirius Publishing lncorporated Cindy Lunau Dr David J. Hardie-Dentist Gwens Creatons-Gwen Williams Dr Ted Karolîdis Michael & Murray McConnell Victorias Roses & Ribbons Thee Kennels The Dntario Jockey Club A Woodwrghts Touch PIZZAZ basKits-Mary Long Donald Joyce Bell Mobîlity Wre-Less Connections Inc. Bridgestone Tires Doug Hopkins Pînedale Florîsl Miltons Meut Shoppe Put Doherty Cassandra Thompuon Christopher Wood Laura Wood John St Clair Scott Coînin Anthony Gilet Peter Kielo Met To Boys Charles HanilI Chartered Accountant Lorne Greetwood Barrister & Solicitor Campbellnille Realty ttc. Holden Sinclair Barristers & Solicitors OGorman & Sellors Certified Chartered Accountants Thrift Car Rentai Rot Flannagan Barrister & Solicitor Haton Credit Union Zaks Pharmacy A.G.F. Mutual Fonds Miltowne Collision AiC Limnited Dynamnic Mutuai Fonds National Trust Dealer Trustee Services C.1. Mutual Fonds First Republic Secunities Coup. Steven Keir Barrister & Solicitor Outdoor Travel Mohawk Inn Hamptons Restaurant Zellers CIFNY Radio TD Evergreen Milton Mal Penguin Books CIBC MacKenzie Indian Wells Golf Course a