20 - lb.e Canadlan Champion, Frlday, January 30, 1998 Dateline Dateline is a free listing of comning events only. Friday Jan. 30 Its Hot Meal Day at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., atI11:45 arn. Seniors are invited to enjoy a hot lunch and fellowship. Monday Feb. 2 Milton Community Nursery School for pre-sehoolers aged 3 to 5 years holda faîl registration. For a registration form or more information, call 878-7007. The Diabetes Adult Support Group meets at the Canadian Red Cross Society office, 167 Navy St., in Oakville from 7:30 878-887,7 00 9 p.m. The topic is 'Oral medication and insulin - How does it affect me?' The guest speaker is a pharmacist. For more information,cali 38-0214. Tuesday Feb. 3 The Bishop Reding Sehool Council meets at Holy Cross School in Georgetown at 7:30 p.m. AIl counicil mem- bers and any interested parents are invited to attend. Unemployed? Looking for Work? The Women's Employment Network meets from 9:30 to 11:30 arn. at the Halton Women's Centre in Hopedale Mal, 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 210, in Oakville. Carolyn McCamey discusses employment s l N AROS-1.N sIIT N à m mi,20 * 1ETU ~ImousE-HuNTrPGi alternatives. For more information on the free service, caîl 847-5520. The Canadian National Institute for the Blind (('NIB) -I Ialln/Peel )isoiiLt holds Service Day at Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St., from 10 arn. to 1 p.m. CNIIB clients and the general public are invited to participate by asking for information about the organization and purchasing technical aids. For more information, contact the CNIB at 1-888-275-5332. Wednesday Feb. 4 Women who feel lîke they're walking on egg sheils and constantly put down are invited to attend the I Deserve Better' self-help group. The free group in which particpants share concerns and learn to help each other is hosted by the HaltonWomen's Centoe at Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 210, in Oakville from I1 to 3 p.m. To register, caîl 847- 5520. A support group for women coping with separation meets Wednesdays at the Halton Women's Centre from 7 to 9 p.m. The centre is located at 1515 Rebecca St., Suite 210, in Oakville. To register, cal 847-5520. The Victorian Order of Nurses holds a foot care clinic at the Harmony Court apartments, 111 Ontario St., from 1:30 to 4 p.m. The cost is $15. For further informa- tion or an appointment, cal 827-8800. Foot case clinics are by appointment only. Thursday Feb. 5 The Canadian Federation of University Women, Milton and District, invites ail university womnen graduates to join its meeting at Hugh Foster Hall at 7:30 p.m. For more details, call 336-5519. The guest speaker is Bruce Carling, who discusses environmental spills in Ontario. The Nassagaweya Community School Council holda a celebration at Brookville School in honour of former public school trustee Tim Kingsbury. The event runs fmom 4:30 to 6:45 p.m. The former Wards 1 and 3 trustee served for three years. Parents and educators are invited to attend. Contact Shirley Chaisson at Brookville Sehool (854-2205) for more information. The Victorian Order of Nurses holds a foot care clinic at the Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Childs Dr., from 1 to 4 p.m. The cost is $15. For further infor- mation or an appointment, caîl 875-1681. Foot care clinica are by appointment only. The Haîton Women's Centre invites womnen to get together with other women and Iearn more about crafts and home design. The group 'Time for You' meets on the first Thursday of every month from 10 to 11:30 am. This month Pst Bowies presents 'Making an Angel'. The centre is located at 760 Brant St., Suite 27A, in Burlington. The cost is $4 per session. Cal 634-2119 or 847-5520 to register. ilGEOW CINEMAS /j235 GUJELPH STREET 873-1999 Evalsp 730 pL Set àSn.1:30 PAL oSPICIEWORLD Eveoinga710 pa. à §«. pm Soi. à Sun. 200 p.m. SQ GREAT EXPECTATIONS j~ Evumng7Op.m.&9:lSp.m '96 PLYMOUTH.ftUZR 192 JEEP CHEROKRE SPORT 4X4 1 "92 CARAVAN "92 _DODGE SPIRIT 1194 DODGE SHA