The Canadian Champion, Friday, January 30, 1998,-i t ____ M M IFALLSI LFROMI HAPPENING * Faits are predctabte and preventable. * Everyone is at risk! *Have you had your own home assesse d? Sheila Buck Th ierapy B.Sc.0.T. (C) V NOW! 0càn atment Provding New Opportunites for Wei beng through: -Seatnq and mobihlassessments *Environmienal saféy and accessibility assessments *Educational servi ces PHOME/FAX: (905) 878-8381 L»ePIo LEAVER MUSHROOMS CO. MT. Campbellville, Ont. 878-9375 575 Ontario St. S. ednesday Is SENIORS' DAY 5% DISCOUNT on ait purchaus excettobacco HEARING AID CENTRE M. IANNUZZI & ASSOCIATES Heanng Aid Specialists 10 YVors Fsnerience " BazreryClub infou " Ample Froe Paking MEMBER 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 83 MILL ST. 3006 DERRY RD. GEORGETOWN #106, MILTON 8778974 878-1100 Fed aai K &agaeon "k lme lit SW pbu psiq y= bakt? ju.ùjoeswd SPECIALIZING IN THE FOLLOWINC: C* N *&Clr ir, i- - T(ýN * \AMS -H-F L k *BUNIONS - DIABETICS nCUSTOM MADE ORTHOSIS * RX FooTWEAR FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL GEORGETOWN (905) 702-0111 (local cail from Milton) On& stoey buildng Iocatud on b*autful spaciouS grondas tuated botween Rockwood and Eden &MlIS EDEN HOUSE CAPE FACiLiI1Y NC NUJRSING HOME RETIREMENT HOME 519-856-4622 SERVING HALTON AND AREA SINCE 1968 00ý ootMilton Seniors Activity Centre Current Events "Participate in '98" FEBRUARY CURRENT EVENTS Monday, February 2: Every Mon.,Wed. And Fri.,it's "Hot Meal Deal" day at the Senior's Centre. Corne along at il :45arn for the best in food & conversation! Monday, February 2: Looking for fun? Then join local seniors for a bus excursion to "Casino-Rama" in Orillia. There's plenty to see and do, a terrific buffet luncheon and a chance to try "Lady Luck". And it's ail for only $1200! Cail 875-1681 today to sign up! Tuesday, February 10: Corne along and meet the local seniors "Lunch Bunch" group at their rnonthly get together at a local restaurant. You'Il make new friends, enjoy good food and hear the latest "news"! Tirne: 11:30 arn. Caîl 875-1681 for February location. Wednesday, February 11: The Senior's Centre holds its rnonthly "Evening Euchre Party" starting at 7:30 pm. Corne along for an evening of fun, lively competition and sparkling conver- sation. Prizes awarded. Cost: $2.00. Friday, February 13: The Senior's Centre holds its annual "St. Valentines Day Luncheon". Hearty rnenu of Hamn, Scalloped Potatoes, Coleslaw, Roll & Butter, Trifle, Coffee or Tea. Two seatings: 11:30 - 12:30 prn and 12:45 - 1:45 prn. There will be Valentine entertainrnent plus a showing of that rornantîc oldie filrn "Casablanca"! Tickets: $7.50, now available at reception. Monday, February 16: Another great fun-filled bus excursion to "Casino-Rama" in Orillia. Plenty to do, a fantastic buffet luncheon and the opportunity to try your luck at the tables. And it's ail for only $12.00! Caîl 875-1681 today to sign up! Monday, February 23: Corne for lunch and plan to stay for a Current Events Discussion. Focus to be on your thoughts of the 1998 Winter Olympies & you'll have an opportunity to share ideas for future dixcussions. Discussion begins at I 2:45prn. If you enjoy the Olympies, check out the coverage on our Giant TV Screen! Tuesday, February 24: It's "Pancake Luncheon Day" (Shrove Tuesday) at the Senior's Centre. Time: 11:30 arn - 1:30 prn. Corne along and stack 'em high for a hearty rneal! There's juice, pancakes, harn, sausages, coffee ... all you can eat for only $4.50. Corne along now and don't be late. You want to get 'erni white they're hot!!! Tickets now available at reception. Tuesday, February 24: Corne along on a fabu- tous bus excursion to Kitchener for an evening outing! First a visit to Conestoga MaIl for a little browsing and your own rneal, then on to K-W Auditoriurn to watch and enjoy the acclairned Black Watch and Scots Marching Band. Cal 875-1681 for info. and to book Thursday, February 26: The local seniors "Diners Club" are holding their rnonthly get together at a nearby restaurant. Plan to join thern for an evening of gourrnet dining and light con- versation. Tirne: 5:30 prn at Seniors centre park- ing lot (car pooling) or 6:00 prn at restaurant. Caîl 875-1681 for February location., THE ABOVE INFORMA77ON IS SUBJECT To CHANGE AND UMITA rIONS. For further details on activities at the Milton Seniors Activity Centre, Cali (905) 875-16811 We are SENIOR TRAVEL SPECIALISTS eResorts e Tours , Insurance fJý% w ( iravel 16 Martin St.>onîWMoRtoi4 878-2886, q*Brngng the worid 1i ou si,,c 1961 SHOP ZELLERS MILTON FOR CLUB Z POINTS MILTON MALL 55 ONTARIO ST. Haurs: Mon.-Fr1 930-90 Sot.900 -6:00 Sun. 1100-600 DENTURE FtCLINIC - ulDentures and Partials - Same Day Relnes, Repars &Adjustments. e 10% Dscount for Seniors - No GST -No PST Also A vailable: LOW COST DENTURES& HOUSE CAILS The Denture Cinme s ocated i the DERRY ROAD MEDICAL CENTRE ( Across f rom the Mont eg" DititHoupit * 878-1100 SENIOR DISCOUNT The-10pplielt 454-5388 n-Wd algoc MyIteS, 10 am - 6:30 pm DA S0re n U e plants and much1 hr.Fi Be Sure To zdjH EMBLETON a aura Monday, uedy and COUNTRY Ty Our815 t Sna Wensa A K TGronny May's STEELESAVE. cor- 10 arn - 5:30 pm ROBERT (PIE) LEE, B.SC. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Lite - Dsability - Anniuities - RRIFs - LIFs &Miltowne Insurance Agency Ltd. Group Life 5Health & Pension 245 COMMERCIAL ST.' MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 *FAX: 878-3692 RES. 878-1150 a w