12-The Canadian Champion, Frday January 30, 1998 Oakville group coping with divorce The Oakvmile Parent-Child Centre, in course ta help mothers and fathers cope Tuesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. starting partnership with the Canadian Mental with parenting through separation and February 3 and cost $65 per persan. Health Association, is offering a new divorce. This six-week seminar will run For information, caîl 845-5044, ext. 224. Pegasus bus service runs four ines daily, Monday to Friday. Connects Acton downtown, Acton Tion Hortons, Georgetown Marketplace, Georgetown GO Station, Provincial & Court Buildings in Milton, Miton Mail, Alendale/EC Drury, #5 and Trafalgar, ALC Oakvilie, Sheridan Colege, and Oakvile GO. Only $5.00 per ride, no matter how far! For details cail 1-800-738-9537. Lee elected chair from MAYOR on page 16 Councillor Lieven Gevaert after the vote was tied. The administration and planning committee had previously elected Councillor WalIy Hunter as its chair. The communiiy services commitlee was dcadlocked on a choie tcha Jir ansd soeldeup theIseciers el sRc chair as cli The fu counicil elected Barry Lee as chair in a 7-3 vote over long serving Councillor Art Melanson. Mr. Melanson was then nominated for vice-chair and staved off Mr. Malhoeuf 6-4. 34e.ot S.S.U i 9301 Save at Ieast 50%* over electricity and save at Ieast 30%* over oïl when you switch to natural gas heating Terms and Conditions Represents heating energy saings when camparing electric baseboard or forced air furnace with a high-efficiency natural gas furnace. Saings over oil1 5 based an a high-efficielcy natural gas furnace compared ta a nese ou furnace. Any applicable taxes are flot included la thse calculations. Natural gas prices as of Jane '97 $.211999/cu.m. Thse lawest surveyed rate used in calculations for electricity was $0069 (Jan. '97) and for fuel il $0359 <Oct. '97). Rates vary acrasa Southseestern Ontario Union Gas service area. Please caîl yaur Union Gas Sales Office ta flnd out wlat Uhe savings are in your area. t eferred offer and discounts are available ta Union Gas residiential customers an approved credit and financed through Union Gas. Al ther offers fit applicable. Offer valid frare Jan. 19 ta March 7 98. There are na set-up fees or early payment penaiîes for financing. 0% financing option nos available with Octolser '98 deferred payesn oton, any refinancing of thse 0% option will be calculated at our standard interest rate of 13.9% annually. cUnion Gas Limited 1998 Hurry! These 'instant' savings are available only through participating Union Gas Sales Offices between january 19 and March 7 Save' Up to $250 off natural gas furnaces Up to $500 off 'Combo' Packages including a natural gas furnace, air conditioner, electronic air cleaner and programmable thermostat $100 off natural gas fireplace $100 off air conditioner with furnace purchase No paymnents on equipment purchase until October '98 or 0% financing for one year.' Cali 1 800 860-2223 bef ore March 7, '98 0 iongas energy for you BEING A VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTER OFFERS ONE REWARD FEW OTHER JOBS CAN MATCH: Are you interested in a challenge and an opportunity go serve your community? Are you prepared to give your time for training, firefighting and other related dunies? If you are, then pick up an application form at the fire hall in your area during the week of February 1-7, 1998 between 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p. m. The Burlington Fire Departmnent is currently looking for suitable men and women to join the ranks of the volunteer fire fighting division. There is a limited number o applications. 1 TumkLilli, i'v jýi ,,t i A7/ý,,w ýý d iw Tmii.,ýt 1 7 N a t u r a 1 g a s h e a t i