10 - The Canadian Champion, Friday January 30, 1998 THE CANADIAN FEDERATION Q 0OF UNI VERSITY WOMEN Milton and District, invites ail university women graduates to the next generai meeting on: I'IILRSDAY, FLBIZUARY 5, 1998 Please join us at HUGH FOSTER HALL by 7:30 pm For more details cati: 905-336-5519 Guest Speaker: BRUCE CARLING Topic: ENVIRONMENTAL SPILLS IN ONTARIO Ontano BURLINGTeN HALTON HILLS i=MILON The mayor breaks fie Town councils îwo new standing com- mittces have tbeir chairs and vice-chairs in place. Coulicilou a[l n thec.onmmîttee levci slîould be brokeil by a vote of the entire council, where the mayor, as councils 11lth member, would be eligible 10 east a ballot. At Monday's meeting of municipal counicil, Brian Penman was elected vice- chair of the administration and planning committee in a 6-5 vote. Mayor Gord Krantz was foîced to choose between Mr. Penman and rookie ese LEE on page 12 Brian Penman Halton Urban Structure Plan Implementation Notice of Public Meeting Date- Thursday, February 5, 1998 Location: Bishop Reding High School, Cafetorium 1600 Main Street East, Milton Public Meeting and Open House 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Displays 7:30 p.m. (sharp) Presentation Landowners Information Session 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Displays 3:30 p.m. (sharp) Presentation -Hdtton Uban Stiocture Plan Eqaraon Aeas Aea subject to Niagara Escarpmrent Plan Amnendment for deletion Information Topics: Local & Régional Planning Approvals Provincial Planning Approvals (Parkway BeIt West Plan) Master Water & Wastewater Servicing Plan Financial Policies & Requirements Developmnent Charges Development Phasing Options & Selection Criteria liming of Key Decisions & Next Steps Contacts: Halton - Dave McCleary, 905-825-6161 Milton - Mel lovio, 905-878-7211 Oakville - led Salisbury, 905-845-6601 ext. 4185) Burlington - Mike Hall, 905-335-7600 (ext. 7630) Halton His - Bruce Mackean, 905-873-2601 (ext. 296) Province - John Marshall, 41 6-585-6090 I Region of Halton Website: www.region.halton.on.ca Residents thankful for power from Hydro on page 4 also rememrbers how congenial many Perth area residents were in the lime of' crnsîs. He recalled, -Farmers brought us coffee and sandwiches and one woman even brought a chainsaw and helped us pull down a few trees. "It really humbles you in a way, to se these people dealing witb their problems and helping each other out." The Milton Hydro employees them- selves became victims of old man winter, getng stuck in a ditcb tbanks to poor visa- bility and beavy snow drifts. While Perth and surrounding aoeas now have power, Mr. Beaton said it will proba- bly be weeks before eastern Ontario and Quebec enjoy full bydro restoration. "There'll be a lot of work to do Ibis spring and summer," added Mr. Holdridge. Milton Hydro as a wbole sup- plied two generators to Brockville and 25 new poles 10 Nepean. Battfling the status quo from Malboeuf on page 7 principle of the tbing. How can we ask people 10 take lesa services when we won'( even eut oui own numbers?" Mr. Maîbocuf said he expects a tigbt on this issue at counicil. He said be bas pre- pared himself against ail the reasons wbicb might be advanced for maintaining the sta- tus quo. He also said ail counicillors who sougbî election were on record as standing in tavour of a reduction in the numbers of counicillors. EXCUSE ME! May 1 have tItis DANCE? Ballîoom - Latin * Country br Ien tree) lUnules ecouples (905) 876-0501 370 Main St. E, Milton NughiIy ai?7:00 pm only Suniday Matneeata 2pmn RAN Fniday & Saturday nhgtly at 700 & 9:15 Sunday- Thursday nîghtly ai 700 Mi oniy C OOD WULL HUNTIN Frîday& Saturday nigtwtI al 700 & 915 Sunday - Thursday nîghîiy at 700 pMn only * EMER.25TU S'A