By BRAD REAUME The Champion If you are seeking a hitle advice on retirement planning set aside February 8. FiuîancLkai si rtegist Garihi Turner w il pucik the Bavarian Chalet that Sunday at 2 p.m.. The best selling author, syndicatcd columnist, financial editor and former Minister of National Revenue will speak on Registered Retirement Savings Plan strategies for generation Xers, baby boomers and seniors. Seating for the engagement is limited. Reservations can be obtained by calling 875-3237. The event is hosted by Donaldson Bourgon Financial Services and the Milton Chamber of Commerce. Highlighting what he will talk about, Mr. Turner said Canadians have a unique opportunity to create wealth during the next 10 years. Those who fail to take charge of the future will not be bailed out by the govemment he said, explaining the govern- ment will not have the money. -17here are going to be a lot of old, angry peo- ple, lie ,aid, -Look ai the niunihers anid figure il out. In 25 years there wîll be 300 per cent more seniors." Mr. Turner said he wants to spread the word that investing now is necessary, especially as fewer and fewer companies offer pensions. He said even people who are just getting started and have only 15 years before retirement can stili take care of the future if they take the proper steps now. In his book 2015 - After the Boom, Mr. Turner touted govemment strip bonds as an alternative to Guaranteed Income Certificates (GICa) however he explained reduced interest rates have ruled them out for ail but the most conservative investor. He still stands behind his mantra of divesting oneseif of real estate. Mr. Turner said people have to live somewhere, but having most of their sav- ings tied into a house is flot a way to financial growth. He said he fears a devaluation of real property, încluding real estate. in the curreni chi mate ut ultra-low intlation. Given that the baby boom population bulge will begin to retire and unload real estate in 10-15 years, there will be further downward pressure on property values, he contends. From a more lengthy perspective, I don't think there needs to be any changes to the long term strategy," Mr. Turner said. "Right now we are just going through an 'Asian Flu' with Far Eastem economies being superheated and experiencing a bit of a correction." Mr. Turner acknowledged that some investors will be "driven crazy" by volatility in the market, ese. TURNER on page 8 Garth Turner L ý ý ý MOýu The Cai Champion, Tuesday, JnuaiY 27, 1997 -- Coming decade holds many opportunities: TuIrner