Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Jan 1998, p. 28

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20-The Canadien Champion, Tuescdev. Januarv 27, 1998 CLASSIFIRD Clas ifieMONDAY TO FRIDAY Classirie9:OOÀM -5:00OPM &c-D/-i/es fanes T, aînoice von' special evctol, cal! The Chakpipiopi, s Classilied Departîno ai 875-3300. PAONI, Sarah li Aon are lriwlled la ha bg asistrsla Hamnh Made borniJmnuaay 13. 199 et 1029 p.m., weghig 8 lms. 1 oz. Also over- joyed abou tdu new edtion la tuiefmdy aue Mary and Steve, as well as grandparents Glusppeand Rao uPeini and Allen Strang. Many tankts la Dr. Glen Hunier, Helen and due n= staffmid miMuinDhitit Haspilai. 11l ls Cterers BANQUET RMM AVAILABL, ;:am10 le 100 persona. Idma for Christmas Partes, Banquais, VMeiga Shamer. Naca Spart Louag 878- 1880. ITAUAN-CANDIAN CLUB, for am casos Remsonable miles. Calering. Special hormes style 14WMn iSrvces PHOTOGRAPHY - Weddings Or avant pholagapy. Reaaonahly picedReferencea. Cal Slave or Louse 878-4560. 30 Deathe ARMSTRONG, Joan - Pemobel duJoseph Brant Hoapilmien Sundsy, Jaiuary 25U19.M Joan ArmsMtvM belovod wife of the laie RoW nafl m ng. Lamvinmiro sonmDale aid hId.wlle Clthie ofI<lsigman ad dmihier Dianmaoa? mon. Loved by gradahdrn Allis, Tasyn and SIm. Sady mémaad by har alisers Jean, Jmeý Jul e Joainid Joyce; aiehr brolmerLm ~R meata Mgdu mCueKelow Fumel iHwwma 114 Main Street , tohm 2-4 p.m. Tuesday. Fuerai Service Tuesday, Janumay 2MUIt I8:00 p.m. hem du kme" home. Domdtiot h. Canaden Cancer Sade ylniJ@WeMa Mmay wodd b. aprecimld by dl i DAVIAU, Ma.uleeOS. f(Me) - (Davisu Asil Body. Mlmn>- Sudd**lyen Thmumdafl 22d I 190, meOIOesa of MiR»nblod hue- bandaof Suie Davimi. Leving km oer a Muea Jr. (Moe> and hie wlfe Monios of Milon. Caduie aid hor huabandle ike" llof St. Clemenie, Suan aid her huabend Doug Braun of Milon and Sarah and han fiance Craig Tompkina ef Germany. Sadly miaaed by grandablldren, Tabatha, Jaclyn, Eric. Jason. JaciS, AMexands, Samna, Joahua, Justin and Badey. Survived by 5 broduers aid 3 aiset. Furai Service aa hld on Manday, January 261h. Arrangements lhrough the J. Scoot Early FuseraI Homs, 21 Jamos St., .Milan. FARROW, George Cerey - Peacefully on Sawusily, Jusuffy 24, 1990g tdu HalaIDieu Hoapimi, St. Calhuîrnes. Gorge Faw Sr. of lbarald, fknvuly ofGeorgetowrn in e hlm psar. Bloved hueanrd et Patida FWllng aid dueIMm Hlelen Gren an d Shirley Serge. Predeeased by hile uan W.sre. Lovig heho aWyne aid hlm vile Trluhof? St.Cahsum, Gen and hie vil. Anks et Calgery, George Jfr. aid hie vile Liz, Wetn aid fier hud Mia Reed aid Dsvl ai of Geargeleuwn. Slam erofhMd"eaSmld e? Tarante, Dsvid James ElReSofLs Angles end James SmilU et Milaon. Proud gradWaterof 15 grandchlldren. Speclal thmnkm te Dr. M.Beoo id udu -ma said sui a? dum ote Dieu Haspital, St Cathaines. Fienda anre reoelved et J.S. Jesa nd Sem FuoseaiHome, 11582 Trafalgar Rd., N. et Maple Ave., Gergen, 077-363, on Mandy front 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 p.m. Fumoranad comn"liservce ana held I du cheped on TueemW, Jaiuey 27 at I1:w p.m.. Csmonfoeu nn-iledin lau Ofouer-aa on 1il o#le ducsology Doperhssen oftdu Nemi Dieu l: iiSt Cadirnes anuld ha 487 LAURIER AVE. 878-2881 Femdly owraed for over 30 years 35 Memonals 190 Ontario St.I Milton 878-6522 Monuments, Markers, Bronze Markers, Cemetery Lettering 1 InMemoriams HOPKINS, Ras - In mrniory of my braduer who passed away Janumsy 24,l.195 Memnones of your kindness, wrmtfi and fiendliare wsiidime evesyd.ay. The years go by but du feekngs neyer fade. 1 misa yeu deeply, Love MaILt No ana could malte me laigh k.e you could, No ana would mals you med as I would, Somneone dut ived 1litele du extremae, Acampl"M hkin h 1ga culti anly <ent. Layai aid cuarng, uniqueinaidfun, Crea*e and amuIona utaa kind. Mt fbrever Brodur, my very hoat fiand. Samsdhig you prarniised wotld nover and. I Love YO, KUINM Jaffsay - Jenmy 9. 1972 - Jarutry 0. lmB. Te aur preclosa, lovlng amnJolIsy, who an won veryp- ut : You alwaysaaid an wonrie teamuch, We warrleMohn you w- soui af aur aight, Wu worfied when you - mmng, W. woried when you werea sl-racing, We woned uhen you w- ckMivng, WVe woried when you were aking off cWi? ata Whiser, W. worned when you anre kayaMing, W. woried when you anre snowbordng, W. wonfied whan you were mounisin bildng, W wamied when you ane acuba dvlng, JeUf we wonfied becaue we knew tiare would ha no greaer pain #%an if an ever lest you aid JeUf you anr eh. W. cent wumil li n ea you againsm e ane wony. You wili ive btrver i your many pans you left batsnd, We wii loak afier durnifor you. Well loe you boraver, we'N love you for atessys, As long as ansr livig, aur baby youll ha. Love Mo. à Dai XO PICKET, Loonard W. «Leur - Septenihar 12, 1926 - Jamuas 26, 199. Loving mentons.of aur preciosa years wh YaU, You- armwys ln aur hoaris. W. iss you. Love aleRM aamor, Wayob Bum à Bavy &Fem"ie. REMEMBRANCES in the form of donations to fice Milton District Hospital Foundation are appreciated. 40 Card of Thanks OUR SINERE iHANKS la aur friends, Jef's frienclé, Heidis frids, co-wodisrs and rela- tives far Iher oulpouring ai expressions of sympathy in the way of conipasionate warcis, charitable donations, carda, food, plants, flowers and pctures. Everyane helped and are helplng us get lhraugh the darkest and most painu days of aur lives. We isa want la thank dim McIerse-Kocher Funerm Hoanie for gaeng beyond Iheir prallesalanal duties by lheir added camnpassian and sensitivity in such a diflcult dme. Love Io yeu ai, Helut à ,Haldi ï Jea. 49 Health & Fitness YOGA CLASSES Mancfay's 7:15 - 8:45 p.m. For informaion cli Elinore 878-1876. 55 Notices Ducks Unlmited Canada INFORMATION EVENING& VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES "Canada's most trusted and recognized con- servation organization" (Angus Reid Group) la recruiting volunteers for tundraising and future-potential field work in the Milton-North Halton area. Since 1976, Ducks Unlimited has securedlenhanced over 600,000 acres of wet- land habitat in Ontario. If you are interested in learning more about Ducks Unlimited Canada and the work they do, the Milton North-Halton Chapter of Ducks Unlimited would like to invite you to a Ducks Unimted Information Meeting et 7:30 pm, Monday, February 2, et the Hugh Foster Hell, next door to the Town Hall et 43 Brown Street. For more information, ceil Pet Rich et (905) 876-4173 or Jef Aibarts et 1 -888-402-4444. Come jcinTeem DU! 60 Auctions 78ldigfmiue Fiew o lcf albos FIREWO OOf &re ODOgsavaEb,10 grAn woo avalabee.905 87-878 Io PCamrde.ALEund tr1p. Mondhrry ThIs Weeonlylî Bieaodlogelit.aviae $100 Cadonipue 6« Frea Delivey <iaMO/iermot). 905 CAreNAwDAMiia. Diitl5s-87 ad p77. e 800-267-9466 WASIan IER suters,Frd1e,0S&lav e o$5 monhis era oli. eqalDit.ve.180-267 27e 100 ZEnHlereo .V.,$6.5Freek. Fishr Surraund Sierea Package: 520 watts. $12-501 wek. 1-800-267-948. COMPUTER SPECUUL:Panduni166 MMX:-16 X C.D., fax modem, 32 M.B. Ram, $15.00/week. 1- 80 For Sale CONTENT of Dental Offic., 370 Main St., E.. stie 202, Hamilhon. January 28 -31, noon tao p.m. Saturcfay 9 -aoon. WOODLOT OWNERS Proleosional manage- ment services avallable. Selection harvest marling. Adverl. aln nd conmmae admiisiraaon. No charge property Inspections. 25 years expenience. Management. mi destructio. 1- 800-387-8699. 145 General HeID Wanted FIRST CHOIE IAIRCUTIERS stylisswailed for busy Milton salon. Campetitive wages, beneflis. No ditle necessary. Cal 876-1976. KELSEY'S MLTON le currently mccepin mp- picatiors for kil/purttlimlnecooka, aers and hostAioteose. No experience neceasary, but prelierence wil be guvenlto e who enjoy warlking is fun/fas-peced almasphere. Drap off resumne le 45 Cliisholmn Dr., Mon/Frn. beiween 2- 4 p.m. For more information cadi 876-4731. NEW YEAR - New Caeer. Pick up due phone and cli Twelve positions frani mairoorni l nmnagernint. No experience necessary. Pmid trainig for enlsy lèea applicants. Ask for Joanne 849-1642. WAREHOUSE HELP. - Ful liâme shipperf recielvr. 3-5 years experence, miediusicmily Wi cined ~- . Sanie servce and maintenance reqihed. SM momienaturalewih expenience. Plese send resume in canledncela: Box 2274, c/a The Canaden Chamnpion, 191 Main Street E, Milan,. Ont LOT 4N9. requires Counter Help. Ail Shifts. Also Now Accepting applications for New Store opening soon n Mlton. Apply in person to: 575 Ontario St S. or 8501 Hwy. 25 N. POSITINS AVAILABLE LOADER OPERATOR Local screp matai processing company raquires en axperienced loader opeator. " Must hae va lid drivers licensa. " Good orgenizational skills " Must beabale 10 work wall with othars and/or on your own " a mnechanical background would be an assai " Some manuel labour will be requirad Please deliver your applications between 4:00 -6:00 pm, January 26 - January 30 to: 9620 Guelph Lina Cmmpbellville, Ontario safej.%/ ;S Yct Sohool Bus Drivers Needed ideal opportunity for Homemakers and Eariy Retirees. For more information on how to become a School Bus Driver oeil: LAIDLAW TRANSIT LTD. 877-2251 Ladlaw is an equal opportunity employer. Previous applicants need not apply. 150 Sales HeiD W! ARE LOOKING for key people fa expand aur Fnancial Services buakinas is ame Ex- pernmot neaeasy. W. vii Tran. Forah i- lasiew plueeacal1-416-391-869. PREBOOPERATOR, bsiseds' e pesn0 or ep capeM ofutASBD0*it9810. Eisoeui toppoIaà hi a groum pldlsgGene. FAX rmume ao905 r mi~ %MuoW 1 8%#BW 1

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