14 - The Canadien Champion, Tueaday_ January 27,1998 ~ -D nI1t w tht WÇ Ouw*ri iU 1 .. morming meetings 011& Filter Change *«Each and everyday Winter Car Cleaning Include: " Hand Car Wash " Hand Chamois Dry " Vacuum Interior " Clean Windows Inside & Out " Shine Dash Winter Inspeetion Isclude: Cf lcaeLoineLiatert"'i *Inspect'ightsHorn & Wires *Cek Coolat, Battery *Washer Fluid Levels *Check Heater peation I nfpect Tire & Xee Condition A just Tire Pressure *Rotate Tires *Road Test OFF Vour tmlng boit relacement wih this ad MISSISSAUGA 2380 Motorway Blvd. Dunwin ERIN MILLS AUTO CENTRE mmi S (905!) 828-1650 Dna t BUILT WITHOUT COMPROMISE. E wr a from CHANGE on page 1 haven't had enough councîllors for a quorum with pcople leav- ing early. "Morning meetings Wil allow for expanded meetings. L-et's give it a shot." A separate recommendation called for Halton's three stand- ing committees - administra- tion and finance, health and social services and planning and public works - to meet in the mornings as well, on a day to be determined by each group. The motions were approved by 12-8 and 11 -10 margins respectively, with Halton Chair Joyce Savoline acting as tie- breaker for the second vote. Ms Savoline said "Councillor Flynn raises an excellent point, our meetings will be getting longer" moments before the votes. Contrary to many council- lors' opinions, regional staff believe the switch to morning meetings will make regional govemment more accessible to Halton residents. Burlington Councillor Jack Dennison said morning meet- ings would inconvenience Burlington and north Halton lHoit DZUDAK, CA, MBA IFinancial Advisor Kevîn Flynn counicillors and citizens, who face the ever-present possibili- ty of delays from accidents and rusb-hour traffic. Added Burlington Coàncillor Mike Wallace, "The point of making it (regional govern- ment) more accessible to the public ira noble, but switching to morning meetings isn't accomplishing that. "Only evening meetings will do this. We ail ran on the understanding of the present timetable." Those opposing the switch spoke about the need for spe- cial meetings before counicil, and bow 8:30 a.m. starts would become a major hassle for councillors and the media. your investments oeil 693-1100 eb NUI AV"W r' r769WIIJTER WuRKVImur9 r 119 W0RMCOM0PWILL SE I4LLD ON -UTURDAVY ) PIMn to 4M Feb. 1lst: Cross stitch Feb. th: Continental knitting (1:30 - 3:3Opm) 9~I Fob. 15th & Feb. 22nd: Introduction 10 Fair Ilie knitting Feb. 22nd: Crochet ru1Mar. 1lst: Finishing and blockng ePre-registration lu requlred -b Seating s limitede 15 Martin St., Carage Square 8760212~ Nancy MacNeill 2 Whelher You're A Novice or a Pro - The Truths About Invesling Remuin The Same:- the~ I. '- tl l Psy yourself irst- Before you pay hbis and make purchases, set some money aside for yourself. it will boost your spirits for you to know thas yo're not work- ing just to pay others. Maimize your RSP- 1 know this one s tough to do some years, but we should make the most of this gift from-our Goveroment. Cet professions1 adviee- Advsingpeole lis how I make esy living - it only makes sense that l'es g oing to do my very hest on your behalf. My colleagues and 1 are going to be at Milton MaIl on Fniday, january 30th. Saturday january 3lst. Pleae drp byandsay hello. and remember, the only silly question ia 1%i Donadson Bourgon Direc tUne 876-1798 JJFiManial smiS Office Une 8753237 As MM tW~ CU" . a .j INVESTMENTS / RRSP [mil ADJUSTABLE ELECTRIC REUS 1 1 1