4 -The Canàdie Champion,f e y ayJiary 13,1998 EII LEBETTSE RVICES Buit in Canada to endure our harsh Canadian winters. VU A U5 ~ 540 OCA 95 BlEq9em60 mnth NWITfH il Pro Rated IBAYS TO PROVIDE EVEN LV T ~ I~ Warraty 1'ASER SERVIC ~hmost cars a national Agmjýýj>warranty Fê ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR ê I Wednesday, January 14,1998 irnMi 7:00 pm Derek Presse Hdugh Foster Hall Law Off ice (Next door to Towns Hall, Victoria Park Square) Bill Mercer Mercer, Hidebrand & Zehr Cedified General Accountants Your opportunity to have those important questions answered regarding a WIS e Executors, estate trustees e Probate fees e Income taxes, capital gains CAL87-14 O R-ER E ORSA SPACE IS LI I New board will help begin healing-process: bGardiner By TIM WHITNELL Special ta The Champion The more things change, the more they stay the same. Despite a bit of procedural stumbling and a little more room around the board table, the *first'official meeting of Halton's new public achool board wasn't much different from what came before it. Thse Halton District School Board inaugurateri its 10 members elected in last November's municipal elections during a ceoemony held Wednesday night at the J. W. Singleton Education Centre in Burington. Seven of the 10 are rookies. Budtington's Sheila Flook and Halton Hulis' Ethel (Jardiner are on their, second terms while Oakville's Debbie Marklew is starting her third go-round. The fist order of business for tise new board was to elect a chair. Ms Gardiner beet out Ms Flook in a secret ballot. A vice-chair wes then elected, but i an unusual manner. Burlington trustees David Abbott and Michael Ellis ended up tied in votes. Mr. Abbott won thse position foliowing a blind draw tie-breeker. The board then set remuneration amounts for the two rotes. The chair will receive an annual honorari- um of $10,000 while the vice-chair gets $7,500. Regular trustees get $5,000 under new government guidelines. Ms GJardiner made an opening speech using the themes of change and heaing. "On 1998, this board will face incredible challenge and change. At this point the (provincial govem- nlent's) funding model has not been released." Ms Gardiner said trustees may not like thse new regulations that will corne with their budget, and probably won't like the dollars eventuelly alloceted to thse board by thse province. But she stressed they wilI have to flnd a way to meet their primary goal of providing quality student programs. "Wih fewer trustees and larger geographic areas of srepresentation, effective communication in a time of unprecedented change will be important," noted Ms Gardiner. "Visit your schools and sce what great things arebhappening." Thse new board chair said a healmng process must also take place inHalton. BY.LAW NM. 8-98 TAKE NOTICE that tho Council of the Corporation of thse Town of Mifton, on January 6th, 1998, enacted By-law No. 8-98, belng a By-law to establisis a fee structure for Live Birth Registrations, Burial Permits and Marriage Licences. Effective Jenuary th, 1998, the Clerk's Depertment will be implementing the tees noted below fer the following services: Live Birth Registrations (payable t ime SteletSmtIofLise uirt e led) Division Registrar Letters of Birth Registration Confirmation (pays t ttise o isuam ofe a e Marriage Licences (pple at timeof ssuamceofIlicece) Buriai Permit (payabefstîtinpermRi lauseIo0Fwusess0dM) Out-of-Town Deattis Regstration <paya t tl.mepumti ssuMsfo Fl a Fnrl Wolr $20.00 (cash, ceMted Choque or moneyorter) $25.00 (Cash. Ceetteti Choque or mmrey arder) $100.00 (Cash only) $20.00 $2000 Furher to the Vital Statistios Fe. Structure as noted above, the tees for the fol- lowin servce remain unchanged at this Urne: "*Commissioned Document! $10.00, plus GSI "*Certifled Docurmt " Dog Tags $20.00 " Photocopies $0.30 per page " Agmnda Subscriptions $8000 per quarter SAny requests under the MniclFredom of Information and Protection of PMbcyActam h e as pr reglaton.NaLIAgml 1Hsc M U~n lt isTSei CMO l Saum Sheila Flook (let) end Ethel Gardiner sign their nomirna- tion papers at lest weel's tiret official meeting ot the new Halton public school board. Ms Gardiner won the elec- tien for chair. MDLAND WALWYN BLUE CHIP THINKING" lhor DzubakCA, MBA 6 3 1 0 0Q Are Index-Linked Guaranteed 1nvesiment ' S Certif icates (GIC's) for me? A ndex-linked GICs offer a way to benefit from rising stock markets witout putting your capital et risk. But these deals are more complicated than they N O appear.Th prudent investor should consider the tollowing points. 1. You don't get full stock market growth. Few investors are aware that each stock market index je calculated two ways - with and wvithout dividenda on the undenying shares. Index- linked GIO's are ted to the index without corporate dividends. The TSE 300 for the three years 1994-96, rose 37.2%. With dividenda, the TSE 300 gàined 46.r/6, one-fltth more with dividenda). 2. Averagiflg may help or hurt your return. Most of these deposits use an average index level at the end ot eech of the final 12 months. That mey mean you do not get the full benetit of a stock market run-up. 3. Vour money la tied up. our money is ted up and you cennot change your choice of index. 4. if you invest outslde an RRSP or RAIF, make sure you understsnd the tex consequefices. The returns on an index-linked GIC are taxed juet like reguler GIC inter- est. Vou do not getthe benefit of lower rates on capital gains and divi- dende. If you'r ae senior who le reelly countirig on using thet money in justea few yeers, index- ilnked GICe May be appropriete for a portion of your holdings. Aset allocation s the single most Important decision thet needS to be reviewed. Many Invstors f=cu on indivIdue securlty selection Nd market timing. SucceSeful esseit allocatio accoufts for ove W% of overeil portfolio metumn. Dvu b fWei ai & USIS DagueinsB&ohmUAàmdssikelatoe adi nacnceid a a ClvwaeAccwote M mual Uomme bua MMdla a S',aç 1ic*h rlieratPlarig adt hi u~