10O-The CanadNIamion, TuOsdaY,JanUary 13, 1998 Vaccine not readi*ly available Ir IrMvtaflon b aur (HoflndAmerircalim* À T 1 àD 1tIOI 01 C 1CL L 1 9CI ALASKA CRUISE NIGHT Date: Tues. January 27th, 1998 lime: 7:.00 p.m. Locatio: Quality Inn, Mklon R.S.V.P. Barb Fullum (905) 878-2432 Io Is~I Siu______ 0 fromn NO MENINGTS on page 1 Waterloo Region were first reported. '"t went down a bit over Christmas but we've probably seen an increase of 30-40 calîs per day in the last few days," Ms Carson said. "We've had many calîs from people con- cemred about travel plans to Kitchener- Waterloo over the hoidays and calîs from doctors wanting to find out more about symptoms and precautions s0 they can be informed." The bacteria is spread through saliva and nasal secretions and any contact that may put a person at risk of being exposed should be avoided. Ms Carson advised that sharing ciga- rettes, food, lip balms and water bottles are potentially risky and children should flot touch their lips to a drinking fountain. "Basically, avoid any activity where there is a potential exposure to saliva," said Ms Carson. Although anyone can become infected with the disease and flot al become ilI, chi Idrcrn, teens aînd yotung adulits are te most likely victims with approximately one in 10 cases resulting in death, Ms Carson said. 'It may be because adults have had more exposure so. they have better i mmunity, but it's really flot known wby young people are more likely to get it." The disease causes inflammation and swelling of the membrane covering the brain and spinal cord, and symptoms can include a general feeling of unwellness, aches and pains, fever, headaches, vomit- ing and a stiff neck. Some victims may become excited or confused snd a body rash may develop. Unfortunately. t can be hard to distin- RAUD SERVICE Rdiafor & Fuel Tank Repairs Aluminum Welding AMAzIN\ BEGIN$ \w t. I 'e TO. 71M s e. e AtR SALES FINAL Att SALES FINAL MILTON MALI 878-1414 What DoIar4Cost Avoraging Can Do For Ton How about an extra $43'150 when you retire! The chait below illustrates the effects of the compound growth rate when $500 per month is invested on a regular basis versus a lump sum contribixtion at the end of the year. Monthly compared to Annual Contributions *compounded ainiily ai 10% Value of RRSP after 25 years*' Amnan compound rate of return 8% 10% 12% Contribution method $500 Imo. $454,500 $616,650 $843,150 $6,000 lump sum 438,650 590,100 800,000 PAC advantage 15,850 26,650 43,150 intended to reflect future values or retunis on invesosse nu a mut"al fund. This is flot About the Future A monthly Pre-Authorized Chequing plan (PAC) allows you to dollar- cost average your mutual fund purchases and enhance the growth in your RRSP. Dollar-cost averaging means you are buying fewer mutual fund units when the unit values are high, but more units when the unit values are low. By dollar-cost averaging, you reduce the risk of investing at a time when the fund value is at a temporarily high price. Depending on market activity, averaging the unit value of your fund purchases may prove to be advantageous compared to making a single lump-sum investment. It also allows you the most efficient use of your money. It's About Improving Your Future For an appoîntment caîl (905) 875-3237 Az b I W.R. (Bob) Reid »M Donaldson Bourgon Financial Services Associated with the Investment Centre JFJ pU7l3Co (9O5'~ 875-3237 guish from common flu and there is no pattemr to its progress. "T'he symptoms can happen very quick- ly, so it's very hard to put an order to thlerul,' Ms C arsoîn explained. Children are vaccinated against a Type B strain that was the leading cause of bacteri- al meningitis before the 1990s as part of their regular immunization program, she said. Other strains are less common and vacci- nations are not routinely administered. Anyone who develops a fever with accompanying symptoms should see a doctor as soon as possible. Several qualified nurses in the Halton Region Health Department have been des- ignated to field inquiries. Those wishing information should cal 825-6060. jSHARON PRESSÉ R.N., LLB Barrister & Solicitor Suite 301 205 Main Street East Milton 876-4656 a FAMILY LAW& DIVORCE a à Là 1 1 j LL- (905) 875-3237