4-the CanadianChàrmpion, ýrday, Jan1uary 9, 1998 iil n s 100 DuY FAT LOSS PROGRAM Is you New Yors Resclutian ta Ls. V% ht anti Kos If Off for the LesROsf Your tfs? Aroyou ed up wih the wy youlok oidîod7 *rruofhiod ésistha dont worlt? T ~ ut0aofshqso ta ga ta on scordse chass? suer AMDc *Cnfusd éuhow to w4h FP..CE..A-k %.d whor MYu ta Pu t Pdag 4wa h iotyloprovosa th A fsfrqnth- m ywhnt o m bodYM yW .uSYSIMandcw My 0 nuéoki. YOU Wiarn how Io booenmore aieoeo=1& o rIî. é d wy. lotWmuch botter and nuotyoeswaghî lss pb- orlo fwhd d ukeo, pusnd rêta mo ("ltdiiddoa #«)roadm> aotdhero*mM Itoj cnma " o.fr 14 woks. k de nomot dpu p.Msnood tad" e , oîfyuwfo Propoa sl" ooioeu" 3l1st sfr. (à mu,, for moes i rnsaim: pft 74 .6m ', 7W .i 191 <yqpÊonmy) 416-948-6471 MUlt.. L«utlm Hospital gets funding to manage Milton District Hospital will reeic o ovr lit cs o«reforming, ils operations. Georgetown and District Memlorial Hospital will also receive $155,300 from the Ontario govemment. The funding is part of $154.2 million for 190 Ontario hospitals, marking the firaI instalîment of a $2 billion commitment over five years 10 support hospital restructur- ing. The money is expecîed 10 sup- port the one-time operaîing cosîs related 10 restructuring. restructuring Weare commitsted 10 hcalhh ser- lie idded isi ri jsi IrspL )jie,îr set vies rel orni n Ontario,- said vices are available close 10 home Minister of Hcalth Elizabeth for residents of both communities. Witmer. "We want 10 ensure that "The announcement is evidence our health system, considered to be of the slrong commitment the gov- one of the best in the world, main- emment has to working in partner- tains the capacity to support our ship with Ontario hospitals 10 ever-changing health needs to keep improve our health care system,' pace with rapidly advancing tech- he said. nologies." The local funding follows other Northi Halton MPP Ted announcements including the cre- Chudleigh said the announcement ation of a Rural Health Policy and "supports the bard work and dedi- the reinvestment of $350 million cation of health care workers and mbt hospital based programs such adminisîrators at both the as cardiac and cancers services, Georgetown and Milton hospitals." according to Mr. Chudleigh. Grant kick-starts new self-help CMHA mental health program A $48,000 grant will allow Halton residents 10 make informed choices regarding their mental healîh. According t0 Marion Wright, executive director nf the Canadian Mental Health Association, the purpose of the project is 10 develop a strucîured individual advocacy program that will include peer support,. The programn will also increase links to community support services and include an on-line data base, Ms Wright said. The grant was issued under the Trillium Foundaion's Community Connections Program. "The goal of the program is 10 empower and enable individuals 10 make informed choîces regarding their mental health and 10 regain a sense of control over Iheir lives." Ms Wright said. Association ai 845-5044. ~~uI I NIEW RESOLUTIONS! MIEW 9CLUB!3V Features: 0 30,000 square feet e Co-ed Facility e Cardio Studio/Theatre e Aerobics/Spinning Studio e TECA e Hammer Strength 0 Private Women's Facility am-,e Heakth & Fitness Consultations/ Customized Programming Child Care Facility *European Steam Rooms *Proshop/Cafe/Indoor Patio _ _ _ _ _ __IT E ) a[i A N 0 H E IT E S C U 6!991Millcee Dr The program is slated Io begin in mid-January. While it will benefit individuals it will also help fami- y members, referral sources, hospitals, doctors and counselling services. The grant money will be used Io hire three con- sumers on a par-time basis to develop, implement and train volunteer peer advocates. By using the train-the-trainers approach for the peer support section, there will be no additional monetary resources required to maintain the program, according to Ms Wright. For more information about the advocacy program, caîl the Halton branch of the Canadian Mental Healîh Or your sister or brother or co-worker? Why do so manyo<f our clients recommend us It starts with advice. A Midland \Vahyn understand yossr personal needs and goals, be it an educatiori for votîr chldren, a vacation or a hjome. And, of course, a coînfortabie retirement. Why do so rnany of our clients realize Ihor- Dzuhak, CA, MIBA their dreams? They've stayed with our Finaude!l Advisor steadvy< prudent Ionger-term approachi. And because they're stsdthey trust us. Call us and we'11 arrange yotir private, coinplimnentary consul- tation. Your mother would definitely approve. Toli Free 1-800-263-0914 _e_ AATlTAy1b lYA ~ATf~T Member -Canarban MLVUiN D WA~JVV~.jVLW N Inestor Protection Fond 'BLUE 0HIP TbSNIaNG BLUE CHIP THN IG-wwc)l- Mgwlch Union Seut ~I-TOWNà UAL AaP elway CaaadlenTire IDOA. Ohuuter LOtO (P) Lollavm Smn Lm-