jCondren, Wa. for driver oftltle) Tise Canadien Champion, Frlay, Decen*e 26,1907-20 By STEVE LeBLANC Special ta The Champion Steve Condren and Randy Waples have one more race remaining before they offo- cially close the books on their 1997 har- ness racing seasons. The two Milton-based natives have been pitted against each other once again, as O'Brien Award nominees for Canadian Trotting Association Driver of the Year. Neither driver haa ever captured the cov- etcd award. Condren was a 1995 finalist but lost to eight-time winner Doug Brown. Waples, whose father Ron bas won the award several times, has neyer been nomni- nated before. "It's great juat to be nominated," said 40-year-old Condren, following last Friday's nominations announcement. "It's bard to say if I stand a better chance of winning this time around. It's my second nomination, but then Randy had a big breakthrough year." Away on vacation at press time, 32- year-old Waples doubled bis numisers fromn last year with 292 wins and $3.5 mil- rookies like Jeu potentisi role witb the team aPil.hi.-4ritv possible ligbt. I told bimt (Ieff) that hie might only play 10 of tise first 40 games. "Jeff ssid bie wauld tske whstever hie could get and play any role ta become a Merchant. He sbawed me a lot of desire rigbt sway and as it turned out ise's plsyed in almosi every gamte and done ver>' weIl." Milton's bencb boss recalled a similar conversation witis Ron Baker, wiso amassed 100 points last season but was far fromt spectacular in the playoffa. Willîamson said, "We bad initiailly tbougbt tisat Ron miigbt not figure inta our plans this year, but then ise came ta me and talked about isow be isad learned a lot this past spring and was willing to work even hardier ta stick srotand." Again in Baker's case, a strong commit- mient fromt the omset bas been followed up with s remarkable season perfonmance. Unlike many Tier 2 Jr. A skippers, Williamsan isn't one ta favour bis mast productive players witb mare ice time. He's run witb four lines tbrougb almost every gamte this season and even sat stars like Jeif Haydar in arder ta get supporting cast members Jamie Fitzgibbon and Mike Wheeliban inta more gamnes. "You can't be a really successful hockey team with just tbree or six guys. Yosa need ail 20 players contributing," bie stressed. isbat was Newmarket's prablem in st season's league finals. Wes Jarvis neyer relied on bis tisird and fowith lines.' Offering credit ta bis isead coach was team president Goegg Carngan, wbo, along witb Merchant owner Brad Grant, feels Williamson bas ail the makings of a suc- Junior or NCAA coach. as an assistant coacb witb Caledon), became the head ot-so-good team (Cobourg) 'tbuead coach of anather good rT gan. 1I think that graduai- waa needed. Marty knows % ~ sget the most of bis teams. -apable of moving up." u~Milton's recent success as ~~as been aggressive recruit- ere Caria and Grant ise two bave been successful at adding Camrgar offensive power, goaltending, defence and dence and tougbness over tise past two years. work colle iseir list of recruits in tisat time span - Dave Deni whicis includes Matt Van Arkel, Travia er Nick SIs Riggin, Ron Baker, Ieff Hutchins, Shane "It's mu Sullivan, Kevin O'Flaberty, Trevor polT Downey, Steve Frencb, Troy Walczak. i e Lloyd Lafrance, Mike Hursa Hopiavuori - is about as impres any in junior hockey. ise mass acquisition of practicaý include St. Mike's talent is probably th bcArmbro tration of tiseir commitmnent ta bri.0ît and winning teamn ta Milton escis year. Al thuee Grant aaid bie initially took os Horse owner of tise Mercisants 12 years e~ tise intention of playing an activedatis hockey operations. ,suary' 24. Since tisat time, ise said, ie' great recruiting teacisers in Rick Carrigan. Explained Grant, "Marty, meet regulsrly tbrougbout identify aur sisort-term aî» needs using deptbcsarts d W __ "From tisere, it's my job flnd tise players we need. V4 ing a number of players that. ed in for next year. lic f1lt "Tie key is ta look ait tise Rebuilda Tuck Pointing well, wbicis helpa you selI y%,~ a Smnall Roof Repaira ented players." .Vents e Basement Leaka An active -owner, Carri5s-.... * Chimney Sweep essential ta a team's success. He enjoyed a similar situation tbrough the early 90s with the Caledon Canadiens, wbo made back- to-back trips ta tise Centennial Cup. Williamson added that Grant is ".extremely well connected' and bas neyer interfered in any game decision he's made over tise past year-and-a-balf. 1I bad iseard Brad could he ver>' contraI- ling of bis bead coaches, but be's support- ed me ail tise way and been a real pleasure ta work with. He's neyer once interfered with an>' on-ice decision I've made," said Williamson. His latest decision bas brougbt Carrigan back bebind tise bencis as an assistant coachs, which bas been a welcome move ta man>' Merchant players, who've expressed great respect for bim over tise past swo years. "It's great baving bim (Carrigan) baick on tise bencis. He instilla a lot of confi- dence in me," said saphomore defenceman Sbawn Smith. h as expressedl similar confi- respect for bis Merchant net- agues, including college advisor no and assistant general manag- twson. cb barder ta find good off-ice M.A.R.C.H. * Wafer Fumnace SysfentO Oas Propane and " Hat Pompa - Air. Graund Etactric Pumnacas & Water sources High Efiiency Air Fifaers " Castrat & Room Air & Humidifiera 785 Main Street East .7 1 .8(Service)_ 875-2700 (Sales)i Pfto by GRAHAM PAfINE murchants owm Brad Grant la reaplng tise rewarde of SIPTIC TANK PUMPINO Robert noble i.id. 180 fi. of hose for crossing lawns, 3radio dispatched trucks fo serve you. D.'f WO5f #Wr fma là - pu" oo hele Ifet e i . (Should pump Sttast eooty 3 years) Nover use colouroti or double pty toilet paper. (519) 853-0500 Acen Answorng Service 878-4869 OVER 20 VEARS EXPERfENCEI mwork could land )ther league titie Xiii DAY lAITi *MUEM 2N 9 10 28AT U Sisisag Brapto ..i MSI If &V"L4MIL e 0 au "#«rM SaMno Mu M e Urnd n Jan.ry 2, 198 A N FUT7, i M i I N . NOR 1 HL UN IM 1 S LI/ ( 1 - KORL 1 ( 0NU) - Siý'. ( 0LI 1 (A 10Ný'-, 1 - 110NLS JAX ( ()UN 1 KY 0 EXCHANGES or RETURNS TODAY!! MILTON MALL, MILTON 878-1414