1tÏj&îý ý Pile on the joy.. Load up with cheer.. For Christmas time, WiII soon be here! Season's Greetings from JCYLEENPS Kathleen & Jo-Anne 224 Main Street East, Milton (905) 878-0506 Wishingyou and yourfamily a safe and happy holiday season. AUSTEN & NOBLE INSUR.4NCE 205 Main St. E. 878-7217 from:- Martin & Staff - from IF 1 HAD on page i1 him in my bed and 1 gave home some miîk and cookies. He gave me a present and he put Christmas presents under the Christmas tree. As he went I made a wish. 1 wished he would come back next year. Joshua Wagemnaker Grade 3, HoIy Rosary Three wishes If 1 had one Christmas wish t would wish for two more wishes. Then I would wish for a puppy and if I had another wish I would wish to see Santa and his reindeer. If I bad one more wiah I would wish for a very niee Christmas and a happy one, too. Elyssa Grade 3, HoIy Rosary Pet hamster On Christmas Eve I was making a Christmas list for Santa Claus, and if I had one Christmas wish I would wish for a ) ~ Marlaina Holmes - Perey Merry (0 10, d S0 ChN h I jumpcd in bcd and went to slecp. When 1 woke up I noticed that my wish came true. Tyler SmaiI HoIy Rosary Warm clothes If 1 had one Christmas wish I would wish that ail the poor had niee warm clothes and houses fiied with food. Ryon Windmoller Grade 3, HoIy Rosary See a bel If I had one Christmaa wish I would wish to see one of Santa's hells. The last hamster. Later on I went to see Santa and Christmas 1 got to see onc ai Santa s amils. he showed me bis workshop. Santa gave I asked for one of the beils and Santa said me a tour and I saw Mrs. Claus, Santa's "Yes." elves and Rudolph, Dasher, Donder, Nicholas Wadlow-Tielemas Comet, Prancer, Dancer, Vixen, Cupid and Grade 3, Holy Rosary Blitzen. It was geting late and soon we had *ses IF 1 HAD on page 13 From ail the Staff and Manageren1i 155- I MERRY CHRISTMAS Enjoy a vintage holiday season! YOUJNO DRIVERS 0F CANADA 205 MAIN ST. E. 875-0408 happiness, health and prosperity that are right on track. Thanks for helping us go the distance by making us your destination throughout the year. John & Sandra Hemlock Junction ËIMZN 15 IIS.Milton 875-4735 L à