If I had one Christmas wiab I would If I had one Chriatmaa wiah I would wish for non-polluted water becauae the wiah for a baaketball net. Then I could poor people get sick from polluted water. practice taking shota. Also people die faster from polluted water. Robert Collier Megan Johnaton Grade 2, HoIy Rosary Grade 3, Holy Rosary - .- - Truck'n' If I had one Christmas wish I would wish for a transport truck because transport trucks are cool. If I had one I would drive to achool and park in the parking lot. 0f course my dad would have to drive. Anthony Todd Grade 2, HoIy Roaary F-ood for mhe poor If I had one Christmas wiah I would wiah that the poor people had more food and water. I told my mom what I wished for. She sad, "TMat is kind of you to say that." I wiahed hard and the wish came true. I was happy. The end. Merisa Masclentonlo Grade 3, HoIy Roeary To gil out friande and cuetomoit, boit wlîboi for thalloilday Çuuin. 14a a qrAf and I.(appg NeJw Vomi. *rYour Local Full-Service Communications" Tele hop 155 Main St. E. Milton 876-3917 mlitonhop@nt.iItffl.et First aid for Santa was on flue. 1 said, "Wait Santa," but he didn't hear me. 1 ran to my house and 1 head a sound. It said, -11, One day 1 found a red badge and then I saw Santa. ho, ho, ho." I put the fire out. Santa was hurt ao I put Hie waa headin£ towards our house but the fireplace e s- IF 1 HAD on page 12 Susan, XKanna &vj A4nita andbthe to XW est WàhsesJior a 0-0 May your t(rearns corne tri CHRISTMAS HOURS: 0Mon. - Fr1. 9 arn - 9 pm Saturday 9 arn - 5 pm Christmnas Eve 10 arn - 4 prn Closed Dec. 25,26 & 27 Mati~farniý uisl 'ppY 9{otdUz Season. tin 1998 The Dance Shoppe 295 Main Street 878-,Otai LT1488 M8to 8-1t488LT P :Fo de #1W e»4..eSkoppe j4ewe~-1 454 É.b$~p~ o Have a Safe and Happy Holiday from ail of us at Thse Dance Shoppe. Happy New Year and Keep on Dancing! Artistic Director Studio Closed Dec. 2lst to Jan. 4th 04